Happy Twenty-Ten Folks!</p>We’ve made it through 2009, and what a fantastic year it’s been for us. In the past 12 months, we’ve grown by over 400%, have enlisted many new talented contributors, and have helped tens of thousands of new designers around the world.

We’re very proud of what’s been accomplished, and have everyone here to thank for it. Without the wonderful contributors here at Tutorial9, our friends from around the web, and the loyal support of our viewers none of this would be possible&hellip;so we say both Thank you, and Fantastic Job.

Our Gift to You

It’s been a tough year for many of us. The state of the economy has tragically caused millions of people to lose jobs, and while we all hope for the best it’s still uncertain for many how to pull through.

The recession has also been troubling for many great charitable causes around the globe. With less people being able to give this year, international and local charities have had trouble meeting their needs this past year.

In response to the economic climate, and the great support you’ve given us over the past year, Tutorial9 is donating $1,000 on behalf of the incredible design community we’ve cultivated over the past year and a half.

We’re donating this money to <ahref="http://www.savethechildren.org">Save The Children, an organization that helps create lasting change for children around the world. With government awarded grants, the United States Agency for International Development will typically provide $1-4 for every dollar used by Save The Children&mdash;potentially giving back up to $5,000 that can be used to help kids around the globe.

It’s not much, but we’re more than happy to give back thanks to all you’ve given us.

You can Help Make a Difference Too!

It’s 100% understandable that many people can’t give back right now, and for them we have high hopes that the new year brings new and exciting opportunities. If you are in a position to give though, right now charities could use a little extra push.

Whether you can give time, some extra cash to your favorite organization, or even <ahref="https://secure.savethechildren.org/01/match_grant_radio?source=cbsradio&#038;WT.mc_id=cbsradio">donate to Save the Children&hellip; Every little bit helps.

Thanks, and Happy New Year!

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Thanks for another great year folks!