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    Weird NASA calls Wednesday press conference to announce 'major' exoplanet discovery

    NASA is to host a major press conference on Wednesday to reveal a 'discovery beyond our solar system'.

    The space agency says the secretive event, will 'present new findings on planets that orbit stars other than our sun, known as exoplanets'.

    It raises hopes that NASA could reveal details of exoplanets capable of holding life.

    The space agency says the event, will 'present new findings on planets that orbit stars other than our sun, known as exoplanets' at the event - but all other details have been kept secret ahead of the announcement happening at 1pm ET on Wednesday.

    Researchers recently gave an incredible glimpse of a nearby system with a mesmerising new animation revealing four alien worlds orbiting a star 129 light years away.
    The planets, each more massive than Jupiter, are circling a bright young star that lies in the constellation Pegasus.
    It comes as the result of seven years of observations at the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, providing a captivating glimpse at four planets whose orbital periods are in nearly precise ratio with each other.

    These objects have vastly different orbital periods, from 40 years to more than 400.
    But, researchers believe they are in a one-two-four-eight resonance with each other.
    This means their individual orbital periods are in nearly precise ratio with the others


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    akimba (22nd February 2017),  Lestronics (21st February 2017),  Mystical_2K (21st February 2017),  piggzy (21st February 2017)  

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member Lestronics's Avatar
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    Default Re: NASA calls Wednesday press conference to announce 'major' exoplanet discovery

    Anyone watch Ancient Alliens? very good series and certainly opens your eyes regarding E.T's

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member akimba's Avatar
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    Default Re: NASA calls Wednesday press conference to announce 'major' exoplanet discovery

    Quote Originally Posted by ilscuro View Post
    announcement happening at 1pm ET on Wednesday.
    They couldn't help themselves but to sneak and alien in there ;-)

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    Ashley (22nd February 2017),  ilscuro (22nd February 2017)  

  4. #4
    VIP Member CzarJunkie's Avatar
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    Default Re: NASA calls Wednesday press conference to announce 'major' exoplanet discovery

    Quote Originally Posted by Lestronics View Post
    Anyone watch Ancient Alliens? very good series and certainly opens your eyes regarding E.T's
    Buhahahahaha....... opens your eyes? Buhahahahhahahhahahahaahahahahaahhaaaaaaaaaaa

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    BertRoot (22nd February 2017),  cyprus (24th February 2017)  

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    DF Super Moderator piggzy's Avatar
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    Default Re: NASA calls Wednesday press conference to announce 'major' exoplanet discovery

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member Lestronics's Avatar
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    Default Re: NASA calls Wednesday press conference to announce 'major' exoplanet discovery

    Quote Originally Posted by CzarJunkie View Post
    Buhahahahaha....... opens your eyes? Buhahahahhahahhahahahaahahahahaahhaaaaaaaaaaa
    Is that the best you can come up with? I'm sure you have seen the entire series and that there are other explanations for many of the unexplained things all around the planet, care to elaborate and share? or are you just posting with your comments because you feel it makes you feel smart and clever !

  7. #7
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    BBC News Star's seven Earth-sized worlds set record

    Astronomers have detected a record seven Earth-sized planets orbiting a single star.
    The researchers say that all seven could potentially support liquid water on the surface, depending on the other properties of those planets.
    However, three of these worlds are within the "habitable" zone where life is considered a possibility.
    The compact system of exoplanets orbits Trappist-1, a low-mass, cool star located 40 light-years away from Earth.
    The planets were detected using Nasa's Spitzer Space Telescope and several ground-based observatories are described in the journal Nature.
    Where should we look for alien life?
    Lead author Michaël Gillon, from Belgium's University of Liège, said: "The planets are all close to each other and very close to the star, which is very reminiscent of the moons around Jupiter."
    "Still, the star is so small and cold that the seven planets are temperate, which means that they could have some liquid water - and maybe life, by extension - on the surface."
    Co-author Amaury Triaud, from the University of Cambridge, UK, said the team had introduced the "temperate" definition to broaden perceptions about habitability.
    Are Earth-like planets actually like Earth?
    Three of the Trappist-1 planets fall within the traditional habitable zone definition, where surface temperatures could support the presence of liquid water - given sufficient atmospheric pressure.
    Dr Gillon said this was the largest number of Earth-sized planets found in a single habitable zone.
    But Dr Triaud said that if the planet furthest from the parent star, Trappist-1h, had an atmosphere that efficiently trapped heat - a bit more like Venus's atmosphere than Earth's - it might be habitable.
    "It would be disappointing if Earth represents the only template for habitability in the Universe," he told the BBC News website.

    Analysis - David Shukman, BBC Science Editor

    So many planets have been discovered in planetary systems beyond our own that it's easy to become inured to their potential significance. Nasa's latest tally is an impressive 3,449 and there's a danger of hype with each new announcement.
    But the excitement around this latest discovery is not only because of its unusual scale or the fact that so many of the planets are Earth-sized. It is also because the star Trappist-1 is conveniently small and dim. This means that telescopes studying the planets are not dazzled as they would be when aiming at far brighter stars.
    In turn that opens up a fascinating avenue of research into these distant worlds and, above all, their atmospheres.
    The next phase of research has already started to hunt for key gases like oxygen and methane which could provide evidence about whatever is happening on the surface.
    Coverage of exoplanets can far too easily leap to conclusions about alien life. But this remote planetary system does provide a good chance to look for clues about it.

    The six inner planets have orbital periods that are organised in a "near-resonant chain". This means that in the time that it takes for the innermost planet to make eight orbits, the second, third and fourth planets revolve five, three and two times around the star, respectively.
    This appears to be an outcome of interactions early in the evolution of the planetary system.
    The astronomers say it should be possible to study the planets' atmospheric properties with telescopes.
    "The James Webb Space Telescope, Hubble's successor, will have the possibility to detect the signature of ozone if this molecule is present in the atmosphere of one of these planets," said co-author Prof Brice-Olivier Demory, from the University of Bern in Switzerland.
    "This could be an indicator for biological activity on the planet."
    But the astrophysicist also warns that we must remain extremely careful about inferring biological activity from afar.
    Some of the properties of cool, low mass stars could make life a more challenging prospect. For example, some are known to emit large amounts of radiation in the form of flares, which has the potential to sterilise the surfaces of nearby planets.
    In addition, the habitable zone is located closer to the star so that planets receive the heating necessary for liquid water to persist. But this causes a phenomenon called tidal locking, so that planets always show the same face to their star.
    This might have the effect of making one side of the planet hot, and the other cold.
    But Amaury Triaud said UV light might be vital for producing the chemical compounds that can later be assembled into biological systems. Similarly, if life emerges on the permanent night side of a tidally locked planet, it might be sheltered from any flares.
    But he said the Trappist-1 star was not particularly active, something it has in common with other "ultra cool dwarfs" the team has surveyed.
    "It is fair to say there is much we don't know. Where I am hopeful is that we will know if flares are important, we will know if tidal locking is relevant to habitability and maybe to the emergence of biology," he explained.
    "Many of the arguments in favour or disfavour of habitability can be flipped in that way. First and foremost we need observations."
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    Default Re: NASA calls Wednesday press conference to announce 'major' exoplanet discovery

    Scientists have found a new solar system filled with planets that look like Earth and could support life, Nasa has announced.

    At least three of the seven planets represent the “holy grail for planet-hunting astronomers”, because they sit within the “temperate zone” and are the right temperature to allow alien life to flourish, the researchers have said. And they are capable of having oceans, again suggesting that life could flourish on them.

    No other star system has ever been found to contain so many Earth-sized and rocky planets, of the kind thought to be necessary to contain aliens.


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    Default Re: NASA calls Wednesday press conference to announce 'major' exoplanet discovery

    Quote Originally Posted by Lestronics View Post
    Is that the best you can come up with? I'm sure you have seen the entire series and that there are other explanations for many of the unexplained things all around the planet, care to elaborate and share? or are you just posting with your comments because you feel it makes you feel smart and clever !
    The bloke who wrote the book on which the series is based has been widely discredited. The whole premise has been debunked so many times it's crazy people are still taken in by it.

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    Default Re: NASA calls Wednesday press conference to announce 'major' exoplanet discovery

    Look up Ancient Aliens debunked on YouTube. Completely disproves most of the shows repetitive arguments which seem to pop up season after season.

    I was much like yourself...loved the show for the first few seasons then it just became a cash cow and got stupid.

    The whole idea of ancient Aliens is one I would love to believe but sadly the arguments put forward in that show are idiotic at best and dumbed down for the masses

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    DF VIP Member Lestronics's Avatar
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    Default Re: NASA calls Wednesday press conference to announce 'major' exoplanet discovery

    Quote Originally Posted by CallmeGoose View Post
    Look up Ancient Aliens debunked on YouTube. Completely disproves most of the shows repetitive arguments which seem to pop up season after season.

    I was much like yourself...loved the show for the first few seasons then it just became a cash cow and got stupid.

    The whole idea of ancient Aliens is one I would love to believe but sadly the arguments put forward in that show are idiotic at best and dumbed down for the masses

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
    I hear what you are saying and I fully agree, I've watched various video's regarding the debunking and you can clearly see that those so called experts are on a good earner ! but there is still plenty of things all around the world that do not have a logical explanation, for instance, whilst they were debunking the great pyramids of egypt they never mentioned anything about the perfect alignments with orion's belt and other structures and there alignments nor did they mention anything about the other not so widely advertised, thousands of other pyramids all around the world and with similar archetecture, incidentally how is that also possible as travelling the globe was not possible thousands of Years a go and then theres the various drawings all around the world that also show similar depictions of flying machines, again from thousands of Years a go, the Baghdad Battery, the mechanical device with all the intricate gears that could be seen under an X-Ray machine etc etc.

  12. #12
    VIP Member CzarJunkie's Avatar
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    Default Re: NASA calls Wednesday press conference to announce 'major' exoplanet discovery

    Quote Originally Posted by Lestronics View Post
    I hear what you are saying and I fully agree, I've watched various video's regarding the debunking and you can clearly see that those so called experts are on a good earner ! but there is still plenty of things all around the world that do not have a logical explanation, for instance, whilst they were debunking the great pyramids of egypt they never mentioned anything about the perfect alignments with orion's belt and other structures and there alignments nor did they mention anything about the other not so widely advertised, thousands of other pyramids all around the world and with similar archetecture, incidentally how is that also possible as travelling the globe was not possible thousands of Years a go and then theres the various drawings all around the world that also show similar depictions of flying machines, again from thousands of Years a go, the Baghdad Battery, the mechanical device with all the intricate gears that could be seen under an X-Ray machine etc etc.
    Why do you think pyramids were the most popular type of tall building before they invented domes, arches, or modern materials, like steel? Because they were the only shape buildings that ancient civilisations could build that would stay up. So your puzzlement at the many unrelated civilisations all finding the same solution says more about you than it does about the inconsistencies of recorded history.

    In biology, the eye has evolved independently on 50-100 different occasions. Now that's something truly remarkable to ponder, unlike the fact that ancient Egyptians and the Maya both stacked blocks into a pyramid shape so they could build something taller than a hut

    Science facts are usually far more remarkable than something a human's imagination has made up. I like facts.

    2 Thanks given to CzarJunkie

    CallmeGoose (26th February 2017),  EvilBoB (14th March 2017)  

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