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  1. #1
    DF VIP Member cyprus's Avatar
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    animals Cyprus' Progress Journal

    Well, since I replied to a thread in here just now, I thought I might as well let you all know what I've been up to for the last 3 weeks! Yes, I'm finally back in the gym after being in winter hibernation and letting myself go!

    I'm sorry if my terminology sucks but I'll try to make as much sense as I can. My height is 181cm (5"11') and current weight is 91kg (14st 4.6lb). Here's a bit of back-story.

    I've been in and out of the gym for the past couple of years, the last time I gave it a serious (hah) go was for about a month and a half spanning September/October after realising my beer gut wasn't attracting hot bikini babes at Nissi Beach during that summer. I was about 15st 7lbs then and when I started back in the gym I got myself down to 14st 13lbs, basically lost half a stone. That was achieved by going 5 days a week, doing 3km runs and mild weight training. No real dieting.

    However, as always, my dedication and motivation went to the dogs and within a month of quitting I shot back up to about 15st 10lbs. Basically I was a fat c*nt over Christmas and have photos I'm frankly embarrassed about.

    After seeing the pics over Christmas I decided I would just take it a bit easier on all the crap I was eating but not necessarily a diet. As I say, just eating less crap. Between January and March I managed to get back down to 15st. No gym whatsoever in case you're wondering.

    Luckily for me a very good friend of mine works at my local gym and he has set me up with a program which I have been doing for the past 3 weeks. This has seen me lose over half a stone in that time to become my current 14st 4.6lb. (That's down from 15st if you're still with me.)

    I'm in the gym 5 days a week and here's the program I'm on.

    Circuit Training : 10 exercises, 3 sets each (rotating), 20 seconds work followed by 20 seconds rest until all 3 sets are complete.

    1. Skipping (Running on the spot)
    2. TRX - Pull Ups
    3. TRX - Push Ups
    4. Side jumps (Using step)
    5. Curls (10kg + bar)
    6. Step up (Left leg)
    7. Dipps (Using step)
    8. Step Up (Right Leg)
    9. Sit ups
    10. Trunk extensions

    It's a fooking killer! There are no set amount of reps, you just keep going until the 20 seconds are up. Then it's a 20 second break which feels more like 5 and your up doing the next exercise. Each day it feels slightly easier but only slightly, at least now after 3 weeks of this I don't feel like I'm about to throw up anymore! Once I'm done with that I'll do a 20 minute jog and go home.

    Tuesday I work on lower body and Thursday is upper body always followed by a 20 minute/3km run (whichever I reach first).

    I'm aiming for 85kg (13st 5.4lb) and I'm really dedicated to it this time. I can't remember the last time I was under 14st, we're talking years! This summer the bee-hatches will have some real eye candy!

    I'll try to keep you all posted as often as I can with the weight loss. Some encouraging words from the DF crew will definitely help motivate me further. Watch this space!!!

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member Sanj[UK]'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Cyprus' Progress Journal

    What's your eating routine?

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member cyprus's Avatar
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    As much as I know that a good healthy diet would compliment my gym work. I just don't do the D word. I love my food too much. Saying that, I have cut down on all the bollocks like cakes and chocolates.

    I never eat breakfast, just a cup of coffee, rarely I will have a bowl of cereal. My first meal is after the gym around 3pm and that's usually a sandwich. Later on in the evening I'll have a pork chop/shish kebab or whatever take-out I fancy. Once every other week I might have a pizza or KFC. I refuse to miss out on the food I love, even if it does mean more work in the gym. I also realise I will never have the body of a Calvin Klein model but I don't want that. I just wanna be happy with what I see looking back at me.

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member cyprus's Avatar
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    Bit of a change of plan today, I ended up doing upper body work rather than circuit training. I got on the scales before starting and weighed in at 14st 4lb so that's just over half a pound down from yesterday's weigh in. We're talking a solid turd?

    Bench Press - 3 sets of 12
    1st set - 30kg +bar
    2nd set - 40kg +bar
    3rd Set - 50kg +bar (only managed 8 reps)
    Rowing - 3 sets of 15
    1st set - 25kg
    2nd set - 30kg
    3rd set - 35kg
    Lat Pull Down (Closed Grip) - 3 sets of 15
    1st set - 30kg
    2nd set - 50kg
    3rd set - 60kg
    Shoulders Flex Extension - 3 sets of 15
    1st set - 25kg
    2nd set - 30kg
    3rd set - 35kg
    Peck Back - 3 sets of 15 (I really suck at these at the moment)
    All three sets at 15kg, I'm not sure if it's because the rest of the work-out has taken it's toll by then or if it's just down to lack of previous work on that muscle group. Probably a combination of both.
    Biceps - 3 sets of 16 (Dumb bells- 8 reps per arm (Left, right, left, right...etc)
    1st set - 10kg each
    2nd set - 12kg
    3rd set - 16kg
    Triceps - 3 sets of 15 (Lying on a bench with weights raised at chest height and brought down towards head)
    All 3 sets done with 10kg dumb bell in each hand. I can do heavier on a machine but free weights are more beneficial I feel.

    After the weights, I hit the treadmill and nailed 3kms in exactly 20 minutes.

    Now for the part where diet freaks....freak out!

    - Mug of coffee and a bowl of cornflakes
    Lunch - Steak sandwich rinsed down with 3 glasses of apple juice
    Dinner - Pork chop and chips with a can of Coke
    Last edited by cyprus; 5th May 2010 at 07:15 PM.

  5. #5
    DF VIP Member miffy's Avatar
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    keep it going there mate it does seem we are pretty much on the same course, except i cant do a 5 day week most i have managed was 4. but i think thats because i ride to the gym and then to work and then from work to home and its all hills by the 5th day my quads were dead.

    i dont think its too bad though because the days i go it works out about an hour bike riding and 40 mins cardio in the gym plus the weights.

    quick question though for the circuits do you feel better than just doing a single muscle group in one day? just wondering because they have a dedicated circuit section in my gym where you can do a full body work out and was thinking about maybe trying that instead of weights next week

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member cyprus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miffy View Post
    quick question though for the circuits do you feel better than just doing a single muscle group in one day? just wondering because they have a dedicated circuit section in my gym where you can do a full body work out and was thinking about maybe trying that instead of weights next week
    The main benefit of circuit training is fat burning/weight loss/cardio. For now that is still my priority. The actual exercises involved aren't individually tough but when you're doing 10 different ones with just a 20 second break then it's a killer in a good way. My weekly routine is focused more on losing weight. It's obvious that one day a week on upper body and one day on lower body won't see me building muscles up but once I've got down to my target weight, I might drop a day of circuit training and replace it with more weight work.

    I did circuit training today but was so knackered afterward that I could only manage about 6 minutes on the treadmill at a light jog. I weighed myself before my workout and hit the scales at 14st 5.3lb which is 1.3lbs up on yesterday's weight so as I suspected, the weight of a solid crap.

    1 cup of coffee
    Home made ham and cheese sandwhich
    Green beans in tomato sauce with chicken aka Fasolaki Ghiahni (it's a greek meal )

    I've had a couple of bananas also today.

  7. #7
    DF VIP Member miffy's Avatar
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    cheers just wanted to check as im not clued up on the benefits of circuits, will be moving onto this as of tomorrow now, keep up the good work as well mate, hopefully we will both be at around the 13 n half stone mark soon

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member cyprus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cyprus' Progress Journal

    Last Weigh-in (Friday 7th May): 14st 5.3lb
    Today's Weigh-in (Monday 10th May): 14st 5.3lb

    So, the same weight as I was on Friday which is hardly surprising as I was out drinking pretty much all weekend

    Today I worked on upper body and managed 2.7km in my 20 minutes jog.

    Breakfast - 1 cup of coffee
    Lunch - Pasta with chicken and a few dolmades (vine leaves stuffed with mince meat and herbs) washed down with coke.

    Dinner - More dolmades!

    Last edited by cyprus; 10th May 2010 at 07:21 PM.

  9. #9
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    cyprus. I suggest eating breakfast.. starts your metabolism.. maybe scrambled egg on toast! I think this will help. Plus the eggs have all 39 essential proteins in to keep you fuller for longer

  10. #10
    DF VIP Member Ganty's Avatar
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    Mate, you really, really need to start eating breakfast.

    Think of your body like a furnace, that needs regular fuel. The way to make it most efficient is to give it a little fuel, often, not a shit load of fuel every 6 hours.

    The sooner you get into good eating habits (5 small meals a day or 3 plus "good" snack inbetween), the sooner your metabolism will work in your favour.

    Once your metabolism is firing, you'll burn more calories idle, crave decent food at the right times and have far more energy for shagging. This will also give you better returns on your gym sessions.

    Honestly, it's so simple, but so many people make the same mistake. Eat brekkie ffs!

  11. #11
    DF VIP Member cyprus's Avatar
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    I'd just like to add that over the past few weeks, even though my weight loss isn't much to write home about, I am finding my general condition has improved a hell of a lot. My muscles have become slightly better defined, my stomach has lost a bit of it's 'guttness' and I'm able to do more reps and heavier weights during exercise.

    I'm not getting that "can't be arsed" feeling yet either which usually creeps up on me after about a month of training.

  12. #12
    DF VIP Member super mike's Avatar
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    How have I missed this? Keep it up mate. Always good to see more journals.

    What's TRX?

    And as said, try and eat something in the morning.

  13. #13
    DF VIP Member flumperino's Avatar
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    I didn't eat breakfast for almost 20 years. Starting eating breakfast, and weighted started dropping off.

    One of the body's greatest ironies: by eating at the correct times, you can actually eat more and lose weight.

    Start eating breakfast dude.


  14. #14
    DF VIP Member cyprus's Avatar
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    Well it's been two months since I last updated this. I've been slacking the last 3 weeks, with about 3 or 4 gym visits in that time but this week I did manage to go yesterday and today. Even though I haven't been exercising as much as I should I have cut down on a lot of snacking and shite. I still do the odd pizza and eat pretty much whatever I like but just less general crap.

    To my surprise, after the 3 week slack, I weighed myself today and I weighed in at 89.5kg (14st 1.3lb). I'm really chuffed with that, I haven't been under 90kgs for about 3-4 years!

    My aim is still to get to 85kg (13st 5.4lb) and it seems I'm still on track!

  15. #15
    DF VIP Member cyprus's Avatar
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    Well, it was back in the gym today after a fun weekend. After my workout I weighed in at 88.8kg (13st 13.8lb). Another mini-milestone for me; breaking in to the 13st bracket, albeit by the skin of my teeth

    Just 3.8kg (8.4lb) to go to reach my target of 85kg and then who knows, I might aim for 80kg (12st 8.4lb). One slow step at a time though.

  16. #16
    DF VIP Member cyprus's Avatar
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    Well, I'm a cunt! After that last update I decided to have a summer long break from the gym. I was doing so well too! I've started again this week, the good news being that I've managed to somewhat keep my weight stable but I've lost most definition and ability to actually lift any weights. In July I was benching a full sets at 70kg and this week I'm struggling to complete a set of 50kg

    Here's a pic I took around July, wish I hadn't stopped but it was too cunting hot!

    "WARNING - Homosexual Content"

    Hoping to get back to this level by Christmas, like I said, I've kept my weight down but lost most of the definition.

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