A new xell (xell reloaded) has been released to get full cpu speed from the machine using linux


and a new ubuntu live cd has been released


I've had a play with the new xell and it speeds up the boot process.

If you can't be arsed burning a disc give this a try to run it off a usb stick.

1. Format a USB-Flash or HDD in FAT32.
2. Extract the ISO of the LiveCD with any compatible program.. or mount it as a loopdrive in linux
3. Copy the whole content to the Root of the USB Drive
4. Rename vmlinux to xenon.elf
5. Boot it with the XeLL of your choice
6. Enjoy a faster boot

I have utilized dash launch and told it to boot xell of the usb stick using xell launch exe, that way no messing with the flash.

so on a usb stick i have the extracted disc image with renamed vmlinux on the root, xell launch in a folder with xell.bin and the .ini folder on the root for dash launch.

It boots the swirling 360 logo, reboots to new xell and boots linux. (i'm still using an old image installed to hd) and it boots pretty rapid.
