I am finding the news fo the so called death of VCR interesting. Dixons saying DVD Players are far outselling VCR, ok thats all good, but what are people recording onto these days?

If the DVD Players are outselling what is happening in the DVD Recorders corner? or are most poele still using thuier VCR or Sky+, or if you are VERY lucky TiVo.

This then seems to lead to another fomrat war, one i am not to read up on as yet. But on BBC News i came accross this http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4053875.stm basically saying some hollywood studios have snubbed Sony's BluRay and going with HD DVD.

It seems the DVD format/industry, all be it thorugh film studios has still not settled.

Does anyone have any views on this, i am a little bewildered.
