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Thread: Courier Wankers

  1. #1
    DF MaSter RaMx's Avatar
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    Default Courier Wankers

    So I brough an item on the bay which cost around £800.
    On friday 18th I got and email from Parcel Hero saying the item is out for delivery then another to say it was close then then one to say it was delivered & was left outside.
    I was working from my laptop and my email client was open so I got these emails as they where sent.
    I was home at the time as Im ill with a chest infection so I though it was a bit strange that the door bell didnt ring so as soon as I got the last email I was out to check.. No parcel!
    Went and checked with my neighbours nothing there either.
    Checked tracking that said delivered.
    Contacted the seller almost immediatly to explain the situation.. No reponse.
    So I though I would leave it for a few days incasre the courier turned up but nothing.
    Contacted the seller again on Monday and told him I was goiing to notify eBay the next day that I have recieved the item.
    He replied almost imediatly asking me to try and sirt it out with the courier I said it's not really my prob.
    This has obviously been quite worrying as theres quite a lot of money involved.
    I thnk the courier has messed up but dont really see what I can do about that or what they will do to sort it out.
    The last message from the seller said the courier company where waiting for the person that delivered the itme to come back to the depo.
    Ive heard nothing since.
    Guess I will have to go down the not recieved item route with ebay but Im worried the courier will just blag it.
    There was no signature or photos or proof of delivery which isnt helpful.
    The seller charged me £45 for delivery which I feel could have paid for a better service than Parcel Hero..

  2. #2
    DF Admin Teajunkie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Courier Wankers

    What company delivered it?

    If you use the tracking info there will be a gps location and photographic proof of delivery.
    If you have none of those then open an eBay case now don’t leave it.

    chances are the seller hasn’t taken out the insurance to cover the cost either which is why he wants you to sort it out.

    Ebay have a money back guarantee if you haven’t got what you paid for you get a refund.
    it’s their job to prove you have the item via picture signature or other method.

    don’t take any shit and you could always go to your bank and claim back your payment also if eBay fail.
    Have you joined the DF discord server.

  3. #3
    DF MaSter RaMx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Courier Wankers

    Thanks for your reply TJ..

    The emails I recieved where from UPS but I find it strange that they left it without a signature I always thought they where pretty strict regarding this.
    I'm not actually sure that they did the delivery as the parcel was sent with Parcel Hero.
    I have asked the sender if any photos where taken or if there was a signature but he hasnt said they where, I guess this is him flapping.
    I dont see anything my end.
    One strange thing is on the parcel hero tracking I only see my postcode and not my house number.

    I think you are right regarding the insurance etc & as I said I think he charged to much for the deliver, Im pretty sure he could have sent it via Royal Mail with signed for/next day for £45.

    I feel quite bad for him but after reading your reply I have now notified eBay.
    I used PayPal which is linked to my credit card so hopefull I have enough protection.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Courier Wankers

    Parcel hero will just be a reseller of other couriers so sounds like you got a UPS one. UPS was always one of my preferred couriers until now, the driver in my area knocks on my door very gently even though I have a video doorbell, he then leaves the package on my doorstep and drives off without checking I even open the door. I’ve had to complain a couple of times as he left several laptops on my doorstep and I live on a busy street in a city.

    DPD have consistently been the best courier for me, but at the moment my DHL driver is excellent whereas as a company, DHL have always been poor for me.

    raise the eBay claim and let the seller deal with it, it’s not your problem.

  5. #5
    DF MaSter RaMx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Courier Wankers

    Thanks for your reply
    I always thought UPS where pretty good until now.
    I'm pretty sure the parcel never came to my address as my street is very quet $ I was watching out for the van.

    I have now started the claim wit eBay.

    Quote Originally Posted by evilsatan View Post
    Parcel hero will just be a reseller of other couriers so sounds like you got a UPS one. UPS was always one of my preferred couriers until now, the driver in my area knocks on my door very gently even though I have a video doorbell, he then leaves the package on my doorstep and drives off without checking I even open the door. I’ve had to complain a couple of times as he left several laptops on my doorstep and I live on a busy street in a city.

    DPD have consistently been the best courier for me, but at the moment my DHL driver is excellent whereas as a company, DHL have always been poor for me.

    raise the eBay claim and let the seller deal with it, it’s not your problem.

  6. #6
    DF MaSter RaMx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Courier Wankers

    So the Courier Wanker left the parcel 10 doors away the guy from there dropped it off this morning, he's been away for a week so it was in his front garden until today.
    According to the sender UPS can track where the parcels where left with the GPS from their PDAs and they are going to look for it at some point.
    Alls well that ends well I guess but I could have done without the stress.

    Thanks again for your advice chaps..

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