The Host or Gwoemul is a Korean monster movie and quite frankly it's brilliant. You won't get many films that infuse as many genres as The Host does into 120 minutes. It's the best action/horror/comedy I've seen in a good while anyway. The special effects are, for a south east asian film really quite astonishing as well. The monster itself is no great shakes but the way it interacts with its environment pasrticularly people is very well done. The opening twenty minutes including the reveal and a crowd scene where the beast just tears through the panicked onlookers is fantastic. The pacing from there is sometimes a bit off but there are some absolutely wickedly directed scenes. It's not the most original concept in the world but it's done in such an innovative and quirky manner that it doesn't matter.
The performances are by and large superb especially the little girl and her father. Little Miss Sunshine meets Godzilla is one very apt description that I've read elsewhere and I'd advise any fucker to at least have a look at this, it's loads of fun and really very very likeable.