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  1. #1
    DF Super Moderator piggzy's Avatar
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    Default Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    Isn't the campaign to ruin Corbyn one of the most brutal relentless attacks you have ever seen.

    You literally couldn't make some of this up. The anti semetism thing is is now beyond a joke.

    I by no means mean this as a pro I love Corbyn post, it is not. I just cant believe the media are getting away with this completely shocking mostly bullshit attack

    "He hates Jews" . no he displayed sympathy about a dead Palestinian

    Poor bloke got no chance

    In other news......

    Thanks to piggzy

    4me2 (21st August 2018)  

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member DavidF's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    The elite are showing a little of what they have got....You do realise he will never have power ? Even if he gets to sit in number 10 he will never have the power to do the stuff he wants ? Why ? Because the majority of Labour Mp's do not agree with the boldest of his and mcdonnels you will have yet another paralised government. The Eu question is exactly the same - neither of them have the numbers to do shit....We can't move....we can't do bold stuff nor attract investment into our shores because it's not "settled" YET !!!
    Im afraid Corbyn's first aim has to be reform of the labour party and the ability to select consituency mp's based on selections by the local party members and not the way it is now...where the majority of labour mp's basically are not socialsit and yet are elected on socilist tickets....But when elected just turn away from those who elect them giving the democratically elected mp....blah blah blah see you at the next election. We must have the ability to deselect. The Leadership contest must also be opened up by reducing the number of nominees (MP's) needed to endorse a candidate before they even get on the ballot paper.....I mean what is that all about anyway - a democratic party would allow any mp to stand as party leader and live or die by his/her votes recieved....Anyway they are lookibg at reducing the numbers needed to get on ballot paper...which is a step in the right direction.....All of this and more will be attempted at the Labour Party Conference .....If attempted these measures will the follr is filled with ordinary members......This is the beginning of the last ditch attempt to STOP this happening either by Corby throwing in the towel OR a GE being called in the autum ...hmmm...An Autum GE will prevent any of this stuff taking place as there would be not time due to fighting GE...probably no conference but even if there was there would be no appetite to start talking about deselecting mp's ect.....
    It's a long game but if Corbyn gets by LP conf and the above gets through then it's job done and probably 30-40 mp's led by a peer or two will resign from the LP and form a new centersit party possibly with the lib dems....Ali Cambell and Blair sharing a love in both having left their wives and families and calling thmeselves the dream team ........Arrrrgggghhhhhhh. HELP !!!!

    Thanks to DavidF

    piggzy (16th August 2018)  

  3. #3
    DF Super Moderator piggzy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    You're absolutely right and it is VERY sad.

    This is the most fucked I have ever seen politics in this country. The cuntservatives must be rubbing their hands in the realization that their is no alternative atm. Labour are in a right mess but I am still amazed at people that openly love and praise Tories. They are the truly blind and buy every bit of MSM propaganda.

    Labour have been far from perfect historically .... Cant call the outcome for the near future but I would like a conservative free one.

    Thanks to piggzy

    DavidF (17th August 2018)  

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member flumperino's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    It's absolutely ridiculous.

    It has it's own tagline now, 'the antisemitism row'.

    So, ok, what exactly has been said that's antisemitic, and to whom? That rarely seems to get mentioned - there's just this mythical row that's apparently happening, but we don't actually know the specific details.

    I'm so sick of the Israel love too. Israel have been annexing Palestinian territory for like 100 years, but the Palestinians are apparently the bad guys.

    I am pretty sure that many normal folk are starting to see through this MSM bollox though. Here's hoping

    2 Thanks given to flumperino

    4me2 (21st August 2018),  piggzy (17th August 2018)  

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    I've noticed this and found it to be totally distasteful and biased, I used to think of the BBC as fairly impartial but not any more when they have a news story on someone saying something anti-Semitic and on the by-line referring to that person as "supporter of Jeremy Corbyn". To us it is pretty obvious what they are up to but I wonder what effect it has on others.

    Then Boris seems to get a very easy ride after his comments last week that I can only imagine are part of a Trumpesque strategy to win votes from those who should be Labour but probably voted UKIP or other right-wing extremes in the past.

    2 Thanks given to evilsatan

    4me2 (21st August 2018),  piggzy (17th August 2018)  

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member Over Carl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    This whole thing is the biggest joke ever.

    Israel is one of the most Anti Semitic nations on earth, as well being a terrorist state.

    Biggest example of the pot calling the kettle black I have ever seen. But somehow the terrorists are the victims?

    It's pretty obvious shady powers are controlling the media to brainwash the public for the gain of certain people and a certain ethnic group seem to be obviously aligned with a certain group of people known for being wealthy and exploiting the public for their gain. Oops, sorry for being anti-Semitic. Should I turn myself in for what many Jewish people would say is an Anti-Semitic statement?

    I hope one day everyone wakes up and people just start laughing when people start talking about Anti-semitism as the way the word is currently used, it has lost any real meaning to me except that it is probably being misused by a cry baby terrorist supporter.

    2 Thanks given to Over Carl

    4me2 (21st August 2018),  piggzy (17th August 2018)  

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    Personally as an ex-squaddie, I will never, ever vote for any party led by Corbyn, or any that he might have any influence in - regardless of how good their manifesto and policies are.

    I don't care about any of the other politics involved, his public support for PIRA in particular is abhorrent to me and many of my fellow servicemen and women across all branches of the UK Armed Forces.

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member DavidF's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    Can't answer that northern as to do so would inevitably lead to heated argument and to be honest I just don't have the energy nor inclination... Suffice to say that every party every security service every government have dealt with "the enemy" before shaking hands and agreeing to be friends... Make of that what you will.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
    Er a part time bad poker player was ere:bomb:

    2 Thanks given to DavidF

    4me2 (21st August 2018),  piggzy (17th August 2018)  

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidF View Post
    Can't answer that northern as to do so would inevitably lead to heated argument and to be honest I just don't have the energy nor inclination... Suffice to say that every party every security service every government have dealt with "the enemy" before shaking hands and agreeing to be friends... Make of that what you will.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
    No argument from me, I absolutely understand that in any conflict, both parties need to get together in secret to try and resolve things behind the scenes - HOWEVER for a serving MP to be publicly calling terrorists
    "heroes" after they have attacked, killed and injured UK armed forces and members of the public, then repeatedly being photographed with leaders of proscribed terrorist groups, supporting their cause is unacceptable. I can even accept Prince Charles shaking hands with the men who ordered the assassination of his uncle, it was a way of showing times have changed.

    There was absolutely no need for him to repeatedly glorify their actions and condemn the British troops
    (who incidentally were sent to Northern Ireland by the Labour Party when the troubles kicked off in 1969)
    for doing the job they were sent there to do.

    Its the man personally I detest, not the party he leads -
    Make of that what you will

  10. #10
    DF VIP Member DavidF's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    The IRA were murdering b-stards. The Sinn Fein party were/are the political wing of said party. Just because a politician decided that you and your comrades had to go to a disputed territory doesn't automatically mean that the "people" agree with either side of that dispute. If you are sent into conflict that I or anyone else doesn't agree with does that mean I support the other side ? Does the thinking of "Give it back" mean that I/we in some way undermine the british army ?
    Interesting that we have given back half the world where the uk leaders knew that if we did not then there was a fine chance of US being chucked out by force.....Most recently Hong Kong......where thatcher said "Have it back but at our timetable"...they said we could just take it back tomorrow and you would not be able to stop us......It's in her memoirs as well as the final details being in Blairs.....How was it all solved ? Talking/diplomacy ........Bit different when those in the "wrong" number the hundreds of millions.
    Anyone with half a brain can see there was terrible wrongs on BOTH sides of the NI conflict. It was some people aimto continue the violence without any peace process....It gave them a purpose to exist.....There have been many books and documentarries as well as court cases and other stuff that shows us both sides could easily be called murdering scum......

    Anyway I digress - Fuck NI I have zero interest in it....Although I DO have some knowledge of it from reading and talking to people who live there AND talking to mates of mine who were sent there in the army....Oh and other mates who still go there just to put on a silly hat and march during silly season......The whole stupid pig headedness of both sides depresses the hell out of me......It's awknoledged it will probably take the death of our generation before the knuckledraggers are gone and then and only then will there be peace.

    As for JC and the Labour party I will vote and campaign for him and them because his policies are attractive for me and my family and my community. The flip side is the ONLY other party that could get power the conservatives.....They will make the UK a more violent and desperate place to live....with many ex servicemen on the streets amoung the rest of the poorc sods who find themselves struggling and on the street. I don't give a hoot what he said 10 years ago never mind 20-30-40 years's what he is saying now that counts for me.

    Here is another newsflash NI will be rejoined to the rest of Ireland in the next 20 years or maybe even earlier....Why ? Numbers and brexit. Although I can see a last push with a return to violence from those who wish to prevent this.

    BTW if its the man you detest then unless you vote in his consituancy you should have zero problem voting for his party......

    2 Thanks given to DavidF

    4me2 (21st August 2018),  piggzy (18th August 2018)  

  11. #11
    DF VIP Member WillD's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    Quote Originally Posted by Northernbloke View Post
    Personally as an ex-squaddie, I will never, ever vote for any party led by Corbyn, or any that he might have any influence in - regardless of how good their manifesto and policies are.

    I don't care about any of the other politics involved, his public support for PIRA in particular is abhorrent to me and many of my fellow servicemen and women across all branches of the UK Armed Forces.
    What were you in?

    I was in the RCT from 1984 to 1992. I’m also a northern bloke but from Mackemland.

  12. #12
    DF VIP Member flumperino's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    One thing I find interesting is that the media are even bothering to continue with the Corbyn attacks. I think it shows that they believe that another general election over the next year is still a distinct possibility.

    If everyone was consigned to the next election being in 2022 as planned, then I don't think they'd bother using the page-space for smears as that's so far away.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    @WillD - I was REME 87-94

    @DavidF - Firstly the army wasn't sent into N.Ireland in 1969 because it was disputed territory, they were sent in because law and order had broken down completely and protestants were openly attacking catholics, driving them out of their homes by force and basically trying to ethnically cleanse the province. That's history - but as you've already said you don't care about history you're only interested in what some spineless politician is saying right now and not what rubbish they have spouted in the past because they are telling the truth now aren't they.

    I don't care if it goes back to a 32 county united Ireland as long as it's a peaceful transition. I've never seen it said that it will take the death of our generation to stop the violence in Ireland - there are always new younger groups following on the heels of IRA/PIRA/TRIRA/TCIRA/INLA etc. etc. determined to keep the trouble going.

    As for the UK being better under labour that's rubbish - neither party ever puts the country's needs first - they only look after their own interests. Personally I strongly suspect we'll have a civil war in the UK within the next 10 years or so, and neither the Tories or Labour are doing anything to try and prevent it. They just bury their heads in the trough and continue as if it'll never happen.

    Finally what's does me not living in his constituency got to do with anything - he's the leader of the Labour party and with his proven history of openly supporting terrorism, why would I ever want to see him in charge of the country? I'll never vote labour while he's in charge because I can't trust a single word he says.

  14. #14
    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    Quote Originally Posted by WillD View Post
    What were you in?

    I was in the RCT from 1984 to 1992. I’m also a northern bloke but from Mackemland.
    154 4th Jan 84. I can still hear the Wanderer playing on the box in Buller.
    There are 3 types of people in the world - those who make things happen, those who watch things happen; and those who wondered what happened.

    Conservatives. Putting the 'N' into Cuts.

  15. #15
    DF VIP Member DJ OD's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    Seems you can say a thing these days without upsetting someone about something... But any politician should be well aware of that. Spin doctors aren't new, they just work slightly differently now and are called "news".

    DJ OD

  16. #16
    DF VIP Member WillD's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    Quote Originally Posted by 4me2 View Post
    154 4th Jan 84. I can still hear the Wanderer playing on the box in Buller.
    Bloody hell, I was in Bond troop junior leaders. There wasn’t that many of us from the North East

  17. #17
    DF Super Moderator piggzy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

  18. #18
    DF VIP Member DavidF's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jeremy Corbyn and the hate campaign.

    Drip drip drip....Talking to non politically aware (read can't be arsed like most)...I think the constant barrage has actually weakened their aims. Nobody really gives a flying one. Save a few usual suspect Labour Mp's bleating in their chosen reporters (cosy relationship) paper.
    People are bothered about the usual stuff, housing, prices, NHS, crime, wages, services....and now the EU.
    When Corbyn speaks about something of substance the message is usually well received. None of his detractors can offer anything different, No vision to "fix" what is broken, Or at the very least bloody try !!! So this is what they resort to. Hamas didnt work, ira didnt work, so its time for a bit of anti semitism....Which is UK wide and not limited to the Labour party.....

    Thanks to DavidF

    piggzy (24th August 2018)  

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