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  1. #1
    DF VIP Member AJ_007's Avatar
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    Default Impressed with the service from the NHS

    I know all the stuff flying round bout waiting lists, doctors surgery waiting times etc but just had a nice pleasant visit.

    I had a well man check with the nurse as getting some of my childhood asthma back and need some new inhalers.

    Booked my appointment for 2:00pm today arrived 2:10 was seen within 2 minutes of sitting down.

    Nice friendly nurse did all the usuall (Height,weight, blood pressure, life style, eating habbits, drinking habbits etc) all check out fine.

    Told her about how bad the asthma was and when I usualy got it and ordered me a new Ventolin inhaler and told me it would be ready to be picked up from the local pharmacy @ 4:00pm - cracking service

    And there was me thinking i'd be in a sweaty waiting room full of ill people coughin their lungs up for an hour

    Any one had any recent good/bad interaction with the NHS?

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  2. #2
    DF VIP Member wavesta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Impressed with the service from the NHS

    In my experience they have been outstanding, for a large part of my NHS treatment I was looked after by dedicated and compasionate staff, often had a room to myself, state of the art medical technology and the finest minds in medicine....I will never knock them, they saved my life and for that I will always be very grateful!

    They do an outstanding job against all the odds and if only the media would cover more positive stories people would be able to see the excellent job that they are doing.
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  3. #3
    DF VIP Member proxi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Impressed with the service from the NHS

    I've had no terrible experiences with them personally, the only bad thing being it took prolonged calls from me to the doctors saying that my wrist was broken (not from watching Quizmania but from being mauled by a dog when I was 6), when they said it wasn't. I had to keep pushing for another X-Ray, and on the 10th time they changed their minds and it was broken. I thought the sheer angle me hand was at - like an extreme fairyboy flick of the wrist - would have given it away.

    Even now I have problems with the wrist, it just numbs or I lose grip of stuff because of a shooting pain in it. Me mam was pushing for a compo claim at the time, but I don't think I'd've have a chance...

    Me ex-girlfriends legs were fucked up by an operation, she was born with a condition that slowly changed her leg bone structure as she "developed", and in this bones were sticking out more and more on the base of each foot - making it more impossible to walk properly. They cancelled her op twice and then in the operation itself pushed the shinbones up too far, they were then sticking out slightly at the side of her kneecaps She was in excruciating pain for 2 weeks before another op.

    I do know a few other people who have been given a wrong diagnosis, wrong treatment or simply no great attention when needed and it's made me hate doctors. The service when there has been really friendly and supportive, it's just their skills that have made me doubt them. for trance mixes, radio shows & mashups

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  4. #4
    DF Probation GhettoMoose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Impressed with the service from the NHS

    Only evern been twice, once on a stretcher and once with my ear haning off.

    Walked in and saw the "traige" (sp) nurse, who had a look, and then said take a seat. I was second to lowest of important catagories, LED time machine said 2.5 hours, abour 4 mins later Doc came over, took me into a room had a look, confirmed nothing serious and a nurse came in with a student as she stiched it on there and then while the student watched.

    In and out withn the hour.

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  5. #5
    DF VIP Member Shambles's Avatar
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    Default Re: Impressed with the service from the NHS

    Funnily enough, and despite them saving my life last October/November, I'm not at all impressed by the senior medical staff in the NHS.

    My first 2 visits (by ambulance) to the hospital resulted in them diagnosing me with epistaxis, which is a mild nosebleed. Hrmpph. Even the ambulance guy said I'd lost around 3 litres of blood during the 12 minute drive in. Despite that they insisted on shoving a 7 inch pad up my left nostril which (a) wasn't the source of the bleed and (b) just seemed to compound my problem.

    On the third visit I stayed in a few days and some "senior house doctor" decided I was bleeding from my right nostril and proceeded to cauterise the inside of my nose with silver nitrate. Shit did that hurt.

    Were any of them right?


    On my 4th day under observation it started again, pouring like a Fairy liquid bottle being squeezed hard. A porter came to collect me while I was filling a bowl with blood and mentioned - yes it was him that mentioned - to the consultant that my bleed looked "arterial", at which point I was whisked straight into theatre for an op.

    So no, I'm not impressed with the service from the NHS. n00bs.

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member salvadorescobar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Impressed with the service from the NHS

    I think that the problem with the NHS' reputation lies with the media's projection of it. Now I know that most of the stuff I read in the paper is a load of cack but unfortunately most of the people who live in this country are idiots and believe any old bullshit they hear.

    I've never had a problem with any of the health service whatsoever. They've always done a top job.

    It's the politicians and the media who are serving their own agenda who are responsible for giving the NHS a bad rep and this is only going to get worse. Once they have managed to kill the NHS we'll all start whinging about how bad the private services are that we'll have to rely on. Its a shame that it'll be too late then isn't it.
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  7. #7
    DF VIP Member GameKing's Avatar
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    Default Re: Impressed with the service from the NHS

    Quote Originally Posted by salvadorescobar
    I think that the problem with the NHS' reputation lies with the media's projection of it. Now I know that most of the stuff I read in the paper is a load of cack but unfortunately most of the people who live in this country are idiots and believe any old bullshit they hear.

    I've never had a problem with any of the health service whatsoever. They've always done a top job.

    It's the politicians and the media who are serving their own agenda who are responsible for giving the NHS a bad rep and this is only going to get worse. Once they have managed to kill the NHS we'll all start whinging about how bad the private services are that we'll have to rely on. Its a shame that it'll be too late then isn't it.
    absolutely spot on, I couldn`t agree with you more 99% of people get treated well on the NHS and the polititians and press "blow-up" the problems of the remaining 1%

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Impressed with the service from the NHS

    Quote Originally Posted by wavesta
    They do an outstanding job against all the odds and if only the media would cover more positive stories people would be able to see the excellent job that they are doing.
    Quote Originally Posted by salvadorescobar
    I think that the problem with the NHS' reputation lies with the media's projection of it. Now I know that most of the stuff I read in the paper is a load of cack but unfortunately most of the people who live in this country are idiots and believe any old bullshit they hear.

    Damned right. I've been in hospital a few times since last september & think they do a superb job. All around the ward were people moaning about nothing ("Oh nurse, the cricket's gone off") while I lay there with my leg up having some tlc by complete strangers. The morphine was nice too My leg looks like a sunday roast, but inside the bones & plates are back where they should be.

    I have 4 friends who work for the NHS, and when I read shit-stirring crap in the paper by people like "Littlejohn" my piss boils, I think how must they feel. They can't do wrong for right.

    Edit - I was talking to one of my friends the other day & she told me one of the wards where I stayed has been shut because of cuts in funding.
    Last edited by beansontoast; 6th April 2006 at 06:04 PM.
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  9. #9
    DF VIP Member Midnight_Toker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Impressed with the service from the NHS

    Have to agree that misdiagnosis is the number 1 problem with the NHS at the moment (along with poor hygiene, but what do you expect when the funding is so bad), but that would happen anywhere in the world, not just on the NHS. Been to hospital a few times and have always been treated with absolute courtesy, respect and the highest levels of care; except for one time when I was involved in a scuffle in town and got my cheekbone broken. Waited in the little room with my gf, being very calm and quiet (while some pissed arsehole was arguing with his mate 2 cubicles down) the nurse came in, gave me a "another pisshead been fighting, probably deserved it" look, poked my face for a couple of secs then sent me home with some painkillers. Soon as I went back on Monday morning, the nurse who saw me at the reception said "Jesus, you've broke your cheekbone, get for an x-ray straight away" within 2 seconds. Pissed me right off that..

    Needless to say, I had my cheekbone pinned back into place, the whole operation was a pleasant experience (if you can call it that), the staff were great and I'm a handsome lady killer once more. So hurrah! for the NHS.
    Last edited by Midnight_Toker; 7th April 2006 at 12:14 PM.
    HE went home in a fuckin ambulance
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  10. #10
    DF VIP Member MaxP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Impressed with the service from the NHS

    whislt i am happy to hear of people receiving good service, i have got nothing good to say about the NHS at all....

    recently i had to take my 3 yr old boy to A&E.
    he had a nasty fall and had hurt his foot, we gave him a couple of hours to calm down but he was still very distressed, so did the dirty and off to Mayday we went.

    it was about 10.30pm midweek the A&E wasnt that busy at all.
    we get there register with the receptionist and take a seat.
    a good 30 minuits passed befor the receptionist told us we would actualy have to go to the peadiactric area, erm do what ?
    thats the first 30 mins totaly wasted.
    so we move to another area thats just for children and register all over again..

    fast forward an hour and we go into a room to see a nurse.
    she asks whats wrong so we basicaly repeat what we told both the receptionists when registering in the first place. we are told the boy will need an xray and we should go back to the waiting room.

    fast foward another 30 mins and this nurse then asks are we back from xray.
    no we are bloody well not....we were told to wait in the waiting area and thats exactly what we did. she walks off and a good 20 mins later we are given a slip and told to go to xray.

    we follow the yellow line to xray..
    there isnt a single sole not a peep no one waiting at all.
    no one...
    apart from the xray nurse we are the only other people in the dept.
    so why the fucking hell does she make us wait a good 20-30 mins befor doing the xray.

    so xray is done...go sit back down in the A&E....
    another 30-40 minuits pass and the nurse calls our name...
    HEYYYYYYYY im going to get home at a reasonable hour methinks.
    so we stand up ready to see the doctor...
    the nurse says have you had the xray done, i say yes we have..
    she says please take a seat...
    WTF i allready had a fucking seat.

    finaly after pissballing about for over 3.5 hours we get to see the doctor..
    i cant really fualt him, he was fast precise and bang on the money.
    childrens bones just do not provide any structure and basicaly when he hurt his foot the only thing holding it together is the soft flesh and tendons, so its no wonder its cuasing him pain. but there are no breaks or problems and the pain swelling will subside in a day or two....

    my problem is all the pissing around.
    i recon of them 3.5+ hours, there was less than 30 mins of actualy doing and 3 hours of nothing but fucking about.
    why all the fucking about ?
    i just dont understand why.

    im sorry to say i think the NHS is disgusting...

    im currently in the middle of a 18 month marathon session to get a deaf aid. i have an heriditery hearing issue and over the years its getting progresivly worse, had little choice but to get a deaf aid, at least you can get the little pop in yer ear digital ones nowdays.

    i went to see my local GP in 2004.
    he refered me to a specialist also at effing mayday.
    i did not get to see the speicalist till late 2005.
    same shit all over again, get there 15 mins early and wait 45 mins.
    get hearinf tested and wait another 45 mins.
    go see the doctor, in with the doctor for less than 15 mins.
    deffo hearing issue...deffo need a deaf aid...

    yes you didnt need to keep me haning about for 2 hours just to tell me that did you.
    so now im on a waiting list to get a deafaid fitted.
    how long is the waiting list ? 8-12 months just to get a deaf aid fitted.
    what a load of old cock.

    i just cannot understand why it is that 30-40 minuits of actual doing has to be streatched over 3-4 hours and there is no good reason at all for it to be this way.

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