But only if you live near the Paddington exchange
Let's be honest, all this high speed broadband means nothing to a good chunk of the UK populace, but if you happen to live in the Paddington exchange area of London, you now have the option of super-high speed broadband from Be.

Yes, a day after Virgin announced 50Mb broadband for half of the UK, Be is offering an almost-as-fast service 48Mb service for an even smaller group of people. Be has doubled its 24Mb service using a 'bonded' connection, making it the fastest ADSL service by a considerable distance.

On the face of it, this might just look like an irrelevant bit of muscle flexing, but it does show you can have high speed broadband down your phone line - and it could mean your home connection receiving a speed injection in the not-too-distant future.

And if a company can offer faster speeds, they just might get the lion's share of the market. According to the latest figures from the Deloitte Digital index, broadband uptake has now slowed to half a per cent after a 6% growth in the past year. Less new customers means tempting in existing business - and that should translate into faster broadband packages without a hike in price.

Can't wait till they up my exchange to this