A man is walking through Soho in London in the rain. The rain starts to get pretty heavy so he decides to take shelter in a Sex Shop advertising "The Ultimate Peep Show".

There is no one around, just a sign on a door saying £50 to enter and a slot next to the handle for a credit card. He thinks to himself what the hell and inserts his card. There is a click and the man is able to open the door.

The door closes behind him and he is in a room with three doors in front of him. Each has a sign on them. One saying "Blonde", one saying "Brunette" the other saying "Black".

He opens the "Blonde" door and when it shuts behind him he is faced with three more doors: "Small tits", "Medium tits" and "Big tits".

He opens "Big tits" and is once again in front of three doors: "Small c*nt", "Large c*nt" and "Wet c*nt".

He chooses "Wet c*nt" ... and finds himself back in the rain again...