Are they insane?

JUST when it gets really good, HBO pulls the plug.
That's why it's so disappointing to hear that HBO won't finance a fourth season of "Deadwood," making the third season, set to start on Sunday night, the series' last (except for that 11th-hour plan, revealed earlier this week, to tack on two, 2-hour movies next year to serve as the series' finale).
It's a business decision that is HBO's right to make, but it's a shame because "Deadwood" has reached the point in its short lifespan where it is really coming into its own.
Its vibrant characters and Old West setting are now well-established, and its scripts - always among the finest on TV - are even stronger this time around.
It is still the most profane and violent series on TV - which means many who have not warmed already to its pungent portrayal of unbathed prospectors, gamblers, drunks, pimps, pr0stitutes and everyone else populating the muddy, 1870s mining town of Deadwood (in the pre-statehood Dakota territory) will likely have a difficult time entering the fray this late in the show's history.
But for everyone else who has gotten past initial repugnance over the show's saltier aspects and become addicted, the third season looks to be a thrill to be savored for 12 glorious weeks.
As the third season begins, mining baron George Hearst (Gerald McRaney) is locking horns with brothel keeper Al Swearengen (Ian McShane) over which one of them will wield the most influence in the growing town, which is on the verge of holding its first real elections for mayor and sheriff.

The town's bulging population is symbolized by the increased number of children now walking to the new schoolhouse every morning and by some newly arrived residents, especially a troupe of actors headed by an old friend of Swearengen's, Jack Langrishe (Brian Cox), who arrives in Episode 3.
The title of the season opener - "Tell Your God to Ready for Blood" - is a tantalizing indication of where "Deadwood" is heading this season.