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Thread: Fido

  1. #1
    DF VIP Member Ganty's Avatar
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    Info Fido

    FIdo - Where to begin?

    The Opening sequence took me back to Starship Troopers - this film is the ultimate parody of the zombie flick. The faux advertisements, 50's voiceover and choice dialogue are superb, and immediately has you laughing and wanting to watch more

    In an nutshell, Fido is the story of a boy and his pet zombie

    A huge company, called Zomcom, developed a device after the "zombie wars" that tames zombies, and allows them to live among regular folk. It's a simple device, like a dogs collar - when the light is on, all is well, when the light goes off... Zombie wants flesh!

    Anyway, the story evolves around Timmy Robinson and Fido, their new pet zombie, in a bid to keep up appearnces with their new neighbours (A leader of Zomcom, who has 6 zombies). All does not go well, as Mr Robinson has a fear of zombies, stemming from the zombie war he was a part of. This quote explains a little more (little spoiler)


    Bill Robinson: I'd say I'm a pretty darn good father. My father tried to eat me. I don't remember trying to eat Timmy.
    Helen Robinson: Bill, just because your father tried to eat you does that mean we all have to be unhappy?

    Anyway, the films walks along, but then Fido get's into trouble - he eats the next door neighbour in a moment of madness, then the fun really begins!

    I highly reccomend this, had me in stitches, and if you're a fan of parody, I suggest you look no further.


  2. #2
    DF Super Moderator
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    Default Re: Fido

    I can't understand how I found this so unfunny and plain when it had such a good review before me :s

    The film was quite plain, completely echoed stepford wives and the comedy seemed to mainly rely on stereotypes in america e.g.
    how the paper zombies do just as bad a job as paper boys are depicted to do

    I just found it quite boring and the end was a crock of shite. Billy Connolly was completely wasted in this film, no dialogue and no comedy as you would expect of him.

  3. #3
    DF Rookie PandaP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fido

    Yeah I loved Fido. Everything about it. The design the performances, the technicolor look. I love how it pokes at societies that base everything on fear and paranoia "A better life through containment" etc. and you're right the boy and his dog story is the heart of it all. We've watched a few times now, it just keeps getting better.

  4. #4
    DF Rookie PandaP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fido

    Quote Originally Posted by evilsatan View Post
    I can't understand how I found this so unfunny and plain when it had such a good review before me :s

    The film was quite plain, completely echoed stepford wives and the comedy seemed to mainly rely on stereotypes in america e.g.
    how the paper zombies do just as bad a job as paper boys are depicted to do

    I just found it quite boring and the end was a crock of shite. Billy Connolly was completely wasted in this film, no dialogue and no comedy as you would expect of him.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ganty View Post
    FIdo - Where to begin?

    The Opening sequence took me back to Starship Troopers - this film is the ultimate parody of the zombie flick. The faux advertisements, 50's voiceover and choice dialogue are superb, and immediately has you laughing and wanting to watch more

    In an nutshell, Fido is the story of a boy and his pet zombie

    A huge company, called Zomcom, developed a device after the "zombie wars" that tames zombies, and allows them to live among regular folk. It's a simple device, like a dogs collar - when the light is on, all is well, when the light goes off... Zombie wants flesh!

    Anyway, the story evolves around Timmy Robinson and Fido, their new pet zombie, in a bid to keep up appearnces with their new neighbours (A leader of Zomcom, who has 6 zombies). All does not go well, as Mr Robinson has a fear of zombies, stemming from the zombie war he was a part of. This quote explains a little more (little spoiler)


    Anyway, the films walks along, but then Fido get's into trouble - he eats the next door neighbour in a moment of madness, then the fun really begins!

    I highly reccomend this, had me in stitches, and if you're a fan of parody, I suggest you look no further.

    I'm reposting here as it was a response to your post and this forum seems to just add to the bottom of the chat: Yeah I loved Fido. Everything about it. The design the performances, the technicolor look. I love how it pokes at societies that base everything on fear and paranoia "A better life through containment" etc. and you're right the boy and his dog story is the heart of it all. We've watched a few times now, it just keeps getting better.

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