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    Info The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    Some pretty amusing review comments

    100: The Hottie & The Nottie
    "The most eagerly hated movie in America is a tongue-in-cheek homage to Paris Hilton that has drawn nothing but poisonous reviews. On IMDb it has been voted the worst film ever made" - James Christopher

    99: Sex and the City
    "Everything great about the series has been lost in transition. The fizz has gone, the fun looks fake and the laughs are few" - Cosmo Landesman
    98: The Incredible Hulk
    "Millions of dollars of computer software at their disposal and the best they can come up with is something that looks like angry Plasticine" - Wendy Ide

    97: Wanted
    "A movie ruthlessly designed for an audience of comic nerds who suspect that they are destined for greater things" - Kevin Maher
    96: My Blueberry Nights
    "Wong Kar Wai’s first English-language film, and I, for one, hope it will be his last. Something got lost in the translation: his talent" - Cosmo Landesman
    95: Easy Virtue
    "A criminal waste of Colin Firth – arguably the most charming man in British cinema – in a role that requires him to shuffle around looking like an unmade bed" - Wendy Ide

    94: Zack and Miri Make a Porno
    "Seth Rogen is an amiable and chubby clown, and quite possibly the most unconvincing romantic hero since Adam Sandler. The most soppy and unsexy 18-certificate skin-flick ever made" - James Christopher

    93: Hannah Montana
    "Miley Cyrus hails from the Hilary Duff school of wholesome, squeaky-clean candy pop. She comes across as another (fake) blonde singing vacuous fluff, complete with pushy stage mom" - Saadeya Shamsuddin
    92: The Oxford Murders
    "Imagine The Da Vinci Code remade by a philosophy student, set mostly in Oxford bedsits starring Elijah Wood in the Tom Hanks role, and featuring the world’s most unerotic sex scene" - Kevin Maher
    91: Mister Lonely
    "Harmony Korine's bizarre film about a group of celebrity impersonators who hole up in a Scottish castle: gives The Cottage a respectable run for its money in terms of making no sense at all" - James Christopher
    90: The X-Files: I Want to Believe
    "It’s just not very good; it’s an average episode of the TV series stretched to feature length" - Wendy Ide
    89: Fine, Totally Fine
    "If you’re someone who can never have enough Hello Kitty merchandise, this might be just the film for you, but I would have found it hard to bear even without the winsome music that dribbles through every scene" - Edward Porter
    88: The Good Night
    "While I hate to start chucking around charges of nepotism, I find it hard to believe Gwyneth Paltrow would have signed up were it not written and directed by her little brother" - Wendy Ide
    87: Leatherheads
    "Oh dear. You have to love George Clooney or American football a lot to want to see this one" - Cosmo Landesman
    86: The Bank Job
    "The realism here doesn't bear much scrutiny, unless the London of 1971 was populated exclusively by decent criminals, bent coppers, topless barmaids and sinister Whitehall toffs in S&M knocking shops" - Kevin Maher

    85: Penelope
    "Christina Ricci dons a prosthetic pig's nose as a woman bearing the brunt of her family's curse. The curse can be broken only when Ricci sacks the agent advising her to take films like this" - Wendy Ide
    84: Speed Racer
    "I can’t begin to describe how creepy this futuristic movie is. The famous actors look more plastic than the sets and the plot is a video game" - James Christopher
    83: Cassandra's Dream
    "Ultimately, the accents are excruciating, the class observations simplistic (everyone is either posh or poor) and the sense of place muddled at best" - Kevin Maher
    82: The Romance of Astrea and Celadon
    "Talky, tediously overlong and crammed with kitsch, postcard-pretty country scenery; culminates in a cross-dressing pseudo-lesbian clinch" - Wendy Ide

    81: City of Ember
    "Looks like an early Heath Robinson experiment. The sets are held together by bits of string, and the costumes are supplied by Oxfam" - James Christopher

    80: 10,000 BC
    "Don't expect Roland Emmerich's film to make much sense, historically, geographically or logically. This is an effects-driven action flick that happens to be wearing a leather loincloth and brandishing a spear" - Wendy Ide
    79: Flawless
    "Demi Moore still boasts the best voice in the business (an alluring mix of sandpaper on granite, with a dash of honey), but as an actor she is here frequently upstaged by the magnificent foyer of the Grand Theatre in Luxembourg" - Kevin Maher
    78: Taken
    "A corny, dumb and sentimental tale of revenge by a Superdad terminator who rampages through Paris, wasting bad guys" - Cosmo Landesman
    77: Jumper
    "Samuel L. Jackson valiantly attempts to look menacing while wearing what looks like a white rubber bathing cap on his head" - Wendy Ide
    76: The Chaser
    "In the latest scuzzy, violent thriller to reach us from South Korea, a cop turned pimp roams through the lower depths of Seoul in search of one of his pr0stitutes" - Edward Porter
    75: Ghost Town
    "Ricky Gervais gets his first leading role in a Hollywood film, but the film’s premise is high-concept Hollywood at its creakiest" - Wendy Ide

    74: Nights in Rodanthe
    "Shamelessly manipulative but too short and sketchy to provide a good wallow: has to make do with Diane Lane's sympathetic presence and Richard Gere's squinty emoting" - Tom Charity

    73: Prom Night
    "Hoary horror devices are done to death: mirrors reveal the killer’s presence; terrified girls lose their clothes during chase scenes, then walk backwards into peril" - Wendy Ide
    72: Vantage Point
    "Precisely halfway through a plot development of such absurdity causes the whole thing to go down with all hands." - Peter Whittle

    71: 21
    "Kevin Spacey blackjack movie that gets lost in confused moralising about the need for hard work and honesty while simultaneously celebrating the allure of Las Vegas and the quick, dishonest buck" - Kevin Maher
    70: Diary of the Dead
    "The horror is toothily familiar. Amazingly, not one of the (living) characters has ever seen a zombie movie" - James Christopher

    69: Pineapple Express
    "If you are 18 and always stoned out of your brain: seek help. Should you see this film, you will think it really funny, but then your brain is like scrambled egg. Come back Cheech and Chong, all is forgiven!" - Cosmo Landesman
    68: Made of Honour
    "Call me old-fashioned if you will, but isn’t the point of a romantic comedy for the audience to fall in love a little bit – if not with the protagonists, then at least with the idea of their relationship?" - Wendy Ide
    67: Brideshead Revisited
    "The melodrama is so damp and overwrought it’s hard to care about these old ghosts" - James Christopher
    66: Forgetting Sarah Marshall
    "Russell Brand plays a louche rock star as to the manner born, but Judd Apatow's production is just forgettable" - Wendy Ide
    65: Mirrors
    "A flat, ponderous and at times unintentionally funny horror. Yes, I know it’s meant to be some sort of comment on our narcissistic consumer society, but it’s not even scary" - Cosmo Landesman
    64: Redbelt
    "David Mamet intends this to have the irony-free spirit of a Rocky film, but he comes close to the stuff of a frat-pack sports-movie parody" - Edward Porter
    63: Get Smart
    "It’s probably inch perfect, but from this distance it looks like a rejected chapter from the Naked Gun franchise, and infinitely more wooden" - James Christopher
    62: Death Defying Acts
    "There’s not a moment in the film that feels honest and uncontrived. Zeta-Jones looks more like a well-fed Persian cat than a starving music-hall artiste" - Wendy Ide

    61: Freebird
    "A cast of D-list actors on a brief respite from the dole? Proof that there are few things more tedious than other people's drug experiences" - Wendy Ide

    60: Steep
    "Combines awe-inspiring photography with some of the most inane drivel about life-changing experiences and profound bonds with Nature you’re ever likely to hear" - Wendy Ide
    59: The House Bunny
    "Bimbo with heart of gold triumphs over snobbery and stereotypes - a standard teen-frat film, but from a female point of view. Frankly, this is one unfunny, vapid bunny I’d like to boil" - Cosmo Landesman

    58: Priceless
    "Beneath its frothy and “comic” surface lies a cynical, smug and morally imbecilic film that thinks people who exchange sex for money and expensive clothes are rather cute and amusing" - Edward Porter
    57: The Eye
    "The Sixth Sense twists are as remarkable as pasteurised cheese. The shrieking fright moments break every EU rule about decibel levels" - James Christopher
    56: 27 Dresses
    "The latest romantic comedy which posits that a woman is somehow incomplete until she has a ring on her finger and a billowing meringue of a dress" - Wendy Ide
    55: The Lost City
    "Andy Garcia’s preposterous vanity project is an all-singing, all-dancing version of the Cuban Revolution. But all is not well in Havana" - James Christopher
    54: Back to Normandy
    "The interviews are mostly mundane affairs, there is the occasional whiff of the vanity project, and the running time, given the nature of the material, is inexcusable" - Peter Whittle

    53: Flashbacks of a Fool
    "For a fool, the protagonist of Baillie Walsh’s film (played by Daniel Craig) is doing all right. A weirdly pointless film" - Edward Porter
    52: Shutter
    "From the producers of The Grudge and The Ring comes The Camera – at least, that’s what this bland attempt at Asian horror should have been called" - Cosmo Landesman
    51: Step Up 2 the Streets
    "If there is any mileage left in making films about troubled teenagers expressing themselves through hip-hop, there certainly isn't for doing it with the streams of clichés spouted in this sequel" - Louise Cohen

    50: Dan In Real Life
    "I was trying to garrotte myself even before the characters started telling each other that “love isn’t a feeling, it’s an ability” - Edward Porter

    49: Babylon AD
    "I have a soft spot for Vin Diesel, but it was sorely tested by this slapdash sci-fi effort, which, with its rather sudden ending, seems to have mislaid a whole section of its script" - Peter Whittle

    48: Street Kings
    "LAPD’s finest, Keanu Reeves, blows holes through Korean paedophi1es, bent cops, crazed pimps and drug dealers to clean out the corrupt law enforcers and bring order to America" - James Christopher
    47: Body of Lies
    "Ridley Scott’s expensive adventure is a lump of indigestible paranoia. Leonardo DiCaprio is the most gifted CIA agent who has ever glued on a beard in Iraq" - James Christopher
    46: Untraceable
    "The presence of Diane Lane usually guarantees some class, but not even her turn as an FBI agent can save this nasty, grimy-looking thriller" - Peter Whittle
    45: Then She Found Me
    "After some laboured attempts at Nora Ephron-style comedy, the film bottoms out as a schmaltzy tale of one woman’s stoicism, with a jarring cameo from Salman Rushdie" - Edward Porter

    44: Four Christmases
    "This crass comedy extinguishes any seasonal goodwill within minutes – it may be the least festive Christmas film yet made" - Tom Charity
    43: Botched
    "British/German/Irish co-production set in Moscow, featuring a supporting cast of British and Irish character actors wrestling with Russian accents as thick as borscht" - Wendy Ide
    42: The Air I Breath
    "Full of dumb symbols – meaningless shots of irrelevant objects that strain for significance in a movie completely devoid of the same" - Kevin Maher
    41: Fools Gold
    "A ghastly romantic comedy about a race to find a 17th-century Spanish wreck full of treasure. Completely dead behind the eyes" - James Christopher
    40: Superhero Movie
    "A “parody movie” that parodies Spider-Man, Batman and X-Men. By parody, of course, I mean copying the original movie and inserting lots of fart jokes" - Kevin Mahier
    39: Max Payne
    "Mark Wahlberg trudges through this dull cod-noir fantasy with his standard bemused grimace — not quite a bulldog chewing a wasp, more a bulldog vexed by a wasp alighting on its nose" - Edward Porter
    38: Incendiary
    "Another grief movie, but one that goes for the jugular with a blunt hatchet: plunges straight down that treacherous black hole that exists between fact and fiction and the inability to replicate either" - Kevin Maher
    37: The Accidental Husband
    "The mutual attraction between Emma and Patrick is a preposterous piece of plotting: she's a highly-strung Manhattan princess; he's a soccer-playing, beer-swilling, blue-collar bloke" - Wendy Ide
    36: Make It Happen
    "It could be a contemporary take on classic backstage musicals such as Easter Parade or Kiss Me Kate. Or it could be the end of the cinematic arts as we know them" - Kevin Maher
    35: The Rocker
    "As rock-based comedies go, this has to be one of the worst in living memory. The music is uninspired pastiche and the comedy is infantile and unoriginal" - Cosmo Landesman
    34: Teeth
    "The myth of the “vagina dentata” is interpreted all too literally in this amateurish comedy horror. A shoddy and distasteful piece of work that equates female sexuality with violent revenge" - Wendy Ide
    33: Strange Wilderness
    "It plays like a series of outtakes from the floor of a cutting room reserved for feeble movies" - Edward Porter
    32: Irina Palm
    "Casting Marianne Faithful as a dowdy housewife would perhaps always be a hard sell. This dreary tale is brightened only by some gloriously awful dialogue" - Edward Porter

    31: One Two Three
    "British hunk Upen Patel is back, but ‘Bollywood Brad’ is reduced to an incredulous cameo in this infantile comedy which makes the Farrelly brothers look like Fellini" - Anil Sinanan

    30: The Strangers
    "A couple are in their remote holiday home when there is a loud knock on the front door at 4am. “Stay here darling with the axe-wielding psychos while I go and get help." Ugh" - James Chrstopher
    29: A Bloody Aria
    "If this ugly tale of power abuse and violence is intended as an allegory for modern Korean society, then this is one of the most unflattering depictions of a nation's psyche I have seen" - Wendy Ide
    28: Choke
    "Victor pretends to choke on food so passing good samaritans will save him and, later, lavish money on him. If that doesn’t make sense, don’t worry: the rest of the film won’t either" - Cosmo Landesman
    27: Outpost
    "This no-budget horror Britflick doesn’t boast a single symbol that isn’t derivative of another better, more coherent movie" - Kevin Maher
    26: Cashback
    "Sean Biggerstaff stars as Ben, a rather dull young man who has the ability to stop time. He uses it to be even more boring for even longer" - Wendy Ide
    25: Funny Games
    "There is only one thing worse than torture porn such as Hostel and Saw - art-house torture porn such as Haneke’s film" - Cosmo Landesman
    24: Space Chimps
    "It’s remarkable that they managed to smuggle an oral sex joke into a U-rated movie – “Now that’s what I call suction!” says Ham as he returns from the space toilet. How we laughed" - Kevin Maher
    23: The Women
    "Diane English’s hotly anticipated makeover of George Cukor’s 1939 classic is a costly and bemusing disaster. Dull is too kind a word. This deeply tedious update sucks every ounce of meaningful poison from the crisp and bitchy original" - James Christopher
    22: Lady Godiva
    "The cast speak in nonsequiturs and clichés; the good guys drink sherry and the baddies sip Martinis. It’s such a horror show of dismal acting and dreadful writing that it’s almost worth watching" - Wendy Ide
    21: To Get To Heaven, First You Have To Die
    "A piece of phallocentric arthouse pabulum masquerading as serious cinema. Tells of a gormless country boy tormented by impotence, who wanders around Tajikistan drooling over luckless women" - Kevin Maher
    20: GamerZ
    "Woefully inept account of a Scottish university Dungeons and Dragons club. Perhaps a learning curve for all involved. It's not much else" - Kevin Maher
    19: The Foot Fist Way
    "It’s hard to imagine a less sympathetic protagonist. He has David Brent levels of self-importance and would think nothing of kicking a six-year-old in the head if he wanted to make a point" - Wendy Ide
    18: Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins
    "A “Capra-esque” comedy about a big-city talk-show host returning to his country hometown. By Capra-esque I mean jokes about doggie sex, crushed testicles and skunk spray" - Kevin Maher
    17: The Bucket List
    "Rob Reiner has, unintentionally, created a cinematic first: a film about not one but two people with fatal diseases that is so awful, it makes you wish they’d both hurry up and die" - Cosmo Landesman
    16: The Baker
    "The jokes are flat; a chaotic sex scene is anything but sexy. And the infuriating Latin-lite soundtrack would be better suited to an advert for carpet shampoo" - Wendy Ide

    15: Death Race
    "Apparently, the only navigators with map-reading skills equal to the task are half-naked supermodels contractually obliged to synchronise their breasts and buttocks in bouncy slow-motion" - James Christopher
    14: Swing Vote
    "A political satire with negligible politics and no satire to speak of, it’s like a party political broadcast brought to you by the Idiot Party" - Wendy Ide
    13: Mutant Chronicles
    "The cast ranges from the good to the bad to the gloriously bonkers: John Malkovich, bless him and his rabid overacting. But a screenplay that sounds like it was hewn from chunks of wood is a great leveller, so everyone comes out looking equally inept" - Wendy Ide
    12: Eagle Eye
    "I don’t have the willpower, words, or energy to explain why a psychopathic CIA computer suddenly decides to take over the world. But that’s the plot in a nutcase" - James Christopher

    11: Rambo
    "To justify the quite horrendous level of violence, the film dehumanises the Burmese soldiers to the extent that barely a scene goes by without one of them raping or murdering" - Wendy Ide
    10: Alien vs Predator: Requiem
    "A wrist-slittingly awful addition to the Alien and Predator franchises. Surely it can’t fall much farther. Legions of human extras are eaten or thrown around the set like cannon fodder. Mindless" - James Christopher
    9: Righteous Kill
    "The teaming together of De Niro and Pacino for some serious screen time together certainly is an event — one you must miss. The best thing that can be said about this film is that you get to see two living legends fall on their faces for the price of one" - Cosmo Landesman
    8: Love in the Time of Cholera
    "This adaptation of Gabriel GarcÍa Márquez’s novel is offensively boring. The entire cast speaks broken English like Manuel in Fawlty Towers" - James Christopher
    7: Semi-Pro
    "Will Ferrell’s movie success is a mystery to many of us – with his dead little eyes and air of Saturday Night Live self-regard, he’s hard to like, let alone laugh at" - Peter Whittle
    6: 88 Minutes
    "There are so many things wrong with this Al Pacino vehicle that it’s difficult to know where to start. The fact that it’s nearly 30 minutes longer than the title suggests is as pertinent a place as any" - Wendy Ide
    5: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
    "The latest instalment of George Lucas’s interminable franchise has the charm of a cash machine. This noisy animated feature is set in a galaxy that isn’t far away enough" - James Christopher
    4: First Sunday
    "The least funny man ever to make a career in comedy movies, Ice Cube hauls his sullen mug back in front of the cameras for this execrable movie. A new low, even for Ice Cube" - Wendy Ide
    3: Never Back Down
    "Reveals a genuinely repugnant validation of street violence, a palpable hatred of women, and the worst aspects of crass barrel-scraping Hollywood studio movie-making. Then again, maybe you just had to be in the right mood. Or a Nazi" - Kevin Maher
    2: Meet the Spartans
    "If Hollywood is really serious about saving the environment, perhaps it should stop polluting it with toxic waste. Barely a movie, more a barf of total idiocy, this spoof of 300 sets its intellectual sights lower than a swamp of primordial soup" - Wendy Ide
    1: Disaster Movie
    "It could be the first great mainstream art experiment. Or, perhaps, since the opening word of dialogue is “Shit!”, the jokes are mostly about it, and the characters are regularly covered in it, it is more likely that the movie itself is just, well..." - Kevin Maher


  2. #2
    VIP Member CzarJunkie's Avatar
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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    There's one or two that certainly don't belong in that list, Pineapple Express was piss funny, especially the fight scenes and I enjoyed David Mamet's Redbelt too.

    Other than that though I tend to agree.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    Rambo shouldn't be on there - i thought it was a great effort considering what he was up against to make it in the first place

  4. #4
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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    no country for old men worst movie i have ever seen
     Big-Bad-Leo 

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    Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by B B Leo View Post
    no country for old men worst movie i have ever seen
    I think that statement says more about you than the film.

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member WalterPill's Avatar
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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    Leo has the worst taste in films of anyone in the entire world.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    no country was brilliant as was rambo i thought the hulk was a fair effort aswell much better than the last outing.

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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by B B Leo View Post
    no country for old men worst movie i have ever seen

    I do believe someone may have hacked his account after seeing this comment.

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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by SiE View Post
    no country was brilliant as was rambo i thought the hulk was a fair effort aswell much better than the last outing.

    Completely agree... I think I am alone though in saying that Zak and miri Make a porno was a great film ... .. I am a big fan of the fat jewish bloke... whose name has obviousley escaped me..

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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    11: Rambo
    "To justify the quite horrendous level of violence, the film dehumanises the Burmese soldiers to the extent that barely a scene goes by without one of them raping or murdering" - Wendy Ide
    Wouldn't be much of a Rambo film without it. Obviously a lesbian.

    No country for old men - I liked it. What was wrong with it? Too much violence? Read above.

    Outpost was alright too.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    I was surprised to see The Bank Job in there, I enjoyed it.
    Ooh, ooh, ooh, the funky gibbon.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    Dark Knight should be in that list in place of Pineapple express.
    If Circles were Squares and the Sea was the Sky...

  13. #13
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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by CzarJunkie View Post
    I think that statement says more about you than the film.
    Quote Originally Posted by WalterPill View Post
    Leo has the worst taste in films of anyone in the entire world.
    Quote Originally Posted by SiE View Post
    no country was brilliant as was rambo i thought the hulk was a fair effort aswell much better than the last outing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fear345 View Post
    I do believe someone may have hacked his account after seeing this comment.
    ur all mad the movie made no sense what so ever
     Big-Bad-Leo 

  14. #14
    DF VIP Member WalterPill's Avatar
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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    What was it that confused you, Leo?

    On another note, I seem to be in the minority regarding Pineapple Express. I thought it was quite tedious and unfunny. And AMO, you really do hate the Batman franchise don't you. Dark Knight was rather mega.

    The list is drawn from varied sources at the end of the day. You can find a negative review for any film really. Landesman for instance, writes for The Sunday Times. He hates everything made after 1960. It's not at all a serious list of the worst of the year as far as I can see. Maybe the top ten perhaps. They have Meet the Spartans and Disaster Movie nailed at 1 and 2, but, at the end of the day, what else could have possibly been worse than them? I've actually seen very few of the others. I didn't even know they'd adapted Choke for the screen or remade the Thai horror 'Shutter', for example.

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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    bloody hell. I thought Street Kings was superb!!

  16. #16
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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by WalterPill View Post
    What was it that confused you, Leo?

    On another note, I seem to be in the minority regarding Pineapple Express. I thought it was quite tedious and unfunny. And AMO, you really do hate the Batman franchise don't you. Dark Knight was rather mega.

    The list is drawn from varied sources at the end of the day. You can find a negative review for any film really. Landesman for instance, writes for The Sunday Times. He hates everything made after 1960. It's not at all a serious list of the worst of the year as far as I can see. Maybe the top ten perhaps. They have Meet the Spartans and Disaster Movie nailed at 1 and 2, but, at the end of the day, what else could have possibly been worse than them? I've actually seen very few of the others. I didn't even know they'd adapted Choke for the screen or remade the Thai horror 'Shutter', for example.
    just a crap movie
     Big-Bad-Leo 

  17. #17
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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    in my opinion they got a few wrong,

    97: Wanted (a big daft turn off your brain movie it was great especially ms jolies botty)
    94: Zack and Miri Make a Porno (thought this was brilliant)
    77: Jumper ( same as wanted a big daft turn off your brain movie it was great)
    71: 21 (seemed like a huge episode of las vegas i enjoyed it)
    69: Pineapple Express (hillarious especially when baked lol)
    63: Get Smart (thought it was brilliant)
    59: The House Bunny (whats not to like?)
    48: Street Kings (i enjoyed this it reminded me of the one with ethan hawk and denzel washington that i cant remember the name of)
    46: Untraceable (felt like a james patterson book and i thought it was good)
    41: Fools Gold (kate hudson in a teeny tiny bikini whats not to like?)
    12: Eagle Eye (seemed a bit like die hard 4.0 and i liked that too)
    11: Rambo (saw this with a couple of m8s and it was as good as the 1st)

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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    I was suprised that they didn't have "Don't mess with The Zohan" in there?

  19. #19
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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by B B Leo View Post
    just a crap movie
    That's not really answering the question now is it, Leo?

  20. #20
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    Default Re: The 100 Worst Movies of 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginnerfreak View Post
    Completely agree... I think I am alone though in saying that Zak and miri Make a porno was a great film ... .. I am a big fan of the fat jewish bloke... whose name has obviousley escaped me..
    I found it ok, not 'worst film' material anyway. The Bank Job was good IMO as was Taken, Vantage Point and several others. Teeth was my worst film of this year although I havn't seen most of the films in this list.

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