Hi guys looking for some help with a little flash job I promised a mate...

Basically he has a document that he wants me to convert to flash so users can turn the pages online.

I found a great fla script online but can't get my head round how to add additional pages to it?

If someone has a free min. could they please take a quick look and explain what I need to do?

You can get a copy of my fla file here: http://www.redcube.net/flip_master.fla

Many Thanks,


The fla contains the following instructions but I don't understand them ;(


PageFlip - Help ----------------------------------------------------------

frame1: Self loader
(never export items to the first frame, and copy one instance
to the layer exported/frame4 of every exported items)
//sorry for my bad english...
frame4: layer exported: here is all the exported items
frame5: here is the main code.
frame6: the main code is activated here.

- This code is opensource (don't buy it from anywhere)
- This script don't support dynamic content loading!!!
- If you have an animation on a page, it must be controlled by the _global.mcnt counter!
- Buttons, or events can be enabled/disabled by a simple script showed in templates!

adding pages: ------------------------------------------------------------

you have template pages in the library:

If you want a new page, DUPLICATE on of the templates (depending on what side your page will be).
Edit the content of the layer "content".
Export your new page (Library/linkage), and don't forget to uncheck "Export in first frame",
then copy an instance to the exported items! (Main timeline/Layer: exported/ frame 4)
The last step, is to change the page data (layer actions/frame5/from line26):

add a new line:
addPage("yourPagesExportName"); or
addPage("yourPagesExportName",true); if you want to enable tearing of it!

Always insert pages in pair!!!

variables: ----------------------------------------------------------------

removedPages array hold page numbers of removed pages (teared off).
page hold the current left page's number.
at the beginning you can set page variable to the page you want to start the book with it.
canflip it's a variable. setting its value to false disables flipping

functions: ----------------------------------------------------------------

gotoPage( destinationPageNo, skip ); quick jump to the page number: destinationPageNo; values = 0-maxpages;
skip: boolean; if true, pages will be skipped to the destination!
autoflip(); start autoflip (direction is calculated from _xmouse)
must called if you want to unload the pageflip, then load an other!

PageFlip v2.13 coded by Macc/iparigrafika
