Okay here's the whole problem.

1) Western Digital 80 gig, 7200 rpm, 8 meg buffer

2) 4+ year old Power Supply dies

3) Pfffftt goes WD

Now it is under warranty so that is no problem as I already have RMA # for exchange, and data recovery is in the works (family member works for a company that does that sort of stuff, whew! cross my fingers).

My question is :

I am looking for a way to protect this from happening again. I have a battery backup and a quality surge protector that covers power, cable, telephone and ethernet.

What I think happened came from the other end, i.e. the protected side. My Power Supply fizzled out and took my HD with it. Are there any "in computer" protection parts I can buy? Or a better type of Power Supply that wouldn't allow this to happen?

Thanx for any info