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    DF VIP Member Pegasus's Avatar
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    Default 8 year old gets his MCSE

    The worlds youngest MCSE (8 years old)

    Read more here

  2. #2
    Argyll's Apprentice TwoPlAnKs's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE


    smart kid

    kinda shows ms qualifications arent worth the paper they're written on though...

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member Thrush's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    LOL your such a nutter Twosheds..... A'Level exams are passed by children too, does that mean they are worth nothing. How about the 12 Year old that got his Mathematics Degree... Are degree's worth the paper they're printed on?

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member Thrush's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    It just goes to show.... There are far more intelligent people out there than you or me

  5. #5
    DF Probation GhettoMoose's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    Quote Originally Posted by CueballKrill
    It just goes to show.... There are far more intelligent people out there than you or me
    Is not that hard to find em' either :-p :tongue
    FC United Of Manchester


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  6. #6
    Argyll's Apprentice TwoPlAnKs's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    lol - i have to admit that you are right CueballKrill. i'll get some 8 year old kid to help me post next time

    it is great publicity for ms though - makes me want to do that test just so i can not be outsmarted by a little kid

  7. #7
    DF Probation Porthos's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    Later, as he prances about in the lawn with some other children without a trace of the earlier seriousness, it is difficult to believe he is the youngest Microsoft Certified Software Engineer, one of the most sought-after degrees for software professionals.
    Is it really that sought-after, is it hard to get and is it well respected?

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member Pegasus's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    Quote Originally Posted by Porthos
    Is it really that sought-after,
    Who knows

    is it hard to get
    Any IT Techie worth their salt should be able to get it first go

    and is it well respected?
    Not by any of the managers i've worked for, in fact, if you go for a job where I currently work and tell the manager you have an MCSE during the interview then he won't give you the job.

    While it is not a hard test, I would say it is definately an achievement for an 8 year old without any doubt at all.

  9. #9
    Argyll's Apprentice TwoPlAnKs's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    i don't know how any companies can be arsed with windows for servers etc - it is much cheaper to get a decent unix admin and free software for the servers. i can understand if you run a buisness and do the IT yourself, but if you can hire an admin i dont see why you would want to pay for software

    i can see the point in windows for workstations (i mean windows on workstations, not the anciet version of windows called windows for workstations) since most users wouldnt like messing with unix commands just to type a letter

    my view of ms qualifications is that they are shit - interesting point about managers not giving jobs though - if i was ever in a position to interview people i would automatically exclude people who write "outgoing" without being able to give a quick instant concise definition, and some things they have done that makes them outgoing.

    thats my two cents


  10. #10
    VIP Member CzarJunkie's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    Quote Originally Posted by TwoSheds
    i don't know how any companies can be arsed with windows for servers etc - it is much cheaper to get a decent unix admin and free software for the servers. i can understand if you run a buisness and do the IT yourself, but if you can hire an admin i dont see why you would want to pay for software

    i can see the point in windows for workstations (i mean windows on workstations, not the anciet version of windows called windows for workstations) since most users wouldnt like messing with unix commands just to type a letter

    my view of ms qualifications is that they are shit - interesting point about managers not giving jobs though - if i was ever in a position to interview people i would automatically exclude people who write "outgoing" without being able to give a quick instant concise definition, and some things they have done that makes them outgoing.

    thats my two cents

    Your posts amaze me, on what experience/evidence do you base your opinions? Have you ever managed a large corporate network or even employed staff wiuth MCSE qualifications? Have you ever taken the MCSE exams or even know what makes up the full qualification?

    As for the comment about Windows on servers, thats laughable m8, windows still accounts for over half of all web servers, and not doubt the vast majority of file servers etc. You choose the best solution for the job, and what will have the lowest TCO, if its linux its linux, if its windows, its windows. In the real world IT directors don't make their decisions based on a student's incoherent ramblings in a unix irc channel about what a w@nker Bill Gates is.

    Come back when you've got a balanced view of things and don't just say things for effect and what you think makes you look cool.

  11. #11
    DF VIP Member tam9's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    This is slightly off topic. Apache servers that are primary used on unix work stations has a domination in the server market at having over 67% of webservers out of 47 million. The stats are here, this proves that unix software is more dominant server software on linux and microsoft, though more on unix.

    And yes I am qualified to say that. 2004 is the year of the linux desktop growth, it has been picking up slowly but surely recently. Programmers are getting better and seeing the light in the GPL and how it can benefit them.



  12. #12
    VIP Member CzarJunkie's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    Quote Originally Posted by tam9
    This is slightly off topic. Apache servers that are primary used on unix work stations has a domination in the server market at having over 67% of webservers out of 47 million. The stats are here, this proves that unix software is more dominant server software on linux and microsoft, though more on unix.

    And yes I am qualified to say that. 2004 is the year of the linux desktop growth, it has been picking up slowly but surely recently. Programmers are getting better and seeing the light in the GPL and how it can benefit them.


    Ok m8, I'll give in on the webserver market but on the whole server market windows is still over 50%.

    Windows is here to stay wether we like it or not, just deal with it.

  13. #13
    DF VIP Member Pegasus's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    Quote Originally Posted by CzarJunkie
    Windows is here to stay wether we like it or not, just deal with it.
    The sooner people learn to accept it, the happier this world will be


    Are those stats taking in to account the people who use Apache for Windows, or are you just assuming that anybody running Apache is doing so from a Unix box?

  14. #14
    Argyll's Apprentice TwoPlAnKs's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    my point is not that linux is better (altough i think it is we wont go into that) but that it is cheaper, hence bosses are likely to want to use it

    techies like Pegasus Team that cba learning linux therefore go a bit quiet when it is mentioned in meetings - in fact at school there is a fairly crap techie (i know from pegasuses posts in the pc section that he is infinitly better than this guy at school, just to make that clear) but they still have the same anti-linux attitudes just because there is a bit of a learning curve.

    although i have never managed a large network, i have a little one in my house and i know a fair bit about pcs beyond that - plus i do webdesign and run my own server so i do know the basics of networking. i admit that i know more about windows than i do about linux, and i admit that i like to boot into windows sometimes so i can use my scanner (still not a sane driver for it - grr) and just click on videos to watch them etc. but i do enjoy using linux more and it is the one i use most often (except lately i have had loads of stuff to do for school that needs specialist software that only runs in windows)

    in europe linux is also used much more by companies - they are one step ahead

    my dad works as a guy who gets payed to play soliaire and tell people where to put pcs - proper job descirption is "IT Infrastructre team leader" or something to that effect - and his little task at the moment is moving specialist applications servers, the unix ones (they use windows for the normal network servers ) over to linux. companies using linux for specialist purposes, and hopefully soon for general ones, should mean that linux really can provide a full IT soloution sometime soon

    the thing that sparked all of this off was this
    Any IT Techie worth their salt should be able to get it first go
    the word 'any' - some techies would be perfectly good at doing their job with linux computers and fail that test dismally.

    anyway - this is getting well off topic now

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  15. #15
    DF VIP Member tam9's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    Well, this debate is going to get better.

    Yes linux is better than answer a rhetorical question Twosheds. I know more about linux than I do about windows, as primary it is my main O/S and I only got my first win box 2 weeks ago for around 2 years.

    Everything I use is supported under linux with a bit of tweaking. Linux to me is not a matter of preferance no more as it was back when I first started to use it, it's now a way to me of using computers. With windows I don't have the adaptability as I do now nor the the security and the access I can give to users.

    Pegasus Team: As I says to CzarJunkie that the stats are provided from which tell me that a certain web server software is running. The stats prove that a native UNIX product is used on both linux and don't see that happening much on windows, do yah?

    I have several views about windows and all of them have been sh!te. One of my main grumps is that it doesn't support the mobo inside the box very well, which works perfectly under linux.

    In windows how much would it cost to setup (software) a legit network comprisiing of web server, anti-virus software, mail server, firewall, database's etc? Now when putting all that in a UNIX environment it can cost you nothing and have access to the source code to every GPL'd piece of software and even non-gpl software.

    Anyone challenging outright that windows is better than linux they are completely wrong.


  16. #16
    DF VIP Member Pegasus's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    Quote Originally Posted by TwoSheds
    my point is not that linux is better (altough i think it is we wont go into that) but that it is cheaper
    Nobody has said any different.

    techies like Pegasus Team that cba learning linux therefore go a bit quiet when it is mentioned in meetings........ but they still have the same anti-linux attitudes just because there is a bit of a learning curve
    With the exception of one techie, everybody else at our place knows both OS's.
    One of those has made *nix his primary OS, although he certainly knows enough that he is trusted to work on a windows box.
    The rest of us are primarily Windows orientated, with just enough knowledge to keep us going in *nix.
    As for being anti *nix, what a load of crap (where have I ever said anything against ANY OS)

    my dad works as a guy who gets payed to play soliaire and tell people where to put pcs - proper job descirption is "IT Infrastructre team leader"
    I've met plenty of them before, they can talk a good network but when it actually comes to it, most of them can't even compose a letter in Word without having to rely on the spellchecker to stop them showing themselves up for the moron's they truly are.

    the word 'any' - some techies would be perfectly good at doing their job with linux computers and fail that test dismally.
    Let's rephrase it for you then, "Any techie who's primary OS is Windows should be able to obtain an MCSE without any problem"

    Quote Originally Posted by tam9
    Pegasus Team: As I says to CzarJunkie that the stats are provided from which tell me that a certain web server software is running. The stats prove that a native UNIX product is used on both linux and don't see that happening much on windows, do yah?
    That all depends on who's setting the web server up, I personally would use Apache over IIS any day of the week.

    I have several views about windows and all of them have been sh!te. One of my main grumps is that it doesn't support the mobo inside the box very well, which works perfectly under linux.

    In windows how much would it cost to setup (software) a legit network comprisiing of web server, anti-virus software, mail server, firewall, database's etc?
    Right now I couldn't tell you as I haven't got a clue what we would pay for all that software. I can tell you though that we only pay £22 for XP Pro so maybe that will give you a rough idea of what we would pay for the rest of the software.
    As for the cost of a software based firewall, no serious network admin would even contemplate a software solution

    Anyone challenging outright that windows is better than linux they are completely wrong.
    Nobody has made that challenge throughout this entire thread, although one thing is for sure; If it wasn't for MS, then we wouldn't be where we are today in computing.

    This thread was about an 8 year old gaining an MCSE which NOBODY can deny is quite an achievement considering his age.

    If you like *nix, then that is fine.
    Likewise, if you like Windows then that is also fine

    Both sides could offer very valid reasons why one is better than the other right up until the day the earth goes bang.

    I'm primarily a Windows man, mainly because I like to be able to plug my brand new hardware in and have it working the same day rather than waiting X amount of weeks (or sometimes months) for a stable driver to appear.
    Last edited by Pegasus; 23rd February 2004 at 10:19 PM.

  17. #17
    VIP Member CzarJunkie's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    Quote Originally Posted by tam9
    Well, this debate is going to get better.

    Yes linux is better than answer a rhetorical question Twosheds. I know more about linux than I do about windows, as primary it is my main O/S and I only got my first win box 2 weeks ago for around 2 years.

    Everything I use is supported under linux with a bit of tweaking. Linux to me is not a matter of preferance no more as it was back when I first started to use it, it's now a way to me of using computers. With windows I don't have the adaptability as I do now nor the the security and the access I can give to users.

    Pegasus Team: As I says to CzarJunkie that the stats are provided from which tell me that a certain web server software is running. The stats prove that a native UNIX product is used on both linux and don't see that happening much on windows, do yah?

    I have several views about windows and all of them have been sh!te. One of my main grumps is that it doesn't support the mobo inside the box very well, which works perfectly under linux.

    In windows how much would it cost to setup (software) a legit network comprisiing of web server, anti-virus software, mail server, firewall, database's etc? Now when putting all that in a UNIX environment it can cost you nothing and have access to the source code to every GPL'd piece of software and even non-gpl software.

    Anyone challenging outright that windows is better than linux they are completely wrong.

    And anyone who makes the claim that linux/unix is a better O/S than windows is a fool and is showing his ignorance. As Pegasus says, an ideal O/S is many different things to many different people, the fact remains that Windows is an operating system that many people know and wether they love it or hate it they'd still prefer t use it over a O/S that has little or no benefits to them.

    Try explaining to your average PC User that they should change to linux, go through the learning curve, discard some of the hardware thats not supported purely because it won't crash as often (not that XP Pro has crashed on me in 18 months) and because on the slight chance someone will want access to their system there might be a better chance they won't get in if you install linux.

    So forget Linux for the desktop, theres no way in the forseeable future its gonna make any great inroads into the windows market share, especially as MS seem to be going in the right direction with XP and hopefully Longhorn.

    Of course, as already has been mentioned, linux in the corporate arena is a different story, its reliability and security make it an obvious choice for platforms such as web servers which are exposed to external traffic, but thats as far as it goes, linux on the business desktop? Of course some coporates will go with it, but be bigger than windows anytime soon, no, not a chance.

  18. #18
    Argyll's Apprentice TwoPlAnKs's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    I've met plenty of them before, they can talk a good network but when it actually comes to it, most of them can't even compose a letter in Word without having to rely on the spellchecker to stop them showing themselves up for the moron's they truly are.
    actaully my dad is the exact opposite - he is always shouting through to me for help with the simplest things on the vast 4 computer network in my house, and i assume the same thing happens at work - but he got A's in higher and advanced higher english at school (scottish versions of A and AS Level) and he is pretty damn good at getting things done with letters (he's helped me out with returns of products etc. in the past the usually the company backs right down)

    he works on multi million pound projects, often getting more money for you techies to spend with amazing presentations etc.

    what he actually does is discusses various things with people who know alot about it in holland etc (he is there right now actually) and then hands it over to techies further down the line to implement it - and everything he has done so far has been a sucess

    recently the company he works for randomly made everyone redundant, and he asked for early retirement but everyone else asked to stay on(well most other people)

    he was told he was to stay on, loads of people who actually wanted a job were made redundant.

    just to clear that up (if you two both worked for the same comapny, either him or one of his colleauges would decide who tells you what work you need to do - unless you are a managing it consultant or someyhing who just calls himself a techie for simplicity )

    ok i admit that you never slagged off linux - sorry about that, but there are so many admins (actually there is one - the idiot at my school) who fail to use linux so much and hide from it and tell their unknoledgable bosses that windows is cheaper etc. so they dont need to retrain

    once he installed linux on the one linux pc in school, and he set it up wrong. i fixed it after he gave up, but when it came to the login screen i asked him what password he set and he couldnt remember. short of using various haxoring techiniques, there wasnt much we could do so i had to reinstall an operating system during one the computing classes - obviously not desirable )

    since you are apparently not like that i apologise, but if you look at the real proper gurus out there, the PHD in computer sciene type people - they all use *nix
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  19. #19
    VIP Member CzarJunkie's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    Quote Originally Posted by TwoSheds
    since you are apparently not like that i apologise, but if you look at the real proper gurus out there, the PHD in computer sciene type people - they all use *nix
    LOL, the real proper guru's use unix, the ones with PHD's.................buhahahahaha is that right, thanks for telling us that.

  20. #20
    DF VIP Member Pegasus's Avatar
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    Default Re: 8 year old gets his MCSE

    Quote Originally Posted by TwoSheds
    actaully my dad is the exact opposite - he is always shouting through to me for help with the simplest things on the vast 4 computer network in my house,
    If he has difficulty doing something on a 4 machine network at home, how does he cope in the real corporate world?

    but he got A's in higher and advanced higher english at school (scottish versions of A and AS Level) and he is pretty damn good at getting things done with letters (he's helped me out with returns of products etc. in the past the usually the company backs right down)
    Your dad is obviously highly qualified to write a letter, please accept my most sincere apologies and uninstall the spellcheck component from his installtion of office immediately (it takes up far too much disk space anyway).

    what he actually does is discusses various things with people who know alot about it in holland etc (he is there right now actually) and then hands it over to techies further down the line to implement it
    So I was right then, he talks about it and then gets the guys with the real knowledge to cover his ass by actually doing the work

    recently the company he works for randomly made everyone redundant.........he was told he was to stay on, loads of people who actually wanted a job were made redundant.
    Sounds about right for a corporate company, the little guy who has done all the hard work gets fu(ked over while the management who spend most of the day sitting on their fat arses accept another pay rise.

    but if you look at the real proper gurus out there, the PHD in computer sciene type people - they all use *nix
    Once again, you are missing the point.

    This discussion was never about which OS is best, it was about the achievement of an 8 year old who up until 4 years ago did not even have the ability to speak.

    The "best" OS out there is NOT *nix and it is NOT Windows.

    The "best" OS is the one that fulfils the requirements of the task it is about to be put to.

    As for the "guru's", most of the highly qualified "guru's" (aka lecturers) at our place can barely switch a PC on, let alone use the thing

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