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  1. #1
    DF VIP Member Bald Bouncer's Avatar
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    Help 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    Call of Duty is in an interesting place right now. With Black Ops 2, many expected Treyarch to take over flagship development studio duties from series creator Infinity Ward. But the new Black Ops wasn't quite the breakthrough act we hoped for, despite making dramatic changes to both single and multiplayer. The ball's back in Infinity Ward's court, then, but just what should the studio do with it? Craig Owens has a few ideas...

    1. Bigger maps

    It might be those few extra Christmas pounds talking, but Call Of Duty's multiplayer maps are starting to feel a little, well, tight. Remember the original Modern Warfare's multiplayer offerings? Maps like Overgrown, Pipeline and Creek were sprawling epics, where snipers and medium range shooters could co-exist happily (so long, as you, know, they were on the same team). Even maps like Backlot and Crash seemed roomier than the middle-sized maps of today. We miss the scale of COD's old levels, where proper battle lines could be drawn and shifted across the length of a match, and where SMGs weren't everyone's weapon of choice.

    2. Better spawns

    If Infinity Ward ignores the sage advice above, and Modern Warfare's maps keep shrinking till they're basically the size of the OXM games room, then we pray that it at least fixes the spawns. Even roomier maps like MW3's Village start to feel like ultraviolent merry-go-rounds when enemy players you killed not ten seconds ago seem to spawn in your soldier's backpack, nipping at your heels like a pack of assault rifle carrying Chihuahuas. Having the enemy team immediately fill the space you've just vacated ruins the feeling that you've actually pushed them back. It's a good way to keep the battle moving, we admit, but it makes it feel less like a battle in the first place.

    3. Better AI

    Pity the Russian Ultranationalist army. Along with the game's heroic US and UK forces, it has access to some of the most sophisticated, hi-tech military gear the world has ever known. By the time of Modern Warfare 2, it's also managed to trounce the US so utterly that Treyarch felt compelled to rip the entire idea off in Black Ops 2. Yet like all Goliaths, the ultranationalist forces have a terrible, hidden weakness. No training. Shoot, duck behind cover, charge. Shoot, duck behind cover, charge. If these poor Russian conscripts are treated to flanking classes before the release of Modern Warfare 4, it could well spell doom for the western world.

    4. Dedicated servers

    No entry in Activision's series has been immune to the perils of peer-to-peer netcode, cue the arrival of "that's not the way I saw it!" alternate realities by killcam. Dedicated servers won't make lag disappear - that comes down to you and your opponent's connection speeds, after all - but they can at least remove host advantages, and minimise the horrific lag compensation used in Modern Warfare 3, which could often see players with the lesser connection gain the advantage. We'd explain further, and in more technical detail, but unfortunately we've just been shot in the head by bullets fired two weeks ago.

    5. Overhauled Perk system

    In principle, we're not sure we want to see Treyarch and Infinity Ward's game become any more alike. But in practise, Black Ops 2's Pick 10 system worked surprisingly well, allowing a degree of freedom and creativity rather than funnelling players into the same old loadouts. Sure, a few majorly irritating knife-focussed builds have sprung up - but it's not as if we've never fallen foul of knifemen in the Modern Warfare games. Obviously, Infinity Ward wouldn't want to be seen to be copying their sister studio, but they could cleverly disguise it. The Choose 11 system, for instance. Or the Grab 12.

    6. Better stealth

    We're really very sorry, Modern Warfare, but there's something you should know. Crouch-walking after an NPC companion with "Follow" hovering above their head isn't stealth. Yes, All Ghillied Up was an excellent, atmospheric journey through irradiated Pripyat, but we do wish you'd stop trying to reuse its insta-fail stealth systems in every game. Actual stealth involves things like sightlines, audible ranges, inquisitive enemies with - and we're sorry to bring this up again - actual AI. Implemented properly, it can make regular combat more interesting too. Just try it, please. You won't go back.

    7. No more respawning enemies

    Oh Modern Warfare, you promised you'd stop this. And in Modern Warfare 2, you delivered. Spawns were ultimately finite, though we're still a bit suspicious about the number of gang members able to squeeze themselves into that favela. Modern Warfare 3, however, saw a return to this nasty, outdated battle tactic, in which enemy troops indefinitely teleport in from some magical Russian conscript dimension till the player crosses an invisible line. To be honest, we're not too fond of spawns even when they're finite - it's an imaginatively lazy way to repopulate a battlefield. Halo: Combat Evolved made use of dropships 12 years ago. It's time that Modern Warfare's reinforcements were better integrated into its world.

    8. Better story

    The Modern Warfare trilogy storyline is a mess, frankly, at its bloated incoherent worst in Modern Warfare 2, and still not genuinely good by the time of Modern Warfare 3, despite plenty of time spent tying up (and then killing) loose ends. COD is all about bombast, we get that, but perhaps the narrative focus this time could actually be the soldiers themselves, rather than the political machinations happening off-screen. We'd suggest getting a professional writer to help, but Treyarch hired Dave S. Goyer and look how that turned out.

    9. More actual Modern Warfare

    There was something weirdly unsettling about Call Of Duty 4's campaign, it's not-quite-ripped from the headlines Middle Eastern levels combining with scenes such as the nuclear detonation and the AC-130 sequence to form an inauthentic, but somehow troubling depiction of the nastiness of modern conflict. Then it all went a bit Red Dawn, and any slightly unsettling parallels with reality were junked in favour of ridiculous imagery of the Eiffel Tower falling down and other, attention-grabbing shock scenes. We'd like a return to the first game's (relative) groundedness. It might have come about purely by accident, for all we know, but it was certainly more affecting, and seemed to question hoo-rah jingoism in a series that nowadays prefers to celebrate it.

    10. New engine

    This isn't just a fancy way of saying "better graphics", though we'll admit that's part of the issue. Infinity Ward's IW engine has been powering COD for some time, though Treyarch and Infinity Ward technically use different variations of the software. It's held up admirably, delivering the smooth, 60 fps feel for which the series is famous. But maybe, just maybe, it's time for an upgrade. Physics is one area that badly needs to be worked on - Battlefield's destructibility makes COD's environments feel laughably artificial by contrast. There's a good chance that Modern Warfare 4 is going to end up straddling hardware generations like a camouflaged colossus, so it seems an appropriate time to experiment with the engine at its heart.


  2. #2
    DF VIP Member SiE's Avatar
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    Default 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    They should give the franchise a 2 year break and come back on next gen with something fresh.

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member flumperino's Avatar
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    Default Re: 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    All good stuff.

    The thing they should do that would have most impact is change the release date to November 2015, rather than 2013.

    edit - What SiE said


  4. #4
    DF Member SchnoozUloose's Avatar
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    Default Re: 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    All good points.

    Get rid of quick scoping though!

    Also need the ability to choose to play with people from your own country. Nothing against anyone outside England, I just want to understand what people are saying lol.

  5. #5
    DF VIP Member eblaster101's Avatar
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    Default Re: 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    I agree they should take a break from making these. They just churn them out year after year and the quality has gone down hill. I feel Halo 4 has come at the right time as I am sick of COD.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    They won't take a break there's far too much money to be made on the COD franchise, the article has some really good ideas.

    I would like to a Detailed profile of players that Camp,Run, or actually play the game like a soldier on the battlefield, that way it would change the whole way you play a map with certain players.

  7. #7
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    Default 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    Getting Fttc then having to deal with lag compensation killed this age for me I just can not compete anymore
    VIP WOOP !

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member mysterym's Avatar
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    Default Re: 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    I consider myself pretty decent at console fps, and having played lots of cod 2, mw/2/3 team slayer. Cod 2 and can remember enjoying it loads over the year or so I played it (it bridged the gap whilst waiting for halo 3 nicely), I really enjoyed mw/2 however by the release of mw3 it was all too similar so we stopped playing and went onto gears 3 multiplayer instead (which I love). They need to evolve it further with mw4 otherwise I have zero interest in it (I also played blops for a few weeks which was enough for me not to want to pick up a treyarch game again - something I'd said after playing cod 3).

    I only play multiplayer games so can't comment on the single player. Its not just mw, I hate what's happened to halo 4 too, its enjoyable but no halo 2/3 - partly the fault of 343 trying to entice the mw crowd by reducing its skill.

  9. #9
    DF VIP Member swiggy's Avatar
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    Default Re: 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    11. Don't make modern warfare 4, whilst COD has been a reasonable series I can't help be think they're slowly but surely killing off the franchise by making games that basically just add new weapons and a few new maps year after year, I think they either need to take the game to a new war, with a completely remade system, or look to making a game set in the future (further than COD Black ops 2) because I've not bought a single CoD game since modern warfare 2 and even that was because my friends talked me into it. Bungie had the right idea, they left the franchise at 5 halo games, which allowed a new company with new ideas to take the game forward a bit (I haven't played halo 4 yet but I've heard some good things about it). For me honestly the last great call of duty was probably CoD 3, because even the first modern warfare got a bit dull after a while.
    Bang Bang,
    you just dropped dead

  10. #10
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    Default Re: 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    12. Sort out the cheating ! (on the PC)

    I personally don't think the series has been up to much since COD2. Each subsequent release has seen the demise of any skill in its players.

  11. #11
    DF VIP Member Bald Bouncer's Avatar
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    Default Re: 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    I think they lost sight of balance in a game so more and more the better, more skilled and ones willing to play for 100's of hours are rewarded with perks that make it so unbalanced for the new, casual or less skilled gamer to even compete.

    Now you might say rightly so if I play more or am better I should be rewarded but in reality new players and casual gamers just become cannon fodder and get little or no reward from the game, other games have found ways round this like Battlefield 2 had a great system or separating players into levels of skill so you played against people with a similar skill, Halo goes another way and starts everyone with the same weapons on a level playing field and although they have gone with loadouts in Halo 4 and perks they are not of such a great advantage as to effect the score too much.

    I always enjoy the single player game and wish they had kept the promise they made as far back as COD 2 to add a co-op campaign, I did find this single player campaign by far the worst since COD 3 and it didn't really grip me at all, i didn't bother with multiplayer as I haven't got 30-40 hours to waste getting to a point I am not looking at a kill death rate of 10/1 which I could accept if I thought myself that shit but games such as Halo or BF3 reassure me I am not.

    Conclusion: They will continue to pump out this game like and American soap opera that should have finished 2 seasons ago but has enough momentum to assure it still attracts enough people to pay it's way regardless of the finished product.

  12. #12
    DF VIP Member inspectercoley's Avatar
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    Default Re: 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    Make the kill steaks less powerful.
    Sure you should get rewarded for certain kill steaks but feels like in some of the games when you are losing it becomes a helicopter and air strike rape fest rather than letting people just gun it out.

    Thanks to inspectercoley

    Mr Men (18th January 2013)  

  13. #13
    DF VIP Member normanji's Avatar
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    Default Re: 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    Not really bothered with the cods snice shitty quick scoping, shitty spawns, you kill someone and they will spawn right behind you. And the fucking lag compensator, is bull shit i upped my connection speed to better the online gaming but with shit like this its worse for me as i get host 9 out of 10 and some fucker with a shite connection can kick my fucking arse (no im not shit at the cod games) as its better for them. Cod2 was best for lag and pings as everyone got the same no host advantage.

  14. #14
    DF VIP Member Sanj[UK]'s Avatar
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    Default Re: 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    Quote Originally Posted by normanji View Post
    Not really bothered with the cods snice shitty quick scoping, shitty spawns, you kill someone and they will spawn right behind you. And the fucking lag compensator, is bull shit i upped my connection speed to better the online gaming but with shit like this its worse for me as i get host 9 out of 10 and some fucker with a shite connection can kick my fucking arse (no im not shit at the cod games) as its better for them. Cod2 was best for lag and pings as everyone got the same no host advantage.
    cod2 aka mw2? MW2 netcode was based around host advantage. The gay thing is that the top Infinity wards copywrited the netcode for mw2 so when they left for EA they took the code with them, hence why every cod since then has been shit online.

    I enjoy blops2 compared to mw3. The only thing that pisses me off is the shitty netcode.

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    DF VIP Member normanji's Avatar
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    Default Re: 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3

    Not mw2, the first cod on 360 cod2 think it was set world war 2, not sure been a long time since i played it. No perks every ones weapons was the same you couldnt even run on it.

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