Personalize your PC
Got a new PC with Windows Vista? Make it uniquely your own by customizing how it looks, sounds, and responds to you.
Windows Vista
Change your desktop background
Customize Windows Sidebar
Make the text on your screen larger
Liven up the colors on your PC
Special offer for Windows users

Free 14-day trial
Optimized for Windows Vista, URGE is a digital music service from MTV Networks offering a fun, easy way to enjoy, explore, and download the music you want for your PC or portable music player. Try URGE for free in this special 14-day trial.
Tips and tricks for Windows Vista
Featured tip for Windows Vista

Collaborate with a coworker
Want an easy way to share files and programs with others--even when you are not in the same network? With Windows Meeting Space, you can start an impromptu collaboration session with other Windows Vista users. Simply open Windows Meeting Space and start a session. Windows Vista automatically detects other Windows Vista users that are nearby.
Visit our Help and How-to website to learn more about using Windows Vista.
More tips for Windows Vista
The hunt for drivers
Here's how to find Windows Vista drivers for all your hardware. Hint: Let Windows Vista do it for you.
Get advice on how to install Windows Vista
Whether you're upgrading from Windows XP, planning to install a "clean" version of Windows Vista, or afraid of having trouble with the installation, these articles are full of helpful advice.
* Technorati tags: Tips and Tricks, Windows Vista, Windows Media Player 11, URGE, Windows Meeting Space, Device Drivers, Windows Sidebar