How to Hide or Show the Language Bar in Windows 7

This will show you how to either hide or show the Language bar toolbar when it appears on your taskbar tray automatically when you add text services like input languages, keyboard layouts, handwriting recognition, speech recognition, or input method editors (IMEs). The Language bar provides a quick way to change the input language or keyboard layout from your desktop. You can move the Language bar anywhere on your desktop screen, minimize it to the taskbar, or hide it.

The set of buttons and options on the Language bar changes depending on the text services you have installed and the software program that's currently active.

Language Bar Settings on the Taskbar Notification Area

1. To Display Language Bar on Desktop instead of Taskbar
A) Left click on the Language bar icon on the taskbar, and click on Show the Language bar. (see screenshot below)OR

B) Right click on the Language bar icon on the taskbar, and click on Restore the Language bar. (see screenshot below)
2. To Hide the Language Bar
A) Right click on the Language bar icon on the taskbar, and click on Close the Language bar. (see screenshot above)
NOTE: You can use step 5 in OPTION THREE below to restore the Language bar back to the taskbar.

Language Bar Settings on the Desktop

1. To Display Language Bar on Taskbar instead of Desktop
A) Left click on the Minimize button at the top right hand corner of the Language bar on the desktop. (see screenshot below)


B) Right click on the Language bar on the desktop, and click on Minimize. (see screenshot below)
2. To Hide the Language Bar
A) Right click on the Language bar on the desktop, and click on Close the Language bar. (see screenshot above)
NOTE: You can use step 6 in OPTION THREE below to restore the Language bar back to the desktop.

Language Bar Settings in the Control Panel

1. Right click on the Language bar icon on the taskbar, and click on Settings. (see screenshot below)
A) Go to step 4.

2. Right click on the Language bar on the desktop, and click on Settings. (see screenshot below)
A) Go to step 4.
3. Open the Control Panel (icons view), and click on the Region and Language icon.
A) Click on the Keyboards and Languages tab, then click on the Change keyboards button. (see screenshot below)
4. Click on the Language Bar tab. (see screenshot below)5. To Display Language Bar on the Taskbar
A) Select (dot) Docked in the taskbar. (see screenshot below step 4)

B) Go to step 8.
6. To Display Language Bar on the Desktop
A) Select (dot) Floating on Desktop. (see screenshot below step 4)

B) Go to step 8.
7. To Hide the Language Bar
A) Select (dot) Hidden. (see screenshot below step 4)
8. Click on OK. (see screenshot below step 4)

9. If you opened the Language bar settings from the Control Panel (step 3), then click on OK. (see screenshot below step 3A)

Add or Remove Language Bar from UAC Black Screen

1. To Remove Language Bar from UAC Black Screen
NOTE: This will also remove the Language bar from either the desktop or taskbar as well.
A) Remove all input languages with only the default input language left. (see screenshots below)
2. To Add/Restore the Language Bar to the UAC Black Screen
NOTE: This will also restore the Language bar back to either the desktop or taskbar as well.
A) Add a input language in addition to the default input language. (see screenshots below)
That's it,

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