A fan edit is a version of a film modified by a viewer, removing the pieces to which the viewer objects and possibly including additional material, such as deleted scenes or alternative subtitles, as well. The trend started with Mike J. Nichols remaking Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, into a movie known as The Phantom Edit. An individual known by the pseudonym "MagnoliaFan" also produced fan edits of Star Wars films called Star Wars: Balance of the Force and its sequel Star Wars: The Clone War. Today, there are dozens of edits of the Star Wars movies, many of which aim to preserve the pre-Special Edition original trilogy or correct perceived story flaws.

Fan Edits are absolutley f-ing brilliant. Personals faves are Pulp Fiction in cronological order, Pearl Harbour with all the love story crap cut out, Kill Bill as one movie, Star Wars Ep1 with all the Jar Jar binks crap taken out and a TON of the plot and story changed - it actually makes it a great movie. If you have never seen a Fan Edit then you are in for a treat, the difficulty is getting hold of them. Sometimes they are on Torrent, Rapidshare or Newsgroup. Some you just can't find and have to do some trading.

The mission here is to show you as many fan edits as I can possibly find and to for us all to post our own reviews and discovered downloads.

I hope you enjoy this section - its a big hobby of mine.