With the follow-up to the Saturn’s NiGHTS into Dreams, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, now officially confirmed for Nintendo Wii the very first details of the game are beginning to trickle out of all the right sources, namely SEGA themselves. This is what we know now.
Like the original, the game will be set in Nightopia — a dream world under threat from nightmare beings called the Nightmaren — and will feature seven playable worlds or dreams. Gameplay will involve the use of three persona masks which will give NiGHTS new shape-shifting abilities to transform into a dragon, a dolphin or a rocket. But, perhaps coolest of all, it’s just been announced that JoD will make full use of the Wii’s online functionality allowing the exchange of items between friends and — my personal favourite — use the Wii’s Forecast channel to determine weather and scenery in-game. If it’s raining outside your window, readers, chances are it’ll be raining in Nightopia too. We’ll keep you posted as more details become available but in the meantime why not check out these first screens (one example pictured) over on Destructoid. This game is going to be so awesome. Source.
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