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  1. #1
    DF VIP Member whatnow's Avatar
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    Default sweating & exercise problems!

    Hi everyone! thanks for reading my post - sorry its so long!

    I am 6"2' and used to be 16st two xmas ago. Last xmas I managed to get myself down to 12st and was very happy with how much body fat I had lost. I didn’t loose it in the best way and im not sure if its effected me now. To loose the weight initially I cut down on drinking (every night to once/twice a week) and also a lot of junk food (crisps, sweets, takeaways). Not saying I totally cut them out but I had to keep a mental log of what crap was going in me so I didn’t let the weight come back. I was also in my last year of uni, I was doing a multimedia course and had to be on my pc all my waking life.

    when i got to 12st i realised i never wanted any unneeded body fat ever again but i also wanted to develop my body into something defined. I began to just do sit-ups thinking this would burn the last of my fat away. I soon realised (from eventually doing research on DF) that its all about CV. As I was too busy graduating I didn’t do any exercise until recently. I now wake up in the morning and do an hour of muscle building body work (bring on the sweat) and I also try to get out and play football and go skating 4-5 times a week.

    The main problem now is that any form of exercise, or just anything physical that lasts longer than a few minutes will make me sweat in great amounts. and i really mean anything, even washing up can make me sweat loads. My head will just be dripping in sweat, it goes in my eyes which then sting and my entire head and neck just appears to be 'wet'. The rest of my body doesn’t seem to sweat so much, or just a normal amount, which i can obviously live with. I find it so horrible when it happens that I’ll stop what im doing and ill want time out to calm the sweating. The worst thing is when i know that im just about to get really sweaty it makes me feel embarrassed and also im sure it can make me sweat more! I stop because im sweating and cant carry on, I still feel energetic and ready to carry on but it pulls me back too far. The problem is im not sure if i should even post this thread as it could be psychological. When I am sweating, thinking about it makes it happen more, when i forget about it and just ignore the fact im a dripping mess, it will go away. It's only when i think 'thank fook that’s stopped' I can then feel it coming back again.

    I wouldn’t really consider myself really unfit. As a kid I lived in the country and had an active life. Only since I came to uni have I become more lazy and less active. I have also started to smoke a lot, a normal day will involve 5-8 (or more) shared joints which help me feel better and worse - a problem on its own! but it suppresses my appetite and also chills my head a lot. I do understand how smoking can affect the body but joints might have more of a difference than cigarettes?

    I'm sorry my story was so long but I am ready to change and I have accepted that my body is fooked somehow and I really want to fix it. The sweating really gets me down a lot and at the moment it is stopping me from working because it's really quite bad. I have had a look on the internet but didn’t find much on sweating, apart from apparently herbal remedies don’t work and the strong stuff blocks your pores so you just cant physically sweat....I don’t want heat rash instead!

    Please if anyone can help me or give me advice I would be so grateful....i feel really stuck with this problem and it's seriously affecting my life and mentality....i should probably go to a doctor but to be honest im pretty terrified of them and would be happier to ask for advice on here first. Thanks for reading my post!

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member easy's Avatar
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    Default Re: sweating & exercise problems!

    Alrite mate. Well where to begin.... First off i would say, in your situation it sounds hard to diagnois the cause of the large amounts of sweat since there are a large amount of factors to consider. Can you answer these questions?

    1. How much water do you drink per day?
    2. Whats your diet like now a days?
    3. On a typical day, how much excersise do you get?
    4. What sort of shampoo/shower gel do you use? (could effect your skin)
    5. Would you be open to really trying to change your lifestyle to see if this problem could be solved?

    But the best advice i could give is to go to the doctors, they know alot more than me :thumbs :thumbs Hope it helps.

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member Sanj[UK]'s Avatar
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    Default Re: sweating & exercise problems!

    Quote Originally Posted by easy
    Alrite mate. Well where to begin.... First off i would say, in your situation it sounds hard to diagnois the cause of the large amounts of sweat since there are a large amount of factors to consider. Can you answer these questions?

    1. How much water do you drink per day?
    2. Whats your diet like now a days?
    3. On a typical day, how much excersise do you get?
    4. What sort of shampoo/shower gel do you use? (could effect your skin)
    5. Would you be open to really trying to change your lifestyle to see if this problem could be solved?

    But the best advice i could give is to go to the doctors, they know alot more than me :thumbs :thumbs Hope it helps.
    yeah after i read his post the first thought that came into my mind was water

  4. #4
    Awaiting Email Confirm Thalamus's Avatar
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    Default Re: sweating & exercise problems!

    Sounds to me like you suffer from hyperhidrosis which basically is excessive sweating.

    Not much you can do about it around your head and neck area when you work out. Anyway its normal to sweat heavily when exercising. 20 minutes on the treadmill and the sweat just drips off me...the treadmill is a wash

    Use Maxim deodrant if you sweat under the arms alot.
    It works for me

  5. #5
    DF VIP Member Roo's Avatar
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    Serious Re: sweating & exercise problems!

    I have the same problem.

    I sweat really bad even after a little bit of exercise, I'm not tired or out of breath, I just sweat anyway.

    For the past few weeks I've felt like I'm constantly thirsty, whether its because of me starting a new job at a super market or the recent warm weather I dunno, but I can't seem to drink enough, I'm always wanting more water.

    Does anyone have any ideas, any good deodrants ... would it be worth me shaving the hair underneath me arms or something like that? I am open to suggestions.

    (btw sorry to jump your thread mate, but might be of help to the both of us )

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  6. #6
    DF VIP Member whatnow's Avatar
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    Default Re: sweating & exercise problems!

    hey everyone, thanks for all your replies, i really appreciate it.


    1, I drink 2-6 pints of water a day, depending on how much i think about getting water when i go for a drink. Usually I will drink water in the mornings (when i work out). I will also drink a lot of water with ditulted cordial, which i know is nearly pointless for health reasons but i consider it better than soft drinks. I also drink a lot of alcohol, nearly every day. I have been trying to cut down on the alchy and have been drinking a lot less beer and occasionally take nights off from drinking.

    2. i would say my diet isnt too bad. I eat main meals like spag bol, chili, lasagne, pasta bake, potatoe bake, roast dinners. Snacks and morning/afternoon meals are generallly sandwhiches. Everything i eat is prepared in the healthist ways intended, no excess on the unhealthy bits. I do think i can eaty much healthie and i really anjoy healthy food but it's generally expensive and i also live with 3 others who might not be up for a diet change. But alterations are ok.

    3. on a typical day i would wake up and in bed I do stomach exercises ( i tried on the floor but it hurt my back). All i do is lift my straight legs up a little, hold it, bend and tuck my legs into my chest and then straighten. It's feels a lot more effective than situps and I can do them for longer too. I also find that it works more muscles than regular situps.

    I then work on a chest expander type thing that works my upperbody by using a verity of techniques. After than I will then use a hand grip to work on my forearms and then thats it. I never feel too compelled to work on my legs becuase they had to carry around 15st for nearly a year, i think that made them tough! I am very open to any suggestions into my daily routine.

    4. I use a soap-free cleaneser for my face and occasionally my hair will get washed with head and shoulders (trial bottles,all thanks to the cheapskate corner hehe). i mix my bathroom products around a lot though and have had this sweating thing for a while now, could be connected though.

    5. I am looking for a change in lifestyle anyway so all ideas to help me: bring it on!

    do you guys think you might have any useful suggestons for me?

    to add:

    I dont think that a dedodorant would make much difference as the sweat does concentrate around my head, my arms and body dont seem to oversweat at all, but it does really asnnoy me when i i have more sweat on my head than the rest of my body together. But maybe that makes sense?!?

    thanks again for your help guys, I felt a little lost when i was writing my first post but you have all helped me out, thanks!

  7. #7
    DF VIP Member dingle_666's Avatar
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    Default Re: sweating & exercise problems!

    im gonna hijack this thread aswell i sweat heavily on my back even if ive been walkin for 20 minutes or a tiny bit of exercise. i drink at least 5 pints of water accross the day and im not eating junk.i hardly sweat under my arms its just on myback (and its embarrasing when it soaks onto your shirts)

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member Gel's Avatar
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    Default Re: sweating & exercise problems!

    Don't drink cold drinks that helps,

    'I eat main meals like spag bol, chili, lasagne, pasta bake, potatoe bake, roast dinners. Snacks and morning/afternoon meals are generallly sandwhiches. '

    Don't eat too many carbs on the day of exercise either, your above diet is packed full of them.

    Your back hurts in the morning because your discs fill with fluid whilst you sleep and only lose the fluid when the disc are compressed by your bodyweight during the corse of the day.

    If anything do you sit ups in the second half of the day, or at night. It makes all the difference.
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  9. #9
    DF VIP Member whatnow's Avatar
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    Default Re: sweating & exercise problems!

    nice one.

    I did think there were too many carbs, but eating on a tight budget what other choices are there?

    Also I have noticed that situps at night seem to not only be surprisingly easier (once started) but also maybe more effective.

    thanks for bringing up my dead thread to help.:thumbs

  10. #10
    DF MaSter bloye's Avatar
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    Default Re: sweating & exercise problems!

    Try not drinking alcohol for 2 weeks and see if you continue to sweat during this time

  11. #11
    DF VIP Member whatnow's Avatar
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    Default Re: sweating & exercise problems!

    what would it be in alcohol that makes people sweat? or what does alcohol do to make you sweat?


  12. #12
    DF Rookie mcfc98's Avatar
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    Default Re: sweating & exercise problems!

    Hey man i also get this on my head and back too. Don't think its alcohol as i tend to only drink once or twice a week.
    I am a little overweight though so i blamed it on that - your obviously not though so it does have me wondering what the f causes this.

    Maybe its just genetic and we'll never be rid of it?

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