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  1. #1
    DF VIP Member flumperino's Avatar
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    Oh Shit Spam calls/mail, chuggers, door to door sales/charity

    Privacy just isn't sacred!

    Receiving spam crap to your home address (stuff sent to in your name, previous owner's name, or just to 'the occupier') - leaflets (pizzas, chips, kebabs), insurance, those weird booklets which are very much like Argos, except page 24, which is dildos and stuff. Oh, and the most prolific of all must get a mention: Virgin Media!! Don't get me wrong, I love virgin media and can't wait to dump sky and join them...but feck me they don't half spam your ass when you aren't a customer!

    Spam calls.....ffs. No I don't want to do any market research, or renew my phone coptract - and I don't believe your crappy excuse about how you got my number! I was recently recieving several calls a day because of some dumb cow that had signed up to a load of crap with my number. The tele-monkies of course didn't believe that she didn't live here!

    Door to door?? I just had someone ring on my doorbell, in the pitch dark, at five minutes to nine at night. FFS, trying to settle down for the evening, and getting pestered in your own home!

    Chuggers (charity muggers)?? I think that whine speaks for itself.

    Sorry, rant over, lol.

    On a positive note, I am signing up to some of this - some good stuff on the MSE website


    2 Thanks given to flumperino

    B B Leo (18th September 2012),  lloydi (18th September 2012)  

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member lloydi's Avatar
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    Default Spam calls/mail, chuggers, door to door sales/charity

    Spot on fella sick of the lot, I mute the ringer on my home phone after 7 cos I don't wanna talk to these fools and the phone ringing at stupid o clock just disturbs my kids in bed. If a family member needs me they know to call my mobile or text. Really gets under my skin, thanks for the link by the way

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member consoles's Avatar
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    Default Re: Spam calls/mail, chuggers, door to door sales/charity

    what piss's me off is the weekly calls from the scum trying to get me to claim for injurys from an accident from 2 years ago, wouldn't mind but no fooker was in the car, yet some cunts selling my details over and over.

    I lie not in the last 9 months i've 1 call a week from dif company's just tell them to fuck off now sick of them.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Spam calls/mail, chuggers, door to door sales/charity

    99% of the time your details havent been sold, they are just random ringing/texting some people will have had a accident and will think its what they need others just get pissed off with them.

    My fav is royal mail. sent me a no more spam sticker to put on the letter box to let others know we dont want any spam mail. doesnt seem to apply to royal mail though he keeps pushing unaddressed mail through the letterbox!

    Quote Originally Posted by consoles View Post
    what piss's me off is the weekly calls from the scum trying to get me to claim for injurys from an accident from 2 years ago, wouldn't mind but no fooker was in the car, yet some cunts selling my details over and over.

    I lie not in the last 9 months i've 1 call a week from dif company's just tell them to fuck off now sick of them.

    just found this
    bbshark. The Member with the first ever DF Fine

  5. #5
    DF VIP Member greaseweasel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Spam calls/mail, chuggers, door to door sales/charity

    I got quite a few calls from one of these places asking about a car accident. I string them along sayi.g I did indeed have an accident 2 years ago and then go into a ridiculous situation, saying I had a couple of mates in the boot of the car who got injured, one on the roof rack etc etc.
    Once they realise you're wasting their time they call off.

    Do it a few times and suddenly the calls stop

    Thanks to greaseweasel

    Over Carl (19th September 2012)  

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member WRATH OF BOD's Avatar
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    Default Re: Spam calls/mail, chuggers, door to door sales/charity

    i get about 10 of these audio calls every day at work, ppi,banks & shit like that..pisses me off

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Spam calls/mail, chuggers, door to door sales/charity

    i dont get that many phone calls as i dont have a house phone (have a line but havent had a phone connected for 4+ years) so dont know how many calls i have avoided like this, personally its British Gas that fuck me off, ringing all the time to ask if i want boiler cover etc. then you have people knocking on the doors when i have just got home from work, asking if i want to give to charity, no i fuckin dont, i will pick what charities i give too, now get off my fuckin doorstep you cretin!

    mind you i do enjoy asking the ones at the door if they give to charity

    them: "well you will be helping the (insert panda's, elderly, poor etc.) with your donation"
    me: "do you give to this charity?"
    them: "of course, i pay £££ a month"
    me: "so you do this job for free too?"
    them: "sorry what?"
    me: "you do this in your own time for free? collecting the money?"
    them: " get paid"
    me: "dont you think you would be helping the charity more if you did this for free rather than just giving a bit a month?"
    them: "erm.....erm...."
    me: "goodbye"
    You know he grew up as a little shitspark from the old shitflint and then he turned into a shitbonfire and driven by the winds of his monumental ignorance he turned into a raging shitfirestorm. If I get to be married to Barb I'll have total control of Sunnyvale and then I can unleash the shitnami tidal wave that will engulf Ricky and extinguish his shitflames forever. And with any luck he'll drown in the undershit of that wave. Shitwaves.

    2 Thanks given to Mystical_2K

    Mario87 (4th October 2012),  Over Carl (19th September 2012)  

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member
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    Default Re: Spam calls/mail, chuggers, door to door sales/charity

    Had a guy knock the door once who wouldn't take no for an answer. He said he was from Cardiff university doing a survey on energy costs. I asked him who it was he really worked for and asked for his card.

    Me: Who do you really work for. Can I see your card.
    Him: Well I actually work for Npower.
    Me: I'm not interested in switching my supplier.
    Him: But this will save you money.
    Me: Sorry, No
    Him: Look i'm trying to help you and save you money here.
    Me: You have lied to me once saying you were from Cardiff university so why should I believe anything you say.
    Him: So you are not interested in saving money.
    Me. No
    Him: Look m8 I'm doing you a favor here
    Me: Go away.
    Him: Can't believe you don't want lower bills.
    At that point I closed the door in his face.

    He had a really smart girl in a mini skirt and low top with him. Was initially tempted to ask them in so I could look at her while he wasted his time going over the deal, before telling him to fuck off. Glad I didn't. I think I would have had to forcefully remove the twat because he wouldn't give up (">

  9. #9
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    Default Spam calls/mail, chuggers, door to door sales/charity

    I spoke over email to one of the door to door team managers once over one charity keep knocking on at 9 at night. I said this area is aaaaaaall pensioners or families with young kids so you are 99% sure to be disturbing someone knocking like a loon at that time and the very LAST thing they'll want to do is give you money. They might want you to call an ambulance though as you've given them the fright of their life..
    Stupid cunt couldn't see the logic in that though, said they rack up shitloads from door to door and it's an essential part of their fundraising. Yeah, maybe so but in the right areas or at the right time. All you could hear was the banging of the door in their faces all the way down the lane? Mindless, un-researched idiocy.

    We get a lot here. Fortunately we can see them as they stroll up so I get there first and send them on their way before they wake the fucking house up with half a dozen unnecessarily stupid loud raps on the door knocker that rattle the fucking porch windows. One cocky twat tried the don't take no for an answer route and cut me off saying yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll come back later mate, yeah yeah. Funny how people's attitude's change when you close the door behind you and you're on the garden path with them
    I feel bad for anyone trawling the streets with a clipboard for a living but if they're prepared to disturb me and my family at night then they have to be prepared to get a door in their face at the very least.

  10. #10
    DF VIP Member flumperino's Avatar
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    Default Re: Spam calls/mail, chuggers, door to door sales/charity

    Years ago I used to walk past this stand in the town centre, selling car breakdown cover. On this stand there was this fit woman...and when I say fit, I mean proper proper, proper fit..... the epitome of woman, she was that fit.

    Everytime I walked past, she was reeling in some bloke with a sale - every single time. She must have made an absolute fortune in commission!


  11. #11
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    Default Re: Spam calls/mail, chuggers, door to door sales/charity

    Quote Originally Posted by flumperino View Post
    Privacy just isn't sacred!

    Receiving spam crap to your home address (stuff sent to in your name, previous owner's name, or just to 'the occupier') - leaflets (pizzas, chips, kebabs), insurance, those weird booklets which are very much like Argos, except page 24, which is dildos and stuff. Oh, and the most prolific of all must get a mention: Virgin Media!! Don't get me wrong, I love virgin media and can't wait to dump sky and join them...but feck me they don't half spam your ass when you aren't a customer
    They don't stop when you ARE a customer, and not targeted but addressed to 'The Occupier'!
    If at first you don't succeed.....redefine success. . . .

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