The most stupid criminal in Britain?


BOOZY burglar Brian Reid may well be Britain’s dumbest criminal - after breaking into a Hazel Grove restaurant and then drinking himself into a stupor!

He was so drunk, he passed out and was still unconscious when the owners returned the next day and found him there...

...and he was still unconscious when police carried him off to jail - because he couldn’t walk himself.

Unemployed Reid, 51, of no fixed abode, was this week starting a prison sentence having pleaded guilty to burglary and causing criminal damage at Benvenuti restaurant, London Road, on Friday night.

During his spree he guzzled down £139 of booze, including eight bottles of spirits and liqueurs.

He smashed a window, before climbing in and helping himself to the establishment’s array of exotic drinks.

During his late night lock in, the restaurant owners believe he even tried to call a friend - using their chip and pin machine which he mistook for a phone.

He was eventually discovered slumped over a table on Saturday morning, by Italian owner Vito Angrisani.

Danny Angrisani, wife of one of the owners, and who also works at the restaurant, said: “He must have got in through the window and helped himself to eight bottles of spirits. It looks like he’s had a good night on his own.

“We thought it was hilarious when we saw the chip and pin machine on the table.

“We always put it on charge next to the till and he had taken it and tried putting in a number.

“He must have thought it was a mobile phone.”

She added: “He must have been drinking all night because there were bottles scattered everywhere.

“He had drunk the Creme de Menth and italian liqueurs - all the stuff that will make you really ill if you have a lot.”

Reid appeared at Stockport magistrates on Monday, where he pleaded guilty to burglary and causing criminal damage.

He was sentenced to four months in jail.