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Thread: Routine

  1. #1
    DF VIP Member Rob290482's Avatar
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    Question Routine

    I havnt done weight before, but feel that i would like to try it and gain some muscle. i assume i wont notice anything for at least several months, but i am not really too bothered as i am not building muscle for summer or anythink like that.

    I read on the web about the squat and milk routine. where you do 3 sets of 20 reps of light weight, and 1 set of 20 reps of meduim weight (so that it gets difficult at rep 9)

    along with this is says to drink about 8 pints of milk a day.

    anyone got any ideas for me? i tried the squats (bear in mind i never do weights and havnt tried doing them properly before) and was able to do 20 reps of 50 lb. i know this isnt much at all, but as i said, i dont and havnt done them before. i guess i could have done another 25 lb, but only tried it with 50lb. i got to about 9 and it got a bit hard, by 15 it was hurting and i managed to do the 20th just. my legs were like jelly and i felt slightly dizzy. fine after about 5 min rest though.

    please dont rip me as i am NEW at this, just think about when you first started with no guidence.

    * I am about 6 foot 2 inch tall and weigh about 15 stone.

    EDIT** I just wanted to know what i was capable of, so i tried 80 lb and managed to do 10 reps. i may have been able to do another 3-5 max, but very much doubt i could have done the 20.
    Would sticking to 50 lb be a good idea for a week (3 times a week) to get use to doing them, or should i force a little more weight, say 10 lb extra and see how i get on?

    With the milk, it is really neccessary to drink so much of it? or could i just stick to my normal meals and drink about 6 pints a week? i try to eat pasta, rice and potatoes (boiled or baked) as often as i can along with some fish (fresh not battered) chicken or red meat. i love beef i can easily get through a good 25oz steak in any meal. i have been known to get through over 30oz on many occasions without feeling over full.
    Last edited by Rob290482; 17th May 2007 at 03:57 PM.

  2. #2
    DF VIP Member maverick_15's Avatar
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    First things first, there's nothing to worry about people taking the piss just because you aren't sure what to do. Won't happen in this section. The routine you're describing isn't one I would recommend at all. Instead, have a quick read of this link and see if you can find a routine that will suit you with your daily work and time available I would suggest only a two or three day split targeting the large muscle groups. Once you've decided on an appropriate routine, ask for further advice regarding weights, diet etc.
    "There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe everything or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking." - Alfred Korzybski

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  3. #3
    DF VIP Member super mike's Avatar
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    I would be sceptical about that much milk, have maybe 2 pints and get the rest of your protein from real food sources.

    20 rep squats are an absolute killer, i came close to blowing chunks when i first tried lol. But that isn't to say they don't work, they are proved to be very beneficial, even though this is true 6*20 sounds too much too mean, bit of over kill.

    I would say doing 20 rep squats once every 4 weeks, and then doing lower rep squats (6-8) every week inbetween.

    Do you have access to a gym?
    Any other routine sorted out?

    If you want to pack on some mass then eating lots is another thing to think about, you will need to take in more calories than you burn with lots of protein, carbs, healthy fats.

    Read the stickies at the top of the page and if you have any more questions the lads in here will be happy to help.

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member Rob290482's Avatar
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    Thanks for the advice, i will look into the routines in the link you provided and chooe a more appropriate schedule. I didnt think that drinking that much milk would be good for me. i expected to be shitting 'emulsion paint' if i drank that much.

    i havnt got any other routines at all sorted out, i do have access to a gym, but it takes about 25 min to get there by car. i have just finished my uni exams so have loads of time off to concentrate on myself.

    Just made up a LARGE batch of brown rice, soya bean and chic peas. so i will be ahving that for most meals with a few chicken fillets or a different type of meat. for breakfast i will probably stick to 2 rounds of wholemeal bread with butter and a glass of orange juice.

    Anything else i should do regarding meals? i am not 'fat' but have got a small 'beer belly' and that about all.

    thanks again for the friendly help

    * forgot to mention, my waist is a size 39 inch but i am quite tall so i dont look big.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Routine

    On a bit of a side note, I sqautted a new personal best on Tuesday, which was pretty good since I had the previous week off training due to being ill.

    This week has been broken down as follows:

    Mon - Shoulders & biceps +a bit of abs
    Tues - legs a heavy session
    Weds - Back & Triceps = a bit of abs
    Thurs - (tonight) got physio coming so night off )
    Fri -chest

    So my new squatting p.b. went like this:

    Warm up set - 20kgs - 12reps
    1st working set - 40kgs - 12 reps
    2nd working set - 60kgs - 12 reps
    3rd working set - 80kgs - 10 reps (spotter stepped in but not really essential at this point)
    4th working set- 90kgs - 8 reps, the last 2 were surprisingly strong.
    5th working set 100kgs - 6 reps (I was going for minmum of 4). Need spotting but just to stop me toppling forward.

    Now the general consensus is that 120kgs is about as heavy as you need to go to train legs, obviously a lot of people go heavier but I am not far off the 120kgs I reckon.

  6. #6
    DF VIP Member Rob290482's Avatar
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    your routine shames mine. i use your warmup weight to do the working sets

    I expect that over time i will progress to heavier weights, but for now i'll have to stick with 'light' weights and lots of healthier foods than i am use to.

    Brown and white rice, pasta, fresh veg and proper meat (such as chicken, fish, pork and beef)

    is there anything i should be avoiding except the obvious pizza and chip diet. lol. i am going to stay away from ready meals (dont like them much anyway) and try to only use fresh stuff and stuff i make myself.

    forgot to mention my age. just turned 25 the other week. i also done an online body fat estimator and it said i was 25% based on my height weight, neck and abdomen size. what is a reasonable % to aim for?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Routine

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob290482 View Post
    your routine shames mine. i use your warmup weight to do the working sets
    Mate, I only started training my legs seriously about 18 months ago (due to the wise words and relentless advice of Toto67 ). I don't have and don't think I ever will have massive legs but they are getting pretty strong. With good discliplined training and form you can suprise yourself. Keep at it.

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member maverick_15's Avatar
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    25% surprises me, I wouldn't have guessed that high since you're quite tall and not relatively that heavy. You probably want >17% to be in good shape and >12 or 13% to be athletic. Have a look at this for a healthy eating guide.

    With regards legs, some people just find it easier than others. For example, I've always been good at training legs and can squat and calf raise considerable amounts. However, my mate who can't do anywhere near as much as me on legs can bench a lot more than me. Just do what you can and don't worry about it.
    Last edited by maverick_15; 17th May 2007 at 05:16 PM.
    "There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe everything or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking." - Alfred Korzybski

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  9. #9
    DF VIP Member super mike's Avatar
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    Don't compare yourself to anyone else, this only works if you find someone who is absolutely identical to you in every way, just concentrate on yourself. To many people let their ego's get away with them pushing big big weights with horrendous form, this is dangerous and can cause serious injury.

    I would reccomend having some protein (like eggs) at breakfast along with the carbs.

  10. #10
    DF VIP Member Rob290482's Avatar
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    Hi all, after i done the squats i thought 'theyre fine, i wont be in any pain' well the next day i was sore, not too bad but still sore. the following day it really hurt, standing and stitting was really painful. lol

    I sent a PM to 'DaMack' asking if he would draw me up a routine to follow for muscle growth rather than just toning up, he might not have got my PM, thats why i have asked here so that if he didnt get it then could he or anyone else do one for me?

    I was thinking of doing 4 days a week, but dont know what to do on each day. also how much protein do i need to consume a day? i weigh 100kg and i am 6 foot 2 inch tall.

    I have been having wholemeal rice, pasta and serveral veg a day along with 2 eggs every morning with my wholemeal toast. (only started the eggs today)

    i am in uni but have finished for the year so have loads of time free (until October) so i can concenrate on my training.

    any help please? i know its very vague asking for someone to give me a routine to follow, but seriously i have no idea what to do on what days. i have a weight bench but thats about it so i will have to do what i can with what i have (i have a barbell and dumbells with about 150 lb of weights in total)

    I want size not just toning so i expect to be doing heavy (for me that is) weights and being in a but of pain.

    I would like to concentrate on my arms, legs, chest and 'small beer belly'. i think that the change in diet i have done should sort out that belly.



    EDIT* forgot to ask, should i keep a measurement of my size and weight so i can monitor my growth or is that not a good idea?

  11. #11
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    You need to work out ytour whole body not just "arms, legs, chest and "beer belly". Way too many people train their arms, chest and abs without training their back or legs which are extremely important areas. You look at how many guys almost curve round from the shoulders forward, because they have over trained their chest but ignored their rear delts etc which would pull their shoulders back and give them a much better posture.

    You need to learn and develop theses exercises: dead lifting (back), squatting (legs), clean and press(shoulders), bench press(chest). These 4 big power moves will be the foundation for your training. All of them incorporate other muscles which will develop as a "by-product" for wnat of a better phrase of doing these moves.Into this add bent over row, rear delts for back, lunges, leg press, leg curls & leg extension for legs(!) , side delt raises, front delt raises, shrugs and military press for shoulders and flies, and close dumbell press for chest.

    Get into this little lot for say 8-12 weeks, then post back in with your progress (or along the way of course!) and we'll take it further.

  12. #12
    DF VIP Member Rob290482's Avatar
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    Thanks for that, but how many sets of each and how many reps per set of each, and finally what days do i do them on, or do i do them all in every workout?

    I really am sorry about all the q's but i would rather get it right to start with than do myself an injury or overdo it.

    if someone could post a routine such as

    Monday do .....

    Wednesday do .....

    Friday do......

    then that would be ideal and i would be really, truely greatful for it. i can guess what weight to use by judging what i can manage and then forcing the last few reps.

    Really, please someone give a routine for me to follow as i really dont know what to do.


  13. #13
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    Well in those big power moves 3 sets of between 12 and 8 reps is fine. If you are struggling to keep your form do less reps and lighten the weight. It's essential to get the correct form on your exercises to avoid injury and to achieve the maximum benefit from them.

  14. #14
    DF VIP Member Rob290482's Avatar
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    so if i do 3 sets of 12 reps of the following 3 times a week should that be good?

    dead lift, squats, clean and press and bench press

  15. #15
    DF VIP Member super mike's Avatar
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    Shit! i just typed out a long reply and fucked it up.

    anyway, i would say do the excersises on different days
    day 1 - back
    bb rows

    day 2 -rest

    day 3 delts
    clean and press
    dumb bell press
    lateral raises

    day 4 legs
    stiff leg deads
    calf raises

    day 5 rest

    day 6 chest
    close grip bench

    day 7 rest

    Don't go over 6 reps on deads IMO, as this works the whole body hard you will get fatigued easier. Therefore it is much easier to let your form go loose and do yourself a serious injury.

    Use this site to look at excerises


  16. #16
    DF VIP Member Rob290482's Avatar
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    Thats exactly what i wanted. it makes my life so much easier. Really thanks


  17. #17
    DF VIP Member maverick_15's Avatar
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    By the way mate, something to bear in mind is that fat burn is increased by more muscle. Your beer belly is fat, therefore if you work on your main muscle groups and build those you'll also be helping to lose fat.

    Is there anyone you can train with? Both for motivation and help with form/spotting etc?
    Last edited by maverick_15; 19th May 2007 at 06:21 PM.
    "There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe everything or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking." - Alfred Korzybski

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  18. #18
    DF VIP Member super mike's Avatar
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    Oh and another thing is if/when you do cardio do it after your weights this way more fat will be burnt, a good thing to do is a fast walk, it is easier on the shins and said to be the best way to burn off fat.

    I would say aim for about 200-250 gms protein per day, with about 30-40 coming within 30 minutes of workout.If you want to take photos, and measurments do it, it helps many with motivation, to look back at yourself and old measurements and then look at yourself when there has been a difference, however small. but don't take them too often, once a month or so

  19. #19
    DF VIP Member Rob290482's Avatar
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    Got a routine sorted now (sort of) its not too hard, but will get me into a routine and then i can add other exercises to it. it is:

    Monday: Bench Press - 3 sets of 12 reps
    Sit-ups - 3 sets of 20 reps
    Barbell curl - 3 sets of 15 reps

    Tuesday Sit-ups - 3 sets of 20 reps

    Wedneday Squats - 1 warmup set of 12 reps and 1 set of 20 reps (with weight)
    Sit-ups - 3 sets of 20 reps

    Thursday Bench Press - 3 sets of 12 reps
    Sit-ups - 3 sets of 20 reps
    Barbell curl - 3 sets of 15 reps

    Friday Squats - 1 warmup set of 12 reps and 1 set of weighted 20 reps
    Sit-ups - 3 sets of 20 reps

    Saturday Sit-ups - 3 sets of 20 reps
    Barbell curl - 3 sets of 15 reps
    bench press - 3 sets of 12 reps

    Sunday Sit-ups - 3 sets of 20 reps
    Squats - 1 warmup set of 12 reps and 1 weighted set of 20 reps

    Any alterations or suggestions? I know i am doing sit-ups everyday, but i want my belly to be gone and they dont much out of me anyway. i have planned this so that my legs will be healing when i do my chest and arms, and then they should be healing when i go back to my legs.


    Last edited by Rob290482; 23rd May 2007 at 06:42 PM.

  20. #20
    DF VIP Member super mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Routine

    Quote Originally Posted by super mike View Post
    Shit! i just typed out a long reply and fucked it up.

    anyway, i would say do the excersises on different days
    day 1 - back
    bb rows

    day 2 -rest

    day 3 delts
    clean and press
    dumb bell press
    lateral raises

    day 4 legs
    stiff leg deads
    calf raises

    day 5 rest

    day 6 chest
    close grip bench

    day 7 rest

    Don't go over 6 reps on deads IMO, as this works the whole body hard you will get fatigued easier. Therefore it is much easier to let your form go loose and do yourself a serious injury.

    Use this site to look at excerises


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