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  1. #1
    DF VIP Member BertRoot's Avatar
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    Default 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    N-Word Tirade At Black Audience Members Caught On Tape

    The actor who played Kramer on the classic sitcom "Seinfeld" reportedly hurled racial epithets at two black audience members at a Los Angeles comedy hot spot Friday, leaving audience members outraged, according to

    Video: TV's 'Kramer' Accused Of Racial Tirade

    Michael Richards went off on two black audience members who were heckling the comedian during a show at the Laugh Factory in West Hollywood. He unleashed a string of racial epithets, taunting the two men with slurs and profanities. Some people in the audience walked out, as Richards repeatedly used the N-word.

    In a video of the incident featured on the Web site (note: Video contains profanity), Richards purportedly screamed, "Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a f---ing fork up your a--."

    On the videotape, some audience members are gasping in disbelief.

    Directing his anger at one of the men, Richards said, "Throw his a-- out," and said, "He's a n-----!" five times.

    In response to the tirade, one of men shouted at Richards on the TMZ video, "That''s un-f---ing called for, you cracker-a-- motherf-----" and called the comedian a "f---ing white boy."

    Also during the three-minute tirade, Richards said, "They're going to arrest me for calling a black man a n-----."

    The video shows some people walking out, with others gasping -- but there's also some audible chuckling throughout the outburst.

    CNN quoted Richards as telling the network he's sorry for what happened, and that he had made amends.

    Richards performed the next night at the Laugh Factory without incident.

    His representatives haven't yet returned calls Monday.

    Richards played Kramer on "Seinfeld" from 1989 to 1998. He also starred in 2000's "The Michael Richards Show," which was canceled during its first season.

    Jerry Seinfeld Says He's 'Sick'

    Jerry Seinfeld said he's "sick over this."

    He's reacting to the on-stage comments from his former "Seinfeld" co-star.

    Monday, Seinfeld issued a statement saying, "I'm sure Michael is also sick over this horrible, horrible mistake." Seinfeld said the comments from Richards were "so extremely offensive." He added, "I feel terrible for all the people who have been hurt."

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member BBK's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    "I'm sure Michael is also sick over this horrible, horrible mistake."
    How exactly is it a mistake? The fact the he got caught saying these things? If this is true then the man is a cunt that deserves anything that gets thrown at him.

  3. #3
    DF VIP Member johnny's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    I feel for the guy.

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    Shame it had to happen but I understand him and how he believes it happened.

    Love Seinfeld too!

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member partyman's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    Quote Originally Posted by Ironfist View Post
    I feel for the guy.
    Pardon? I haven't been able to view the interview cus I'm at work but there is absolutely no excuse for actions like this. Maybe (only maybe) if he had made a knee-jerk off the cuff remark you could maybe (only maybe) forgive him for his reaction. but he went on a 3 minute long racist rant.

    I find it a bit sad to be honest, what a fucking loser.

  5. #5
    DF VIP Member GTI's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    A very mealy-mouthed apology, the guy clearly has issues and should get some help. I've never watched Seinfeld so I'm speaking as someone who doesn't know his character, but for any white guy to launch into a 3 min racist tirade in this day and age is simply not acceptable.
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    VIP Member CzarJunkie's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    It's a sad day when a comedian from the 'Liberal Elite' of Hollywood goes off on a rant like that. If the liberals in Hollywood are racist there's no hope for America.

  7. #7
    DF VIP Member marcode's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    watched the video of him going off on stage yesterday, quite a surprising outburst for some heckling..

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member Midnight_Toker's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    Sticks and stones ladies and gents, sticks and stones.... The guy was verbally offensive to someone, albeit in a way that directly attacked them simply for the colour of their skin. To be quite honest, I find the (over imo)reaction of the press and industry ridiculous. If Richards had called a white guy with a mullet a "backwater hick sisterfucker", would this story be here right now??? I personally would be more offended by this type of remark than someone simply calling me a "white bastard" to be perfectly frank.

    In my eyes, racism is the tool by which you purposely set out to degrade, devalue or otherwise hinder the life of another person based solely on their ethnic origin. What Richards did was out of order, no doubt. But I have been called plenty of rude things (on here even) and words are just words. If Richards had actually succeeded in having the men thrown out, then this would deserve the attention it's getting. Otherwise it's simply a case of :
    "He just gave that guy abuse"
    "Yeah so what?"
    "But he's one race and the guy is another"
    "R A C I S T !!!!!!!! BURN HIM AT THE STAKE!!!"
    HE went home in a fuckin ambulance
    R.I.H Saddam

  9. #9
    DF VIP Member kizroll's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    im sure quite a few comedians get jeered on stage but that was said was bad what he did spec in this day and age. Its good he got a chance to explain himself but he shoulda done it on opra or somethin lol or cnn! seriously how many black amercians u think watch the david letterman show?

  10. #10
    DF VIP Member GTI's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight_Toker View Post
    Sticks and stones ladies and gents, sticks and stones.... The guy was verbally offensive to someone, albeit in a way that directly attacked them simply for the colour of their skin. To be quite honest, I find the (over imo)reaction of the press and industry ridiculous. If Richards had called a white guy with a mullet a "backwater hick sisterfucker", would this story be here right now??? I personally would be more offended by this type of remark than someone simply calling me a "white bastard" to be perfectly frank.

    In my eyes, racism is the tool by which you purposely set out to degrade, devalue or otherwise hinder the life of another person based solely on their ethnic origin. What Richards did was out of order, no doubt. But I have been called plenty of rude things (on here even) and words are just words. If Richards had actually succeeded in having the men thrown out, then this would deserve the attention it's getting. Otherwise it's simply a case of :
    "He just gave that guy abuse"
    "Yeah so what?"
    "But he's one race and the guy is another"
    "R A C I S T !!!!!!!! BURN HIM AT THE STAKE!!!"
    In the US the N-word is a very loaded term. Less than 50 years ago you could still find diners in the South with signs reading "No dogs and no n***ers". This was a time when a black passenger would have to give up their seat for a white one. Go back a few more decades and you are into lynch mobs and black slavery. When it comes to race relations, America has a lot of healing to do.. which is why this guy's outburst is so unwelcome.
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  11. #11
    DF Probation knievel's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    heckler gets owned and runs off crying to the media...lets guess how much he will sue for...
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  12. #12
    DF VIP Member partyman's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    Quote Originally Posted by knievel View Post
    heckler gets owned and runs off crying to the media...lets guess how much he will sue for...
    Yes it was indeed one of the most sparklingly witty responces to a heckler i've ever heard. Shouting "He's a nigger" 5 times will be forever set in stone as one of the classic put downs of our time. "Owned" indeed.

  13. #13
    DF VIP Member BBK's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight_Toker View Post
    Sticks and stones ladies and gents, sticks and stones.... The guy was verbally offensive to someone, albeit in a way that directly attacked them simply for the colour of their skin. To be quite honest, I find the (over imo)reaction of the press and industry ridiculous. If Richards had called a white guy with a mullet a "backwater hick sisterfucker", would this story be here right now??? I personally would be more offended by this type of remark than someone simply calling me a "white bastard" to be perfectly frank.

    In my eyes, racism is the tool by which you purposely set out to degrade, devalue or otherwise hinder the life of another person based solely on their ethnic origin. What Richards did was out of order, no doubt. But I have been called plenty of rude things (on here even) and words are just words. If Richards had actually succeeded in having the men thrown out, then this would deserve the attention it's getting. Otherwise it's simply a case of :
    "He just gave that guy abuse"
    "Yeah so what?"
    "But he's one race and the guy is another"
    "R A C I S T !!!!!!!! BURN HIM AT THE STAKE!!!"
    Why don't you try living with the history of your race being abused by another race and then see how much you like being reminded of those centuries of abuse. What you write here completely disregards how white people abused blacks through slavery up until rather recent history. Its not just a matter of insulting someone - thats fair enough, but why bring race into it? Being called a white bastard has no effect on us because we haven't been systematically abused BECAUSE of our colour.

    Its pretty simple. If you don't want to be accused of racism dont call someone a black bastard. Call him a bastard. Bringing race into it makes it discriminatory and therefore a racial insult.

    Finally, have you ever actually been in the presence of someone who has been racially abused? I have, and the hurt it causes is beyond what you or I feel from being called a "white bastard" or any other insult you can imagine.

  14. #14
    DF VIP Member Midnight_Toker's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    Quote Originally Posted by BBK View Post
    Finally, have you ever actually been in the presence of someone who has been racially abused? I have, and the hurt it causes is beyond what you or I feel from being called a "white bastard" or any other insult you can imagine.
    Yes I have actually. My mate is originally from Suriname, but now lives in Holland (and has done for the last 30 years) and he was set upon by a bunch of idiots in Rotterdam while I was largely ignored (until I went wading in). My mate told me it happens all the time, especially in Rotterdam, but I could see that it affected him deep. Wading in on a group that outnumbered us 3/1 left me with one scar I don't mind having.

    I understand the point you're making mate, and I will never agree with someone using the N word as I have lived in apartheid South Africa and I have seen FIRST HAND institutionalised racism, not just agrivated verbal assault, but the systematic degradation of a race. What happened in that comedy club was not anywhere near the level that the media will make it, the black guy probably makes more money, has better working conditions, a better pension and more friends than Richards, so in this case, Richards may be using a derogotory word to put the guy down, but has he stripped the guy of his civil rights??? Richards should be pittied for being a throwback from a time LONG AGO now, but the level of reaction to this is slightly off the scale in my opinion.
    HE went home in a fuckin ambulance
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  15. #15
    DF VIP Member BBK's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Seinfeld's' Richards Hurls Racial Slurs On Stage

    He hasn't stripped him of his human rights, but he has insulted him in a way in which I don't believe a white person can ever truly understand. I've been married to a black woman for 10 years, have two mixed race daughters, and still I can't begin to understand how she feels when she has been racially abused, which thankfully has only been once. If someone was to call her (for example) a "fucking bitch" then that would be bad, but if you add in the racial "fucking nigger bitch" then it becomes a whole new level of insult, and I cannot than pity people who use expressions like this (as Richards above has done). I can only condemn them.

    Not entirely sure where the money angle comes from though. Surely Richards has a few quid in the bank from Seinfield, which was up there with Friends in terms of audience figures, and I know for sure they all made many, many millions. And so what if the guy sues? That's an unfortunate side effect of American litigious society, it doesn't dampen what was said.

    I just dont understand why we can't all insult one another fairly and squarely!

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