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  1. #1
    DF VIP Member GTI's Avatar
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    Rant John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    I am livid, I hate this man with a passion, a despicable, paid shill of the pro-Israel lobby who has torped0ed his own party on the eve of elections.

    There is absolutely no substance to this nonsense, Ken Livingston hasn't got a racist bone in his body. This is just another attempt by the friends of Israel (and its generous lobbying arms) to smear anybody with any sympathies for the Palestinians. It is fucking perverse that the victims and their supporters should be demonised whilst the perpetrators of apartheid and war crimes are painted as the victims.. truly perverse.

    Anyway Mann seems to be part of a wider cabal of rebel Labour MPs looking to unseat Jeremy Corbyn by any means possible, including handing victory to the Tories. Don't these treacherous cunts realise that it only makes Corbyn supporters more determined to keep him as leader? Do they not also realise that tens of thousands of us only joined (or re-joined) Labour because of Corbyn, and if he is ousted then myself and many others will be terminating our membership as I did in 2003 after Blair's phoney war.

    [Ahh... thats better]
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    10 Thanks given to GTI

    Ashley (2nd May 2016),  Bald Bouncer (2nd May 2016),  beansontoast (2nd May 2016),  CzarJunkie (2nd May 2016),  DavidF (2nd May 2016),  elephantsoup (3rd May 2016),  flumperino (2nd May 2016),  Ganty (28th March 2018),  Over Carl (19th May 2016),  piggzy (2nd May 2016)  

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member flumperino's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    It is truly sad that while the Tories are dismantling the country (at an alarmingly quickening pace), there are Labour MPs more willing to fight their own party rather than the opposition. Completely barmy, but also shows a complete lack of respect for the fact that Corbyn was democratically elected.

    It's not even been a year since the general election, and we've already seen: Tories fighting it out with junior doctors, the starting gun on privatising schools so that they're run by Capita, Cameron using tax avoidance schemes, Tories trying to reduce money for disabled people.

    So all that glorious stuff, and apart from the tax avoidance thing, almost no mention of bad press in the papers. While, over the past year, Corbyn has been demonized for his suit, not meeting the Queen, not bowing properly, not dealing with a reshuffle properly (which didn't exist, it was just drummed up by the media), and now this anti-semite thing. All really important stuff.

    Oh's not all bad. Just another 9 years of Tory rule to go

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    GTI (2nd May 2016),  Over Carl (19th May 2016)  

  3. #3
    VIP Member CzarJunkie's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    This whole affair is so fucking contrived. Any sane person watching that footage should conclude that the one behaving most like a fascist is John Mann.

    5 Thanks given to CzarJunkie

    Bald Bouncer (2nd May 2016),  DavidF (2nd May 2016),  GTI (2nd May 2016),  Over Carl (19th May 2016),  stevo25 (2nd May 2016)  

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member DavidF's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    Great op and excellent posts in return. I think the topic title nails it really.
    *Disclaimer I actually like and admire Corbyn...not ALL of his views but taken as a whole I would vote for him or a younger version of him in a nano second.
    My view here is regardless of weather someone likes or agrees with anything Corbyn says or doesn't say is bloody irrelevant. The people have spoken in a free and democratic election within the rules of the labour party. Attempts to unseat the man before he even gets to produce a manifesto are malicious and misguided. I mean the stuff that Corbyn and his close inner circle have said and are doing must be all good because it has the press in a meltdown....The way I see it is if the mainstream UK press are trying to discredit someone and lambastes ANY and every policy or direction that they take then IMHO that person MUST be for the good of the people as generally the media only lead us into things that are for their own vested interests and that of their "mates" in power.
    I can't see Corbyn lasting until the next GE but I just hope and pray that he has the selection process ect all stitched up in favour of others like him (grass roots activists and the like) so that no matter what the "right" can never ever take total control of the party as they have done since John Smith passed. It is because of all this work going on in the background that these vile back stabbers are upping their moves now to try to unseat him before the selection processes for selecting leaders and mp's and policies are taken back into a more fair and democratic system.
    My only criticism of Corbyn is that he should by now have reshuffled his front bench to have only loyal supporters....Feck this trying to unify because as is all too evident the "Blairites" just don't want to know and they have a feeling that power is theirs by right and to hell with democratic processes because they know better......Or so they think anyway.

    4 Thanks given to DavidF

    Bald Bouncer (2nd May 2016),  GTI (2nd May 2016),  Over Carl (19th May 2016),  piggzy (2nd May 2016)  

  5. #5
    DF VIP Member GTI's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    Here we go again, this latest trumped up antisemitism campaign has descended into a full blown moral panic. I don't actually blame elderly Jews for getting alarmed when they hear words like 'rampant antisemitism' and then marching around parliament, but they've been manipulated.

    What it essentially boils down to a number of British Jews who feel a strong affinity with the State of Israel, their spiritual home and sanctuary in case of another rise of European fascism. For them that is a red line, and Corbyn with his long standing pro Palestine, anti-Zionist views crosses that line like no other leader or PM before him. If he stuck to his other trendy causes like Tibet and the Kurds that would be fine, but Israel ... NO. Therefore the best way to bring him down is by conflating Anti-Zionism with antisemitism, thus stifling any legitimate debate and paving the way for a pro-Israeli, Blairite leader.
    This is unacceptable as it subverts British politics for the interests of a third country. You're either British of Israeli, you can't bat for both.

    For a little perspective I would recommend the following website

    Jewish Voice for Labour
    "You have reached the end of you free trial membership at"
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    6 Thanks given to GTI

    Ashley (29th March 2018),  Bald Bouncer (27th March 2018),  CzarJunkie (27th March 2018),  evilsatan (27th March 2018),  Ganty (28th March 2018),  piggzy (27th March 2018)  

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member Bald Bouncer's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    Quote Originally Posted by GTI View Post
    Here we go again, this latest trumped up antisemitism campaign has descended into a full blown moral panic. I don't actually blame elderly Jews for getting alarmed when they hear words like 'rampant antisemitism' and then marching around parliament, but they've been manipulated.

    What it essentially boils down to a number of British Jews who feel a strong affinity with the State of Israel, their spiritual home and sanctuary in case of another rise of European fascism. For them that is a red line, and Corbyn with his long standing pro Palestine, anti-Zionist views crosses that line like no other leader or PM before him. If he stuck to his other trendy causes like Tibet and the Kurds that would be fine, but Israel ... NO. Therefore the best way to bring him down is by conflating Anti-Zionism with antisemitism, thus stifling any legitimate debate and paving the way for a pro-Israeli, Blairite leader.
    This is unacceptable as it subverts British politics for the interests of a third country. You're either British of Israeli, you can't bat for both.

    For a little perspective I would recommend the following website

    Jewish Voice for Labour
    Totally agree sickening and all the British media running with it

    Thanks to Bald Bouncer

    GTI (27th March 2018)  

  7. #7
    VIP Member CzarJunkie's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    It’s absurd. But this is the world we now inhabit. And I’d say more, but given the current climate and recent prosecution, I’ll keep my own counsel. I’ve even started deleting posts from here and elsewhere. Call me paranoid, but the way things are developing, I just don’t feel comfortable expressing myself publicly any longer.

    6 Thanks given to CzarJunkie

    AD (18th July 2018),  Ashley (29th March 2018),  Bald Bouncer (28th March 2018),  evilsatan (28th March 2018),  GTI (31st March 2018),  piggzy (27th March 2018)  

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member GTI's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    Quote Originally Posted by CzarJunkie View Post
    It’s absurd. But this is the world we now inhabit. And I’d say more, but given the current climate and recent prosecution, I’ll keep my own counsel. I’ve even started deleting posts from here and elsewhere. Call me paranoid, but the way things are developing, I just don’t feel comfortable expressing myself publicly any longer.
    Please leave the tranny material
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  9. #9
    DF VIP Member flumperino's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    Crikey, they are STILL going on about this!

    And yet, a week ago, Boris Johnson compared Putin to Hitler, and it was barely mentioned!

    I'm not too concerned about all this, as I think people will see through it. The media fought Corbyn for two years....and they lost. Since the last election they've reduced their attacks significantly. This now is just them giving it one more go before the local elections to see if they can get any traction.

    The MSM is losing its power and they don't like it.

  10. #10
    DF VIP Member DavidF's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    This made me laugh the other day (From Private Eye)

    Thanks to DavidF

    flumperino (30th March 2018)  

  11. #11
    DF VIP Member flumperino's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    Now that the local elections are done this hasn't been mentioned again. Funny that....

  12. #12
    DF VIP Member Bald Bouncer's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    Quote Originally Posted by flumperino View Post
    Now that the local elections are done this hasn't been mentioned again. Funny that....
    Only a fool would think this really has anything to so with anti semitism in the Labour party and god forbid anyone mentions the Israelis have shot and killed over 100 Palestinians now in self defence and one Israeli soldier was slightly injured by a rock I shit you not, that is the extent of the casualties on the Israeli side. I always see people attacked when they say you should not mix up criticism of Israels actions and criticism (anti semitic comments) about Jews and I agree my issue is with the what seems to be 95% of Jews who are defending the Israeli actions, my criticism is of all people who condone what Israel is doing and they seem to see attack as the best form of defence with the anti semitic claims swiftly follow avoiding any reasoning on why they are killing unarmed civilians.

    3 Thanks given to Bald Bouncer

    flumperino (19th May 2018),  GTI (19th May 2018),  Over Carl (20th May 2018)  

  13. #13
    DF VIP Member DavidF's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    It still stuns me when I see people on TV defending this stuff (Israel). I watch them to see if they actually believe the tripe that they speak. Frighteningly it seems many of the commentators actually do believe that Israel response this week is simply self defence. Staggering really. Its also getting to the stage where members of the Labour Party will be unable to criticise Israel for fear of being called anti semitic.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
    Er a part time bad poker player was ere:bomb:

    Thanks to DavidF

    Over Carl (20th May 2018)  

  14. #14
    DF VIP Member flumperino's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    I found the videos of the protests (or were they riots?) quite telling. The Palestinians in civilian clothes, hurling rocks with a catapult......and the Israelis wearing heavily armoured tactical gear, and carrying sniper rifles.

    Thanks to flumperino

    Over Carl (20th May 2018)  

  15. #15
    DF VIP Member flumperino's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Mann MP - Phoney antisemitism row

    The Tory government is hanging by a the Labour antisemitism stories are back now, right on cue

    Thanks to flumperino

    GTI (18th July 2018)  

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