don't need a mercedes
An elephant was drowning in quicksand. He saw a mouse, and he asked the mouse to save him. The mouse stated that he could not pull him out due to the size ratio, but he would go get his Mercedes, and see what he could do. So, the mouse got the Mercedes, threw a rope out to the elephant, and saved the elephant's life. The elephant was so grateful, he asked what he could do. The mouse said he would think of something.
Next week, the mouse was drowning in the quicksand. The mouse called out to the elephant, and reminded the elephant that he had saved his life the earlier week. The elephant lumbered up to the edge of the quicksand, extended his "male member" out as far as it would go, the mouse grabbed on, and the mouse's life was saved.
Moral of the story.....
If you have a big dick, you don't need a Mercedes....