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  1. #1
    DF VIP Member QUALCAST's Avatar
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    Help Zelda help please! **may contain spoilers**

    Goron mines, get all the way to the end and get to a room with a big door with chains on , the door looks like a target with a hole in, but i cant figure out what to do, i think i should be figting the level boss Fyrus but cant seem to trigger it,

    Any help, cheers
    fortune favours the brave......

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member
    cronus71's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zelda help please! **may contain spoilers**

    2.25 - Goron Mines

    In this first room, use the platforms to cross the lava (either direction
    works), then enter the small enclosure. Slice at the two wood barriers within,
    then stand on the switch with your Iron Boots to turn off the fire jet. Run past
    it, then step on another switch to turn off another jet. Run past it, then take
    the path behind you and to the right, climbing the ladder. Continue to find a
    chest with 20 Rupees, then hop to the nearby platform to cross the lava. Head
    right to find and press another switch, then run forward past the third fire jet
    and hop to the metal ledge near the door. Put Iron Boots on to lower the ledge
    and open the gates, then go through the door.

    In this room, head up the ramp, then take a left and defeat the enemies down
    here. Open the chest to receive a key, then go back up the ramp and take the
    other path. Cross the rotating platforms carefully to the door, and go in. Go
    down the path in this next room and defeat the Dodongo by slicing at its tail.
    Cross the platforms here to get to the other side of the room, then kill the
    next Dodongo and look toward the chain in the wall. Pull out that portion of
    wall, then quickly use the platforms to jump to the place where the wall was.
    Try to time letting go of the wall so you'll get to the platforms just as the
    lava pillars recede. Go through the door.

    Random water room is random o_O but anyway. Jump into the water with your Iron
    Boots on and walk over to the switch; you'll activate the magnetic floor, so
    walk around to the top and go through the door. In this next room, you'll meet
    the Goron elder Gor Amoto, who will give you a shard of the Big Key. Open the
    chest to receive the Dungeon Map, then climb the ladder and grab the shaking pot
    ahead to reunite with Ooccoo. Go through the door.

    The walls of this room are magnetic, so don your Iron Boots and walk along the
    wall to the opposite side of the room and go through the door. In here, use the
    Iron Boots to weigh down the switch and stick to the ceiling, then use your map
    to help guide you to the opposite side of the room, as it's pretty tricky. Once
    there, drop to the floor and enter the door. Back in this large crane room, run
    forward and defeat the enemies around here. Step on the switch to activate a
    crane, then go to where it's magnetizing and use your Iron Boots to go up. Drop
    at the higher of the two drop points to find enemies and another switch; step
    on it to activate another crane and get to the next door.

    Kill the Tektites in this room, then swim off to the top-left corner of the room
    and put on your Iron Boots to nab a key from the chest. Then swim to the
    bottom-right, to a metal area. Put on the Iron Boots and push the block away,
    then take them off and swim up into the enclosure. Get on land and step on the
    nearby switch, then head over to the new magnet area to get on the ceiling. Walk
    to the end of this magnetic strip and drop down, then head to the next switch,
    step on it, and walk off the edge of the metal platform to attach to the wall.
    Go to the end of this strip and drop, then grab 20 Rupees and hit the switch
    with your sword to open the gates. Enter the door.

    Defeat the enemies in here, then go to the magnet on the right and walk right
    up. Take the right path to get a Piece of Heart, then go back and take the left
    to cut the ropes nearby, dropping a bridge to the door. You're in another
    outdoor area, with enemies firing at you. You can't do anything about them now,
    so slice the wood ahead of you, then run up the ramp and take the right path to
    get a key from a nearby chest. Go back and take the opposite path, going through
    the locked door.

    Hop across the rotating platform here, then go up to the rotating platform with
    the magnetic panels. When the side with many panels comes up, run to the first
    and use the Iron Boots to stay on, then wait for the platform to right itself.
    Cross the platform in this manner and enter the door. In here is another elder,
    Gor Ebizo, and another key shard. Climb the ladder behind him and go through the
    upper door, then use the magnetic wall to walk to the next door.

    The Goron protecting the treasure resides here, but he's not a big fan of
    letting you explain; he'll drop the magnetic platform into the lava below,
    initiating a miniboss battle. You'll want to equip your Iron Boots in general
    for this battle. When he raises his arms above his head, slice away at him until
    he curls up, ready to attack; treat him like any rolling Goron and hold A to
    toss him. You want him to land in the lava, so you should generally stay near
    the edges of the arena. Toss him into the lava three times to make him regain
    his senses; the platform will rise up, so go through the far door.

    Open the chest there to receive the Hero's Bow, then use an arrow to cut the
    ropes behind it, making a bridge for you. Walk across into this next room, then
    run to the far end to activate the Beamos. To defeat each of these things, shoot
    an arrow into its jewel eye, then you can pull it this way and that. Destroy the
    first Beamos here and pull it out, then go into the circular room and destroy
    the west Beamos and pull it out (destroying ones around it if necessary). Behind
    it is the final elder, with the final key shard, and 50 Rupees behind him. Go
    back to the previous room and through the other door.

    This room is kind of annoying sometimes. Ram the metal grate ahead of you to
    knock it down, then hop to the next platform and defeat the enemies. Hop across
    some more platforms and defeat the Dodongos, then use your Bow to get enemies
    off of the stalactites above the next platforms (don't worry, they drop arrows).
    Go past the gate and hit the switch to get on the ceiling, then walk over to the
    crystal switch above the door and hit it with your bow. Go through the newly
    opened gate.

    In this room, jump to the right to get another 50 Rupees, then head forward and
    use your bow to chop down a nearby bridge. Stand on the nearby switch to
    activate a crane, then drop at the crane's next destination and go through this
    door. Unfortunately, you must go through this room again, so quickly get to the
    next door and go through. Kill the Beamos in here if you like, then go through
    the next door.

    Back in here, get to the end of the platform, then use your bow to take out the
    enemies here. Head right and take out the Beamos, then pull it aside to open a
    door. Use your bow to take out the barrel near the next enemies, then step on
    the nearby switch to activate another crane. Jump down to the platform below it,
    then travel with it, and shoot the bridge out while hanging from the crane and
    drop to it. Travel along the nearby platform to find two fairies in pots, then
    go through the door. In this room, defeat the enemies, drop the bridge, defeat
    more enemies, and go through the boss door.

    -- Boss: Fyrus (Twilit Igniter) --

    Fyrus's main attacks are charging forward and swinging chains at you, both
    relatively easy to avoid. To defeat him, you must fire an arrow at the jewel on
    his head, then go behind him, don the Iron Boots, grab a chain and pull, which
    will trip him up. Run forward and slash at his head with your sword, then repeat until he is vanquished.

    Upon Fyrus's defeat, he will return to being the normal Darbus, albeit with a
    bit of a memory blank. Midna will collect the Fused Shadow, and tell you a bit
    about the Twilight King, Zant. Grab the Heart Container and head out with Midna.
    Eldin will guide you toward Lanayru Province, and there will be a cutscene with the kids.

    “If I asked you to have sex with me, would the answer to that question be the same as the answer to this question?”

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