1972, Washington. A "scandal" occurs in a hotel that ultimately ends up with Richard Nixon, President of the USA, resigning.

Can someone tell me how the name of that FUCKING HOTEL is so FUCKING relevant to every FUCKING piece of news that might, very loosely, have an element of conspiracy about it? That hotel was the Watergate. OK? It has the word "GATE" in the fucking name of it.

Its really fucking me off, all this "gate" stuff. Today I read about "PayslipGate". I mean FFS, what relevance does John Aarne Riise's pay slip have to an event in a hotel in the US 35 years ago? FUCKING NONE, that's FUCKING what.

I don't want to hear about PayslipGate. Or DianaGate. Or anything FUCKING Gate, unless its Bill Gate(s), and even then I don't really want to know, unless its to hear he's donating half his wealth to sad fuckers who inhabit internet forums moaning about the state of the media in the UK. Heavens forbid, we could end up with GatesGate (if we haven't already).

Just give it a FUCKING rest!

*grumble* media shite wank bollocks *grumble*