NiGHTS Into Dreams is one of those games which some people worship, and many more have never heard of. It came out on Sega’s Saturn console (which explains the second part of that last sentence), and still has the power to make fanboys dribble at its memory.
So, it’s hardly surprising that the internetweb is jumping up and down in excitement at the prospect of a Wii version. The rumour that NiGHTS is heading Wii-wards sprung from a ‘Next Month..’ spread in Official Nintendo Magazine, with a starry background and a promised world exclusive on a new Wii game.
Some bright spark had the idea of joining the dots (stars) together, and came up with a character from NiGHTs, and online forums have been buzzing ever since. Now the ONM editor has posted a response on the mag’s website, dispelling rumours that it’s an April Fool’s joke, but not confirming that the game is NiGHTS either.
“The game may end up being announced online before we hit the shelves. Occasionally these things happen and it’s completely out of our control,” he says. “However, the point is that we are not misleading you – there is a new game due to be announced.”
Will it be NiGHTS? Watch this space…
(via GWN)