When can we expect Jimmy?

Waking Wishes

Day 11, 09:30
Sunday 15 January

Thoughts of Jimmy Saville made an early return to the House this morning when the group were awoken from their dreams by the Jim'll Fix It theme tune.

And what dreams they must have been... as the Housemates anticipate their wishes coming true today when Sir Jimmy returns to the House in person.

"What a way to start the day," purred Maggot, a self-confessed Saville fanatic.

Other Housemates could be seen bobbing their sleepy heads in time to the music.

Michael, as always the first out of bed and already dressed, sang along happily in the kitchen, despite getting most of the words wrong.

Rula dons her pants of power

Pete took a more cynical view, remarking: "When they plays his theme tune he normally walks in. He must have snuffed it on the stairs."

"Pete!" exclaimed Rula, suitably aghast at the thought of Sir Jimmy's untimely death.

"I have to put these knickers on," she then remembered, referring to her recently-acquired Pants of Power.

"I'm quite excited," admitted Preston with boyish innocence.

But will it be his, or another Housemate's dreams, that come true later today ?
