Stolen from another forum:

If anyone is thinking of spending a few hundred quid on a satellite linux box or one of those openboxes and connecting to a pay service then i would think again.

Last summer sky revealed plans that they would be changing the way they were going to be pairing their cards which was due to be rolled out early in 2013 and its happening now ! Already boxes in certain areas are affected (mainly amstrad receivers) with the loss of all HD sports/movies and any other premium channel add on,the only channels remaining are the family pack channels in sd format.

The new pairing method is working because any emu available today cannot read the new boxid that cards are using now after an entitlements update thus rendering all premium hd channels defunct on servers.

Payservers no dought will already be trying to find a way round this but i do not think its gonna be a smooth journey for them,it was a long time coming and payservers are mostly to blame for the change but the revenue sky are losing must be massive.

Anyway it was just a heads up incase any of you were thinking of spending your hard earned cash only to find the channels you thought you would receive are in darkness.

Was only time I suppose. If I am right this will make it near impossible for someone to set up a card share server.