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  1. #1
    Detector's Avatar
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    Default Smackheads - read in

    I dont know about you lot but ive noticed this about smackheads,

    they all seem to have the same asshole attitude and you can tell a smackhead a mile off.
    i personally hate smackheads and if one ever robbed me im sure i would not involve the police.
    has anyone got any experiences with smackheads good or bad?.
    one thing i do realise is that when your own children turn out to be smackheads what do you do? its hard - id find out who was supplying him/them and go and break their legs, then enforce treatment. even if it means locking them up, heroin is a terrible drugs, ive seen a lad i know turn from someone who was allways cheerfull and would not say boo to a goose, 3-4 yrs later hes on smack and constantly locked up for drugs/burglary and has had all but 3-4 teeth knocked out.

    theres currently one who is related to our lass, our gerts got a massive family where we live and they are all over, one of her relatives is a theiving smackhead wanker, robbed from lots of people - he has upset a lot of people and its only a matter of time before something happens to him, which i reckon he deserves, we ought to be able to dish rough justice out to these ****s. you find them on your property you break their arms or legs - litteraly, they rape - cut their dick off, that ought to be what happens, it would be a great society. but no we live in a society where the government tell us they will get us done if we smack our own kids. we cannot chastise our own children in our own homes. when i was a kid i know i needed a smack - and got it. tought me respect.

    also where we live everyone and their dog jumps on the money making bandwagon, whatever it is - be it selling smack (one 50yr old woman was selling it just up from me and letting smackheads stop at her house) getting all their robbery shit and supplying them drugs. ciggarettes are just as rife up here, they dont care if they 5 or 50.

    one drug dealer who was selling everything from heroin to e's i found out was selling to children as young as 9!, it really made my blood boil how no one seemed to think it was wrong, i aint a grass and would rather go to prison than grass on anyone but i grassed this **** up - he had to be stopped. anyone who sells drugs to kids in order to make money needs to be shot.

    thoughts peeps.
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  2. #2
    DF VIP Member Gel's Avatar
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    I agree totally mate, if people want to take drugs then so be it but for people that sell it to kids.,.. well that's just fucked up.

    If I was a drug dealer god forbid I certainly would take responsibility over who I sold to.
    Trying not to kill myself...

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member jimbob2002's Avatar
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    I agree, smackheads are twats.
    Drugs are weird things.
    Everyone as kids knows that drug are bad (m'kay)
    but yet we all make up our own minds eventually, and for a lot of people we find out through experimentation.
    Myself I have tried Weed, E's, SPeed and Coke.
    I still do Weed and Coke.
    I have never tried and never will try heroin.
    Even to people who are open minded about drugs and do drugs, its well known that Heroin is a big No-No!
    Obviously people sometimes get into the wrong crowd, or are too curious or are just low-life people and end up on the streets before they try it, but eventually most people who have ever tried it end up on the streets, begging or robbing or scamming mates.
    The only way to stop it is to stop the supply, but obviously the cops and authorities aint good enough to do that.

    I dont personally know any smackheads but I have one friend who says he smokes it occasionally and has done for years, he never injects or never will, and he is a decent lad with a very very good job and education, he just tried it a few times a mate who does it (just smokes) and has been partial to it ever since.

    So it seems that the main fuck up factor with Smack is injecting, almost instantly you are hooked, and you're body needs it and the torture of the cold turkey drives them to steal or beg or whatever to get the next hit!
    Its sad but what can anyone do?

    The cops should spend more time focussing on stopping crack and smack dealers and perhaps legalise weed and stop wasting everyones time on part time pot dealers and smokers.

    Focus on these *******s instead!

  4. #4
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    yep i aint got anything against drug dealers in general - if they wanna sell and take the risk its up to them, as long as they dont sell to kids i could not give a damn as people are old enough to make their own mind up.

    partial pot dealers and pot smokers in my honest opinion from what ive seen over the years is perfectly un harmfull, if someone wants to sell that im all for it as i dont think its addictive - or not a tength as heroin. i know a lot of people who smoke it. one lad that springs into mind everytime i see him he has a joint, hes never sober - but is one of the nicest lads to talk to and would never harm anyone or cause any trouble.
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  5. #5
    DF VIP Member wonkyfox's Avatar
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    I feel kinda the same as you guys, if a bloke is selling a bit of pot to his mates, then i don`t have a problem with that, the only time i have trouble, is the kind of people a house like this can attract,
    I feel very hypocritical about this as i`m an ex-pot head myself and a couple of my mates still deal a bit of draw now and again, i would`nt want it next door to me...Thats my dilema..

    But Smackheads......force `em into rehab, if they still continue to shoot up etc, and go about robbing to feed there habit, then the Govenment should call open season on them, and if you find them in your house, they are yours to play with.........if you catch my drift..
    "God is a comedian, playing to an audience who are too afraid to laugh...."

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member DEC2K's Avatar
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    we got a few around here i tell them to fukc off away from my street (from my kids) there sweaty, skinny, dirty ,spotty, mother fukcers i hate the lot of them

    have a load off dodgy smack and sell it on the streets (adults) get rid off alot of them cant stand them PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!!!1

  7. #7
    DF VIP Member urbsy's Avatar
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    I echo everything said in the thread , I hate smackheads with a

    I have seen good (ex) friends of mine totally ruin their and their familys lives with the stuff , its terrible.

    One woman (aged 24ish) who I have known for a number of years recently got 10 years for breaking into a very old ladys house to rob her for smack money.
    She robbed the house without problem , but decided to enter the sleeping ladys bedroom anyway and viscously beat her round the head with a poker.

    These people are scum in the lowest form.

    Drugs are only a problem to people who can't afford them.

    urbsy's cat says destroy all censorship on cat porn!

  8. #8
    R.I.P. the_wizzard's Avatar
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    dont like smackheads or rockstars(crackheads) smakheads are dirty horrible minty *******s who ill rob anyone but! are weak and cry for pity when caught and blame there illness?my arse, its self inflicted!! rockstars are worse cos they are violent and hyper,paranoid. and really dont give a fuck about anything or anyone.we should have a sort of penal island somewhere,so everytime they are caught using they should be put there for at least 6 months at a time to cool off

  9. #9
    DF VIP Member God is a DJ's Avatar
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    ive got zero tolerance as far as smackheds are concerned. they shud all be killed.

    I was touched by Jesus, so i had him arrested.

  10. #10
    DF VIP Member Cenus_'s Avatar
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    I'm gonna go against the flow here

    I know a re-formed heroin addict, and hes a great bloke (now), when he was on smack he used to do all the things mentioned steal cars, robb houses etc.. and did his time for it. He only got into it cos at a party some of his mates were smoking it so feeling pressured he joined in and from then on it was a slipperly slope.

    Its the addiction thats makes u do those things, stealing etc.. just to get the money for your'e next hit.

    I blame the dealers not the users, allthough users are complete ****s, its just the smack that makes them act the way they do, underneath it they are prolly ok people.

    Heroin isn't a harmfull drug if its used correctly i.e pure and in the correct quanty using sterilised needles, if it was legalised and regulated maybe this would clear some of these problems.
    That way people could goto work earn there money and shoot up in the evening, just like having a few bevvies.

    Just my thoughts on the matter.
    All sweeping statements are wrong.

  11. #11
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    they say 80% of crime is drug related and i'l gaurantee most is heroin / crack coca1ne related
    iv'e no time for for drugs in fact i think there the biggest time wasters second to none think about it even draw has this effect spark a joint up in the morning and thats that day wasted do that every day as some people do and years go by and you've done nowt iv'e seen it too many times

    don't get me wrong i have no qualms with draw i don't smoke it but my wife does on occasions and more or less everybody else i know smokes it including a couple of my sons it doesn't bother me but harder drugs such as heroin is a different story all together i hate the stuff and i hate the fact that people addicted to it are wrecking peoples lives to get more of it
    i think anyone caught doing crime ANY crime to obtain class a drugs should get ten years it'l give em time to think about it and with any luck when they come out they will be well off the stuff even though they can get the stuff inside the amounts they get aint worth shit it won't keep em addicted

    smackheads are a waste of space they don't want help they just want heroin

  12. #12
    DF VIP Member jimbob2002's Avatar
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    Originally posted by cosmicma
    iv'e no time for for drugs in fact i think there the biggest time wasters second to none think about it even draw has this effect spark a joint up in the morning and thats that day wasted do that every day as some people do and years go by and you've done nowt iv'e seen it too many times
    Thats weird, cos I have smoked weed pretty much consistently since I was 17.

    In the last few years I have done coke on a w/end and weed quite a few nights through the week.

    What Have I achieved whilst doing this?

    Well I have managed to hold down a full time stressful job as an Engineer in a lower management position, whilst gaining a Degree: Beng (hons) Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Leeds Uni (part time one day a week for 3 years including lots of home work and a 12,000 word thesis)

    All this whilst having a relationship with my g/friend and selling both our houses and buying a place together and all the stresses that come with that and moving in and decorating.

    Dont tar all drug users with the same brush mate.
    Drugs can be used recreationally very successfully.

  13. #13
    DF VIP Member andyinlondon's Avatar
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    my feelings pretty much echo these on here

    a bit of weed is no problem but heroin and crack is a big no no

    A few years ago i met a smack head who was "reformed"

    he also had no fingers on his left hand........

    it was like a club a blob on the end of him arm.

    i asked him what happened to his hand.

    he said he was desperate for a fix and had ground up some

    tablets to inject into his arm,

    the problem was the tablets he used were not water soluable.

    and the undisolved bits had blocked the tiny viens etc in his hand

    and he got gangereen in the fingers and had to have them


    he got all upset when i pissed myself laughing when he told me.
    Last edited by andyinlondon; 8th August 2003 at 08:43 AM.

  14. #14
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar


    as a 25 year (now reformed) pothead i have to say that i dont have a problem with ppl smoking a little weed now and then, like jim i too got through a a degree course (hons) and held several succesful jobs in both state and public sectors whilst enjoing evening /weekend recreational drug use.

    however i've also seen the other side of the coin, one of the kids here lost his mother to smack and its an evil substance, she was a decent pleasent girl who sadly got involved with smack, she was like 2 different people, one was polite and pleasent, clean and tidy when she was clen and doing rehab, then she was just another smackhead, she even stole one of my kids electric toothbrushes (for what i dont know), i still remember the last time i saw her, by this time she was living alone, she was in the local "second hand" shop selling an expensive looking teenagers bike, of course there is no way it was hers, not that she cared, the next time we saw her she was sealed in her coffin at the funeral home just before xmas 2001.

    my point is that most people know these smackheads, but no one can do anything to help them, we just hang on to the memories of the good times and wait for the inevitable to happen.

  15. #15
    DF Probation Tought You's Avatar
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    Originally posted by madmanc

    I believe that giving out on the NHS is the only way forward with this problem, removing the criminal element will make it easier for people to get off it. [/B]
    This is the best thing said yet IMO

    the govenment have spent bilions over the years on the WAR on Drugs.
    i fell that if we de crim all drugs. let the doctors hand out scripts
    to the bag heads. No need to go and rob free gear.
    if they wont help give them help.
    Take out the drug trade.
    if its free. no need for the dealers no need to ROB MUG or BURGEL.

    and cannabis we should all be able to grow a few plants
    for personal
    Dont drink and drive smoke grass and fly


  16. #16
    DF VIP Member ffrr's Avatar
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    In my opinion the only was to sort this problem is education. As a child/teenager I never had any kind of education when it came to drugs. Well OK we all had the drugs are bad speeches at school but they never really put me off them, in a way they only made me more curious! The only knowledge I got was from friends, some good, some bad but nether the less it all helped, and also through self experimentation. These days I use my better judgement, I still smoke weed and that's it, don't touch anything else, been there, done it and choose not to do it again, but then in some ways wish I'd been shown what the consequences were before hand, if you know what I mean?

    A Shock tactics approach would be my advice in all honesty, it would certianly have alonger more impressionable effect than just a one hour speech every year on the subject. Take the kids down to a rehab center or a crack den and leave them there for few hours, lol it sounds a bit harsh but they'd certainly think about it in a different light afterwards!

    Unfortunately herion will always be with us as long as the opium poppy is produced, but it's the most commom provider for other drugs like codiene and morphine. These are some of the most common drugs used in the medical trade, herion is a by product (so to say) it's a vicious circle that's here to stay ;/

  17. #17
    DF VIP Member MonkeySputum's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Detector

    partial pot dealers and pot smokers in my honest opinion from what ive seen over the years is perfectly un harmfull, if someone wants to sell that im all for it as i dont think its addictive
    I beg to differ, I started smoking cannabis at twelve and now 13 years later I just can't get away from it. I am heavily addicted to cannabis and fly into rages if I'm without it for even the shortest time, which caused me to get a 2 year sentence back in 2000. If I've got it though (which is almost always) then I'm one of the most laid back people you could ever wish to meet.

  18. #18
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    I agree with teachme on this one, the only way forward for every nation is to decriminalise all drugs and sell then from licensed premises with strict controls on class 'a', with no selling to kids etc.

    Then the tax from these sales should be pumped into education and prevention to help youngsters make an informed decision before they take the stuff and also into healthcare to treat addicts who want to kick it.

    But as a society we have to look at the underlying reasons for heroin and crack addiction, it is promenietly in low income areas and mostly affects the poorest in society, we have to give kids from these backgrounds hope for the future, how we do that is the big problem.

    I also h8 the things that smackheads do, but would this person normally do what they do ie, rob their own mother, if they weren't hopelessly addicted to this evil drug. I think we have to show some tolerance, Madmanc mentioned one guy who's been run over and had loads of beatings. Well, did it cure him? No, and thats certainly not the answer, it may make you feel better, but is it solving the problem? Maybe a bit more tolerance should be shown to addicts who want to kick the habit, instead of making them outcasts from society.

  19. #19
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    I agree with Czar, every1 noes that ther is a person's normal personality and then their 'smak' personality.

    I don't think they really have a choice when they do the things they do so it's a bit unfair 2 just beat them up for doing it. Don't get me wrong if they did sumthing 2 sum1 I no I mite WANT 2 beat them, it doesnt mean I shud or if I did it wud b right.

    First off I think the education needs 2 b there (as has been said b4). If you just tell kids that drugs are bad and they see ther m8 smoke weed and b fine then they may not pass up the oppurtunity to 'try' heroin. The education should be realistic but I appreciate that if you give 2 laid back an approach then 2 many people may take up drugs. For example if you tell kids that some people take weed and are fine and others take it and are heavily addicted and can have rages without it (seems a bit of an extreme example) then 2 many may take it with the attitude that they will be fine. More emphasis should be placed on the bad effects and the overall consensus should be not 2 try them. The key to the education is to be realistic though, I no never to inject heroin becuz I rarely hear of its recreational use (it's often taken out of desperation).

    The shock tactics mentioned above I think are a gr8 idea. At say 12 years old I think a class should be exposed 2 a dead body, left 2 rot with the injection marks clearly visible and the choked up blood still visible. It should be explained that this guy/girl started on weed 'recreationally'. Ok this case may be extreme, but in many cases I think it would work.

    Drug addicts should be locked up and kept away from drugs for their own good but should be covered somehow from declaration of a criminal record for job applications under certain circmustances 2 allow them 2 rebuild their life.

    Legalisation of drugs for purchase will surely not fix the problem. If t is free too many people will be high 2 often it would have a negative effect on our society. If it still has 2 b paid for then it will still be paid for with dirty money.

    just my thorts.

  20. #20
    DF VIP Member Mr.James's Avatar
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    I know one smack head who's alright (must be an anomoly), she's never robbed/mugged/sold her body etc... She's smoked it for about 5 years now and it was her ex bloke (who OD'd) that got her into it. Tried helping her off it many a time but she always buckles. Most of the time something bad happens and she uses it as an excuse to get totally wrecked. Recently because money's tight she's started injecting. (A little goes a lot further). I've not spoke to her since.

    But the other dozen or so I've met are all exactly the same. Rob off their parents, friends and family. Hate the fucking lot of them.

    If it was up to me I'd lace all the confiscated smack with arsenic and put it back on the streets. There must be some good smackheads in the world but they would be a small price to pay to eradicate them all for good,

    Where I live now there's gangs of people going about kicking the crap out of people they suspect of being smackheads. People have had enough of it and are just targeting the scummy fuckers on the streets. If smackhead has broken ankles it means he won't be in my kitchen tonight.

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