So what are your favourite actors or actresses in either TV or FILM.

Also give an example of a film etc they were really good in.

I will start off with:

Kiefer Sutherland - Nothing to do with 24. Been my fave since a child due to The Lost Boys

Johnny Depp - To many reason but to pick one... Whats eating Gilbert Grape

Leonardo DiCaprio - Dare I admit. Yes he was in the utterly shit Titanic but I like him because of Whats eating Gilbert grape as above but I could also choose Shutter Island

Without dragging the post out too long I would add. Benicio Del Torro, Pete Poselthwaite, Aaron Eckhart & Christian Bale


Christina Ricci, Juliette Lewis... love her, She was great in From Dusk Till Dawn... Also Winona Ryder was great but went nuts.

Waffle over. Your turn.