what the fook is it with this prog? how is it reality tv? they keep cuttin the sound somtimes the picture? its bollox why bother? and who are they? a load of has beens or nearly wassers? taking a chance to get back in the lime light? i think so. just been lookin at some forum about this and they where all askin who catalina was? and i didnt know either till we was reminded of tfi friday,ugly bloke? wow!! what a career. some pics here no make up. toyah looks like tony blackburn, a coke head,a cook? not that soft are they(he should go first)lol. a cricket player??? weather woman, a puff, a wannabe footy player\kung foo master,a sad decorator,she dose my fookin head in on tv,she should of done the insect trial ect,ect. hate it,but will keep watching highlights but! its deffo not reality tv