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Thread: Forum history

  1. #1
    DF VIP Member Freekie_Freddie's Avatar
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    Default Forum history

    There doesn't seem to be any info anywhere on why these forums exist and how they started.
    Members should know the origins and whys and wherefores of a forum so I thought that admin being lazy buggers like all other admins:tongue would appreciate it if I did a write up for them:
    Chapter 1:

    The scene:
    That of a Hollywood C 1940s film noir PI's office. A broken NEOn light idly flashes somewhere in the street outside, it's eerie light illuminating only the thousands and thousands of strange disc like objects that fill every part of the room from floor to ceiling. The disc objects seem to greedily swallow the ever decreasing luminosity of the NEOn and spit it back into the room with a shattered venom, creating an ethereal effect of ghostly movement.

    Stage left:
    A door opens slowly and deliberately; it seems to sigh at the prospect of not being kicked off it's hinges years ago and therefore put out of it's misery. The dim light from the dank corridor seems to be afraid to enter the room. A feeling of dread envelopes the whole scene as our hero enters with the gait of a man who has the weight of all the combined Windows XP service packs and updates upon his shoulders. His shuffling appearance seems wierdly juxtaposed with another side of him that has the frantic aura of a condemned man who must make his peace with all that he has known before he meets his maker.

    Raptor makes his way to the centre of the room and sits on a previously hidden chair that seems to mould itself from the myriads of strange disk like objects that now had taken on the appearance of a shoestring budget 1971 liquid light roadshow.
    Raptor, in a voice that sounds like a man suffering the agony of having his toenails pulled as slowly as a Bit Torrent download on a Tiscali broadband connection:
    " I should have listened when they said solid state. I knew that DVDs were finished but I wouldn't listen. I just would not listen. I even started giving them away...... Still my faithful flock deserted me. All I have left now is my forums, my beautiful forums............."
    Raptor suddenly stares into a coal black corner, his face contorting in the same terrified manner as a PC World customer after speaking to tech support, his body racked with the pain of someone who is condemned to an eternity of reading posts by (Insert favourite forum member here)
    The disk like objects seem to tease Raptor like a Tiscali support technician denying yet another infrastructure collapse whilst trying to convince the weary customer that it's his fault because he called Miss Jones a lesbian when he was in the third form.
    The disks menacingly reflected and now multiplied the petrified glare that shot forth from Raptors eyes like a Cruise missile attack on a defenceless 3rd world country.
    "WWWWhatttt"? He stammered, his voice trembling like a 14 year old after a night on the Tennants Super and 4 Valiums. "Veee....... Ohhhh....... I..........Peeee?" he mumbled to himself, seemingly trying desperately to make sense of the voice but at the same time praying he was not hearing what in his heart knew he was. That terrible, terrible sound.

    Quite enough I think...... Quite enough!

    Boy, am I am going to regret this in the morning
    Boys and girls, take heed, RSOD!
    And please try and think of me suffering, out in the cold, BANNED. :coffee:
    Last edited by Freekie_Freddie; 27th March 2005 at 04:26 PM.

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member wizard1974uk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Forum history

    Erm, this shouldn't be posted in here.

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member Freekie_Freddie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Forum history

    If I could just work out how to delete it I would.
    i think it's best if i don't post any more until I've sobered up a little. :nowords: :|

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member wizard1974uk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Forum history

    Didn't you mean that you would regret it sooner? Here endeth the lesson, don't post when drunk.

  5. #5
    DF VIP Member BertRoot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Forum history

    Quote Originally Posted by wizard1974uk
    Didn't you mean that you would regret it sooner? Here endeth the lesson, don't post when drunk.

    Freddie what the hell is going through your head? By drinking I am assuming you are referring to methylated spirits?

  6. #6
    DF Founder Raptor's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Guest Termy's Avatar

    Default Re: Forum history

    Quote Originally Posted by Freekie_Freddie
    so I thought that admin being lazy buggers like all other admins:tongue
    Hehehe,,, thats funny m8,,, you should do stand up.

    Having recently been made Admin on another,,, smaller but as busy forum , it has made me realise that its no walk in the park.

    Lazy they are not m8.

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