I'm not completely discounting it, what I'm trying to show is that there is "another" way that doesn't involve traditional cardio (perhaps even non-traditional) and perhaps some people on the forum would benefit from doing it without the cardio, and perhaps more importantly enjoy it and thus stick with it.

OK, fair enough you're pressing me on the number of cals burned per lb of muscle. Well, (and you already know this, hence why you're asking ) some studies show 35 calories perday per lb and some show something more like 2 calories per day per lb.

I'm gonna go somewhere towards the lower end and plump for 5 calories per day per lb.

Now say you put on 10lb of lean mass, which is good going and you're burning a not so whopping 50 calories a day extra. Not too great I hear you

Well, let's take a look at situps. It's estimated that an average person burns 4.8 calories per minute doing situps. Now let's say they do 10 minutes worth (believe you most people I see on the mats don't do anywhere near this) and you've burned 48 calories.

So, add on 10lb of beef and you're doing 10 minutes worth of situps every day without erm actually doing them.