How to Create a Windows 7 Favorites Library with the Correct Icon

This will show you how to create a Internet Explorer Favorites library in Windows 7 that has the correct C:\Users\(user-name)\Favorites folder icon on a glass plate for it's library icon.

EXAMPLE: Favorites LibraryHere's How:
1. To Download the Favorites Library Icon -
A) Click on the Download button below to download the file that contains the correct Favorites library icon.
B) Click on Save, and save the ZIP file to your desktop.

C) Double click on the ZIP file to open it, then extract the Favorites_Library.ico file to the location that you want to keep it at.
WARNING: The icon file will need to remain at this location while it is being used (step 3) for the Favorites library. If you move it, then the icon will no longer be displayed for the Downloads library.
2. To Create the Favorites Library -
A) In Windows Explorer, navigate to your C:\Users\(user-name) folder, then create a new library with the Favorites folder. (See screenshot below)
3. To Change the Favorites Library Icon -
A) Change the Favorites library icon to use the Favorites_Library.ico icon file at the location you have saved it to in step 1. (See screenshots below)

For example, I saved my icon from step 1 to C:\Users\(user-name)\Favorites, so I would add the line in quotes below (right screenshot below) while changing the icon at step 5 at that link.


You would substitute the path in red to the full path of where you saved the Favorites_Library.ico file instead in step 1.

4. You will now notice that the Favorites library icon has changed.
NOTE: See example screenshot at the top of the tutorial.
That's it,

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