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Thread: Online Hunts

  1. #1
    DF VIP Member Tasseltine's Avatar
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    Default Online Hunts

    Another Telegraph article, this one from Sunday (sadly without the picture of the setup that was in the paper):

    Hunters queue up to shoot live animals over the internet
    By Toby Harnden

    There will be no thrill of the chase and the quarry will stand little chance, even from 5,000 miles away. Britons, however, are clamouring to sign up for the latest internet entertainment: hunting and shooting a real animal with the click of a mouse.

    <script src="" language="javascript"></script> <script language=\"\&quot;\&quot;JavaScript\&quot;\&quot;\" src=""></script> More than 300 people, including Scots, Londoners and other would-be marksmen from Australia to Peru, have put down money for a live game shoot. They will be able to see the view through the gun's sights on their computer screens and use the mouse to train the rifle on the target. A mouse click will operate the trigger. Catalina goats, Barbary sheep, fallow deer, red stags and blackbuck antelope are among the exotic species available for the remote hunts, which take place in Texas.

    Britain is one of the target countries for the man behind the venture, John Lockwood, a car body repair estimator in San Antonio, Texas. His internet site is the first dedicated to what critics have branded "pay-per-view slaughter".

    He said: "The system is designed for people who can't hunt the old-fashioned way, such as the handicapped, those in a country that doesn't allow hunting or armed forces overseas. It's a service." Howard Giles, 30, was the first person to shoot a real animal on the internet, using a 30.06 telescopic rifle rigged up in a shed on Mr Lockwood's ranch and linked to the worldwide web.

    "I was real nervous about it," said Mr Giles. "I was sitting in my home office about 45 miles away, just waiting." After an hour, a solitary wild hog wandered from the undergrowth about 60 yards from the shed.

    "You can easily get a range of about 100 yards and I was just waiting for it to get clear of the trees and brush so I could get a good, clear shot."

    Mr Giles clicked the mouse, the rifle fired and the hog was hit in the neck. "He didn't die right away but there was no way he was going to make it," he said. "So the most humane thing was for John to run out and finish him off."

    The hog's head is now being reconstructed, stuffed and mounted on a plaque so that Mr Giles, who had not hunted for four years before the internet shoot, has a trophy to commemorate his feat.

    Legislators in Texas and other American states have already moved to ban the new practice and even hunting organisations have condemned it.

    British groups are also appalled. "This is absolutely despicable," said Simon Clarke, a spokesman for the British Association for Shooting and Conservation. "It takes away all the elements of fieldcraft and respect for quarry." The RSPCA expressed "grave concerns". The next internet hunt is scheduled for April 9. Dale Hagberg, 38, from Indiana, who has been paralysed from the chin down for 18 years, will use a joystick operated by his mouth to shoot at a blackbuck antelope.

    "I'm very excited," said Mr Hagberg, speaking with the help of his father Bob, 68, who can interpret his murmurs. "The last time I was hunting was just before I was injured in a diving accident. I'll move the gun with my lips and when I'm ready to shoot, I'll puff. I decided on a blackbuck antelope because they're really pretty and they're also good to eat. I was a real outdoors guy but never thought I'd be able to hunt again."

    The cost of killing an animal over the internet is just $15 (£8) a month for membership and $150 (£80) for an hour-long hunt. The necessary hunting licence can be obtained online, along with taxidermy services.

    Previously, only virtual hunting via sites such as, in which big game in Africa is "shot" with a camera, have been on offer, but Mr Lockwood insists that real hunting on the internet is safe and carefully controlled. "You have to register beforehand and someone will be there to take the safety catch off."

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member BertRoot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online Hunts

    Guy saw a niche and got in there. Some coont would be shooting the poor beasts anyway so why not slow it down by letting people in Britain on with our piss poor internet connections. Should hopefully save a few beasts.

    Oh and I am a vegetarian by the way.

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member BertRoot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online Hunts

    The demo video is here.

    Their site is here.

  4. #4
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar

    Default Re: Online Hunts

    cool going to sign up

  5. #5
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar

    Default Re: Online Hunts

    btw its only $5 for shooting at a paper target

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member xdir's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online Hunts

    Why would anyone want to kill an animal for fun?? there is no sport to this you simply click a button and a gun is fired. You are payin for the "Thrill" of killing nothing more, its people who enjoy this kind of sadistic fun that become serial killers.
    I am not against hunting animals, even for sport as long as you eat the animal you kill or the animal is a nuisance ie Man eating Lion/Tiger or Foxes attacking live stock. but to kill something simply because you want to mount its head in your house is wrong.

  7. #7
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar

    Default Re: Online Hunts

    Quote Originally Posted by xdir
    Why would anyone want to kill an animal for fun?? there is no sport to this you simply click a button and a gun is fired. You are payin for the "Thrill" of killing nothing more, its people who enjoy this kind of sadistic fun that become serial killers.
    I am not against hunting animals, even for sport as long as you eat the animal you kill or the animal is a nuisance ie Man eating Lion/Tiger or Foxes attacking live stock. but to kill something simply because you want to mount its head in your house is wrong.
    yoiu get the option on what is done with the butchered meat (sadly they wont / cant ship to the uk but will ship to a friend in america if you want) its no different to shooting from a hunting blind its quite possible that nothing will cross your sights in the 50 mins you get on a live hunt, but for those of us who live in a state that bans traditional hunting and shooting hobbies its a not too bad alternative, looking at the target shooting it seems fairly accurate except for your turn speed but thats not realy an issue on a static target, looks like they are planning on holding shooting competitions in the future so that should be a real blast and something i quite look forward to especialy if / when they get their indoor range up and running.

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