Any of you orrible lot experienced High Blood Pressure ???

Wound up spending the day in hospital yesterday, getting home 1am after it went through the roof.
I have been expecting it at some point as it runs in the family but happened sooner than expected. Scans & tests show it must have been high for a while and has caused enlarged capillaries in my heart ffs

Anyhoo on meds already, got a follow up appt on Wed morning and will be on pills for the rest of my life.

Just wondered if anyone in a similar boat can recommend any special diet or even just foods that are good for reducing it.
I have googled but I find experience is better than what google says.

It is currently hovering around 230 over 130 ish.... 140 was the highest.

Gonna be a big change for me. Need to lose some timber for sure and eat better but they feel the biggest issue is hereditary.

So far munching on unsalted (of course) pistachios, got some raw beetroot in, licorice root for tea.
Got an allotment recently so gonna research what to grow that will benefit me and cost sweet fa.

Cheers for any advice


So far on atenolol and ramipril. Low dose to start as they are concerned on lowering it too quickly, but plan to up it on Wednesday and maybe add another med too.
Atenolol is a funny one, vivid dreams and very cold hands and feet. Already had a vivid dream about one of the nurses :-)