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Thread: Banned members

  1. #21
    DF VIP Member kroner's Avatar
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    Default Re: Banned members

    Already said this lets be honest DF is it on it's arse...

    The only reason the influx of noobs is because of two threads that show on the google search is the skybox and Nowtv thread.

    Long gone are the days of this once great place that had all the info and all the people that contributed to it.

    and @blaggard maybe it's just me (although i don't think it is) it's not just the Mc and Gold that take things off topic, there's at least five "old school" that i can name off the top of my head that post utter shite and contribute fuck all and just take the piss.

    Prime example have a look through the noobs joining and read the replies...

    DF gives out the message about forum etiquette being high standard and then it bans people for taking things off topic ?

    Take it how you want, but it's not a dig at mods - admins, Just a general observation. Everything on DF can be found quite easily with a google search... so why do people need to come here ?

    The last bit everyone should know.. but unless something changes DF will just end up a shadow of it's former self.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Banned members

    Because it's a community not a resource? What's wrong with taking the piss every now and then anyway?
    No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride...

    Thanks to beansontoast

    BigBird (2nd June 2014)  

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Banned members

    Quote Originally Posted by kroner View Post
    Already said this lets be honest DF is it on it's arse...

    The only reason the influx of noobs is because of two threads that show on the google search is the skybox and Nowtv thread.

    Long gone are the days of this once great place that had all the info and all the people that contributed to it.

    and @blaggard maybe it's just me (although i don't think it is) it's not just the Mc and Gold that take things off topic, there's at least five "old school" that i can name off the top of my head that post utter shite and contribute fuck all and just take the piss.

    Prime example have a look through the noobs joining and read the replies...

    DF gives out the message about forum etiquette being high standard and then it bans people for taking things off topic ?

    Take it how you want, but it's not a dig at mods - admins, Just a general observation. Everything on DF can be found quite easily with a google search... so why do people need to come here ?

    The last bit everyone should know.. but unless something changes DF will just end up a shadow of it's former self.
    "and contribute fuck all" this from someone who's posted 202 times in 11 years and also pays nothing? Beansontoast has it right, it's a Community.
    Kroner, you don't seem to like it here and certainly are not an active contributor, why come here at all?
    If at first you don't succeed.....redefine success. . . .

    7 Thanks given to blaggard

    AD (2nd June 2014),  cloudy73 (2nd June 2014),  greens117 (2nd June 2014),  ilscuro (2nd June 2014),  Mobileman (2nd June 2014),  TheThingIs (3rd June 2014),  Zoots (3rd June 2014)  

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Banned members

    Quote Originally Posted by beansontoast View Post
    Because it's a community not a resource? What's wrong with taking the piss every now and then anyway?
    I agree. A community is made up of all sorts of people. people that say very little, people that say a lot, people who know a lot about everything, people who know very little of anything. And not forgetting one or two jokers that more often than not have a sometimes funny/sometimes stupid comment to add to someones conversation.

    I am the president of an MCC club and we have all these types of people. It takes all sorts to create a good diverse community. After the main club business is over members usually mix in groups with others who have similar interests or personalities. I may find a member boring because he doesn't have the same interests or sense of humour as me but I still value him as a club member because there are always other members that find him interesting and funny.

    In the club I have to be diplomatic and tolerant but with a forum its easier because I can block or just pass over someones posts if I don't like them or what the have to say. Are we that intolerant that we cant put up with the usually helpful and funny but sometimes silly or annoying community member. As I said, It takes all sorts.

    Just for the record I read everyone's posts and find most people here interesting in different ways. (">

    Quote Originally Posted by kroner View Post
    Already said this lets be honest DF is it on it's arse...
    Totally disagree with that comment. (">

    Thanks to BigBird

    MHP (2nd June 2014)  

  5. #25
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    Default Re: Banned members

    Quote Originally Posted by kroner View Post
    Already said this lets be honest DF is it on it's arse....
    This place is no way on it's arse....

    I am a member of lots of forums and this is the only place i come everyday... Why?
    Because most of the members on here are helpful and will bend over backwards to help if the subject is something they know something about.

    I enjoy the banter but to some newbies it might look a tad intimidating and may make them shy away from posting in fear of being made to look stupid but who cares most of the members here who post banter know how far to take it and if the newbs stay around long enough they will realise it....

    IMO i think the mods are on the ball here and do a stirling job, if they feel the need to ban someone then i don't need to know why.

    3 Thanks given to JONNYG

    Bald Bouncer (2nd June 2014),  blaggard (2nd June 2014),  TheThingIs (3rd June 2014)  

  6. #26
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    Default Banned members

    I don't know the ins and outs as that's a job for admin and mods but I think it's clear why some were banned recently must be a dozen threads that got turned into a childish slanging game.

    persons were told a number of times to refrain but continued after warning so ban issued , can't see what the problem is there.

    Rather than discuss this crap lets just get on with helping each other and keeping DF and top of out Internet history 👍

    5 Thanks given to Mobileman

    Bald Bouncer (2nd June 2014),  blaggard (2nd June 2014),  cloudy73 (2nd June 2014),  I Black Belt (2nd June 2014),  JONNYG (2nd June 2014)  

  7. #27
    DF VIP Member Rhinoz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Banned members

    Quote Originally Posted by Mobileman View Post

    Rather than discuss this crap

    I disagree hence me starting this thread, as mentioned by Beans and agreed with by Blaggard this is a community and therefore when members 'disappear' with a banned flag it would be good for 'community' spirit that there was a list somewhere saying why they were banned, I don't have a problem with anyone deemed worth banning getting ban, it's not my call and would never judge a ban as I know it's not easy administering/moderating a forum such as this one.

    But when members that are liked are banned it would be respectful to other members to know why, that's all I was asking. The fact that this list does actually exist to VIP's I can respect that but to say 'Rather than discuss this crap' I would have to disagree with since it was me who started the thread and it was obvious from some of the replies that this needed discussing and your reply was not necessary.

    Thanks to Rhinoz

    akimba (3rd June 2014)  

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Banned members

    Quote Originally Posted by Mobileman View Post
    I don't know the ins and outs as that's a job for admin and mods but I think it's clear why some were banned recently must be a dozen threads that got turned into a childish slanging game.

    persons were told a number of times to refrain but continued after warning so ban issued , can't see what the problem is there.

    Rather than discuss this crap lets just get on with helping each other and keeping DF and top of out Internet history
    Agreed. Was a bit of a shock when I saw the ban because I liked the people who were banned but as I've said before we don't know all that may have led up to it and we don't see the warning that are sent by PM. If we want to be part of this forum we have to put our trust in the mods and admin to make the right decisions. Some feedback would be useful though. Maybe if we saw the warnings the ban wouldn't come as such a shock.

    That is the last I'm going to say on the matter. (">
    Last edited by BigBird; 2nd June 2014 at 09:19 PM.

  9. #29
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    Default Re: Banned members

    Such is the nature of forums and the diversity of opinion.
    My opinion is those two could bore a glass eye to sleep.
    'nuff said. Happier place IMO.

    MsDG never gave me any reason to dislike her. Got a damn decent deal off her with a lappy and enjoyed the majority of her posts, despite a couple of out of the blue direct strikes at me which I put down to rag week.
    But reading between the lines she was keen on riling the hierarchy, and let's face it, you wouldn't keep going into a specialist shop you clearly liked but keep standing at the counter telling all the workers there they were doing it all wrong, and not expect someone eventually, to get royally pissed off with it and hoof you out the door.

    2 Thanks given to Zoots

    Fear345 (3rd June 2014),  Mobileman (3rd June 2014)  

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