Do any of you guys buy games through accounts.


You have to add an account to (in my case your xbox) or ps4 and it includes the game(s). I have done so for a while but was curious why nobody has ever mentioned it here as far as I am aware.
I get most newly released games for £20 - £25 and have only ever had one issue (which was today and prompted me posting this) . I was able to resolve the issue as the seller had obviously sold the account to 2 people but not being a noob was able to recover/change password/email e.t.c Hit the limit of Home Xbox changes which was easily sorted by live chatting xbox support ....

But as I say after buying about 20 games this way this was the only issue. Do any of you buy this way??? So far I am more than quids in. Most places I buy from include the recovery email account details so you have no worries at all.

I got Fallout 4, Skyrim Remaster, PVZ GW2, TitanFall 2, stuff for kids, Watchdogs etc and loads of others with no issues.

What say you ??