Toy bike rider drink let-off

A DRINKER more than twice the legal limit has escaped a driving ban because he was riding a foot-high micro-cycle.

Tony Cassidy, 28, was trying out the 40cc machine — capable of up to 29 mph — after a session with pals in a pub.

He only rode it 15 yards on a road but was spotted by two officers and breathalysed.

JPs in Exeter, Devon, examined the toy bike when the gas engineer brought it into court.

And they decided it was NOT a vehicle.

He was found not guilty of drink-driving and having no insurance.

Relieved Tony, of Exeter, said: “I had never seen one of the bike’s before I rode it. I was just curious.”,,2-2003451068,00.html

I bet thatll put up the sales of those bikes now.