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  1. #1
    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    Default All Iraq conflict discussion in here plz

    Ok the way things are looking now there is very likely to be a war in Iraq starting early next year .
    I am starting this thread now so that all Iraq conflict discussions/comments can be made in one place and not have lots being started allover the forums.
    There are however going to have to be very clear rules on the posting on this subject so that it doesnt just turn into a free for all of racist or religious comments.

    Basic guidelines are :

    1. No racist stuff.

    2. No religious stuff ie anti Islam/anti christian /anti jewish comments please.

    Any one breaking these guidelines will have thier posts deleted and could find themselves banned .So please lets keep this thread to what its intended to be A discussion on a conflict
    against terrorism.

  2. #2
    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    Ok to start the ball rolling I was watching Fox news last night when I was horrifed to see claims there that Iraq was in posession of 500 tons of mustard gas that are not declared on thier list. I mean 500 tons isnt something that can just be forgotten is it ?

    Also Powell said, Iraq had the capacity to produce 26,000 liters of anthrax, three times the amount it declared in the past and enough to kill several million people.

    that is terrifying .

    Just in this dinner time Ive heard that the US have applied to the German govt for 2000 german troops to guard the US bases in Germany from the end of January 2003 which really speaks for itself I think.

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member Yazmon's Avatar
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    Anyone else see a worrying correlation between the warnings issued by the UK Government and the escalation of tension in Iraq?
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  4. #4
    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Yazmon
    Anyone else see a worrying correlation between the warnings issued by the UK Government and the escalation of tension in Iraq?
    I see that as safe propaganda to set the public in a state of fear. The purpose being to silence those who are against the war. Lets install some fear into the public that way we get less opposition to the conflict.

    Thats just my opinion though .

  5. #5
    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    'Prepare for war', Blair warns troops

    Iraq must co-operate with UN, says Blair

    Prime Minister Tony Blair has warned British troops to prepare for a possible war against Iraq if Saddam Hussein fails to comply with weapons inspections.
    In a Christmas message to the armed forces, Mr Blair apologised for the "uncertainty" faced by those being mobilised, but stressed this was "inevitable".

    He said the UK and US was building up military capacity in the Gulf region and was doing all the necessary preparations in the event of a war.

    Mr Blair praised the forces' work across the world and said sending troops into action was one of the "hardest decisions" he had to make.
    Biological weapons

    Speaking on the British Forces Broadcasting Service, Mr Blair addressed those forces that are being mobilised, saying: "I'm sorry about the uncertainty.
    "I'm afraid it's inevitable though, because at the moment we simply don't know whether Iraq will be found in breach of the United Nations resolution."

    He said that if Saddam was found to be in breach of the resolution and refused to co-operate with weapons inspectors, the UK and US would go back to the UN security council.

    At that stage, he said, "we will be prepared to use force in order to ensure they are disarmed of all chemical, biological or potentially nuclear weapons".

    The message was released as Mr Blair undertook a series of visits in north-east England.

    And speaking at a hospital in Hartlepool, the prime minister said the UK would do what it could to help UN's weapons inspectors.


    He was responding to a call from the UN's chief weapons inspector, Hans Blix, for the United States and Britain to hand over intelligence relating to sites where they believe Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
    But Mr Blair said the emphasis was now on Saddam Hussein to co-operate with the inspectors and work to avoid war.

    He said he was "deeply sceptical" about Iraq's response to questions about its weapons programmes.

    In his message to troops, Mr Blair said it was vital to ensure that forces were in place in the region "and that we are able to undertake this mission if it falls to us to do so".

    Mr Blair said the only circumstances in which Iraq will "co-operate properly" is if the UN resolution calling for disarmament was "backed up by the potential use of force".

    Mr Blair said he was "certainly very conscious of the range of work" the government had asked the forces to do, including heading the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan and manning Green Goddesses during the firefighters' strike.

    "They are amazing and they are a huge asset to any British prime minister."

    Last resort

    He said he was "absolutely lost in admiration" for what the forces do.

    Of the decision to send troops into action, he said: "These are the hardest decisions because you are aware that you are putting people's lives at risk and that's why we should never undertake conflict unless we have exhausted all other options and possibilities."

    But he said the war against terrorism, the attacks on Slobodan Milosevic's forces in Kosovo and the threat from Saddam had shown that the capability to use force was key to trying to "make the world a more secure and peaceful place".

    "Sometimes the best way of avoiding war is to be prepared for war if you have to have it," Mr Blair said.

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member wizard1974uk's Avatar
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    So does anybody know the REAL reasons for going to war with Iraq, I've been reading somewhere that Iraq has a huge oil pipeline going through it and thats what the US really wants?

  7. #7
    DF VIP Member eminem's Avatar
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    So does anybody know the REAL reasons for going to war with Iraq, I've been reading somewhere that Iraq has a huge oil pipeline going through it and thats what the US really wants?
    Its pretty obvious isnt it.


  8. #8
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    Originally posted by Undertaker
    The REAL is reason are ALIENS!!!

    Iraq will be under US control before may 2003,


    because of planet x, and the aliens!!!

    Ok lets start from the beggining....

    The land of iraq goes back a long time. a race called the summerians lived there...and then must have moved to another planet, planet x, which passes earth every 3500 years, and its due in may 2003....

    So the logical conclusion would be that these people would want to go back to their homeland.... they must have superior technology, superior weapons, and a whole lot of other stuff, so Bush wants to be the first to make contact!

    for more info on planet x, search on google!!

    lol classic, but yes iraq was the cradle of all civilization (although it is thought that barhein (sp?) was the basis for the biblical garden of eden however i think it may have a little more to do with oil, iraq is an easy target.

    the saudis at present are the western allies in that region, but they are also (or so it would seem) the main center for certain groups of terrorists, if the usa had some control over iraqui oil they wouldnt need to rely on saudi and could at some future time add them to the list of terrorist supporting nations.

    i dont think there is any doubt that the usa (and uk) will be going to war against iraq but it does seem a little convienient when the time and money could be better spent hunting down bin laden and his followers in pakistan.

  9. #9
    DF VIP Member wizard1974uk's Avatar
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    There is always a financial incentive for war. If a country has something that you desperately want, they will go to any lengths to get it and use a war to justify it.

    Saddam is just doing what any other person would do, going to any lengths to protect what he has.

  10. #10
    DF VIP Member -X-'s Avatar
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    I see that as safe propaganda to set the public in a state of fear. The purpose being to silence those who are against the war. Lets install some fear into the public that way we get less opposition to the conflict.
    this has been more noticable over the last few days they went from ok there not so bad and co operating,to 'Prepare for war', Blair warns troops.
    at this minute im more scared of blair and bush than saddam
    this war(when it happens)was inevetible from the offset regardless what blair says.

  11. #11
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    okay, has any one else noticed that iraq keep saying no no we dont have any wepons off mass destruction? The weapon inspectors havent found any (unless i have missed any thing on the news if i did can you correct me)
    So if iraq says they havnt got any weapons and the inspectors cant find anything, do you wonder if they actually dont have any thing we should be worried about? Or isnt it that simple?

    Iraq: We dont have any weapons!!!
    UN: yes you do.
    Iraq: No We Dont
    UN: Thats what some one with weapons would say!
    Iraq: OKay okay if u are gonna put it like that We do have weapons
    UN: so you own up you do have weapons
    Iraq: arrhhhggg Fine we do have weapons but we dont not have any weapons because if we say we dont you think we do
    UN: eh?

    a very war disliking Cam.
    Last edited by Cam; 21st December 2002 at 12:21 PM.

  12. #12
    DF VIP Member {film_man}'s Avatar
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    i got to fly out there in a few days to go and see my dad that works out there in quatar i thin its spent whats like 300 miles away from iraq

  13. #13
    VIP Member CzarJunkie's Avatar
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    War against Iraq is totally wrong. Love will show us the way.

  14. #14
    DF Member joshm74's Avatar
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    America says that Iraq is in 'material breach' of over a dozen UN resolutions that justify war. Well what about Israel and America themselves? They are both in breach of scores of UN resolutions, but te world seems to turn a blind eye to that...

  15. #15
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    Originally posted by Cam
    okay, has any one else noticed that iraq keep saying no no we dont have any wepons off mass destruction? The weapon inspectors havent found any (unless i have missed any thing on the news if i did can you correct me)
    So if iraq says they havnt got any weapons and the inspectors cant find anything, do you wonder if they actually dont have any thing we should be worried about? Or isnt it that simple?

    Iraq: We dont have any weapons!!!
    UN: yes you do.
    Iraq: No We Dont
    UN: Thats what some one with weapons would say!
    Iraq: OKay okay if u are gonna put it like that We do have weapons
    UN: so you own up you do have weapons
    Iraq: arrhhhggg Fine we do have weapons but we dont not have any weapons because if we say we dont you think we do
    UN: eh?

    a very war disliking Cam.

    cam i dont think they can claim they dont have any when they submit a 12,000 page document detailing all their dual use technology and substances, and to be honest i would bet its impossible in any country not to miss something off a list of that size given the time they had to prepare it, however against that is the fact that sadam is a warmongering, lying tw@t woh will slaughter anyone for the slightest reason, this is a man who has invaded several of his neighbours, slaughtered any oppposition and used chemical weapons on his own coiuntrymen, this is also a man who lets his countrymen starve in poverty whilst he lives in absolute luxuary, yet still has the spare cash to make payments to the famalies of ane palestinean murdering scum who kill themselves to murder innocent civilians.

    He is not a good man, a good leader or a good moslem, in fact the only thing he's good for is to fill a bodybag. think of it this way, by getting rid of him now, how many lives could be saved in the future? if you had the chance wouldnt you have got rid of other rogue leaders like adolf hitler before they embarked on their paths of destruction? the thought of sadam getting a nuke must be terryifing to any country within the range of his missiles.

    Oh and he has built a missile engine test facility which in itself breaches previous un resolutions.

  16. #16
    R.I.P. the_wizzard's Avatar
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    i think that there is gonna be some sort of war out there, he is a very bad person( just like hitler) maybe worst,if he could be?? i also think there is a bigger prob which we dont know about whats fuelling these actions by the west. nothink like some new bases out east??


  17. #17
    DF Rookie matt wade's Avatar
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    why pay for the oil off iraq.when we can just take it.

  18. #18
    DF VIP Member Undertaker's Avatar
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    My alien theory might sound far fetched but its what i believe is gonna happen...

    Anyway on to what normal people discuss!!!

    Weapons of Mass Destruction? well where are they, if they are hidden, then they can be found.... if u keep the weapons inspectors in iraq for many many years then either the weapons will be found, or sadaam will not be able to use them, or continue producing them...

    wat is everyone afraid off? just keep weapon inspectors there for a long long time..!!!

    Well it could be about oil, but what the hell, the stuff's gonna run out one day or another....

    In case u didnt guess Im against war on iraq, a peaceful solution must be found!!

  19. #19
    DF VIP Member craig6928's Avatar
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    hi there the main reason behind all this stuff is that the usa want the oil that iraq is holding and not giving any out to the usa as they want more

    its all to do with money and oil that is the only reason and all so the last presdent failed
    so his son will take on the task to win

    iraq is a very poor country as the sadam has got most of the wealth and build big palace
    and the roofs are made out of gold.......
    these are all over iraq

    people do suffer for sure in a big way
    but do not talk about this as over there they
    do have a team called the secret police
    if they paid you a vist u would never be seen again forever or your body
    people are scared to talk and tell the truth

    most of the stuff is fake what u see on the tv
    when we see it in the west
    where they are smiling and cheering for him

    what u do not see on tv is his soldiers pointing high powered ak47 at the crowd and they do
    watch the news crews and all so they tell them
    what they can show on tv and is not free for all

    its very sad for sure that they are willing to
    start a war just over oil and the pipe lines

    end of the day they only let u hear and see what they want and DO NOT GIVE OUT THE

    and the weird thing is that all this fighting and
    only started when the usa spilled blood on a holy land and secret land (years ago)
    so hence they called the usa satan so hence
    there is a lot of crack pots out there for sure
    Last edited by craig6928; 24th December 2002 at 08:07 AM.

  20. #20
    DF VIP Member dingle_666's Avatar
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    saddam hussain is a dangerous man for sure we cant keep the risk of being attacked by nukes and bio weapons can we? im for war and if needed i would go to war to protect out country

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