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  1. #1
    DF VIP Member burner1's Avatar
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    Default When you were young(er)

    What sort of cuntish pranks did you get up too? Seen a bloke having trouble getting the chain onto his bike and it reminded me a long time ago when me and a mate used to go trash hopping through the skips at the back of shop in town scabbing anything worth selling on.

    One day, we came across a box of high security Chubb padlocks with keys..fuck knows why they were in the rubbish, didn't seem anything wrong with them.
    Anyhow, couldn't think of anyone who would pay for them, so we went round town the next day and put an 'extra' padlock on bikes and motorcycles tha we found chained up already , the look on some of the owners face was classic!
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: When you were young(er)

    Most of mine involved cruelty to animals!

    Feeding domestos soaked bread to birds, blowing frogs up with a straw and watching them shoot across the lake as if powered by a little outboard motor!

    Not proud of it tho!
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  3. #3
    DF VIP Member LFC Muppet's Avatar
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    Put an ex girlfriends Hamster in the microwave, didn't turn it on.

    Should have, because when we all woke up after the party the poor little bugger had been drowned in some ones piss.

  4. #4
    DF VIP Member Ganty's Avatar
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    Default Re: When you were young(er)

    We used to make rope swings accross the brooke, but burn most of the rope in a place you wouldn't notice. It'd hold their weight for about 4 seconds, or enough untill they're over the water, then snap...

  5. #5
    DF VIP Member GTI's Avatar
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    Default Re: When you were young(er)

    I can't take all the credit as I was one of the co-conspirators, but what we did made us 15 minute legends at school and earned us 3 day suspensions which we served with pride.

    The prank was to put dye in the shower heads in the boys changing rooms. I was responsible for buying the dye, of which I bought 4 colours (yellow, blue, red and green). My mate James had the task of breaking the tablets into smaller pieces and then placing them in the shower heads whilst we stood guard at the entrance to the changing rooms.

    All was then ready for the Wednesday afternoon of double rugby. After our game the teacher went to the main tap and switched on the showers. For a few seconds nothing much happened, but then as the pressure and heat built up... one by one the colours started to come through. The teacher had gone off for a few moments so all of us boys stood there covered in mud marvelling at the bright colours splashing against the white tiles and completely staining the grouting.

    What a little cunt I was
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  6. #6
    DF VIP Member LFC Muppet's Avatar
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    Default Re: When you were young(er)

    Quote Originally Posted by GTI View Post
    I can't take all the credit as I was one of the co-conspirators, but what we did made us 15 minute legends at school and earned us 3 day suspensions which we served with pride.

    The prank was to put dye in the shower heads in the boys changing rooms. I was responsible for buying the dye, of which I bought 4 colours (yellow, blue, red and green). My mate James had the task of breaking the tablets into smaller pieces and then placing them in the shower heads whilst we stood guard at the entrance to the changing rooms.

    All was then ready for the Wednesday afternoon of double rugby. After our game the teacher went to the main tap and switched on the showers. For a few seconds nothing much happened, but then as the pressure and heat built up... one by one the colours started to come through. The teacher had gone off for a few moments so all of us boys stood there covered in mud marvelling at the bright colours splashing against the white tiles and completely staining the grouting.

    What a little cunt I was

    Thought you were gonna say that the Rugby team turned into the Teletubbies.

  7. #7
    DF VIP Member kizroll's Avatar
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    lol um 1 was this old git who would allways shout at us for playin out side near where he lived.. evil git anyway he loved his front and back garden so me and my mates filled about for buckets of water mud sludge and other crap and poured it all on his bowling type not great but was funny!

    OH! and also used to have some runners come down the road so we used 2 put fishing wire around trees and walls so they would run into them and fall over lol

  8. #8
    DF VIP Member GTI's Avatar
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    Default Re: When you were young(er)

    Quote Originally Posted by gavinlfc View Post
    Thought you were gonna say that the Rugby team turned into the Teletubbies.
    LOL, but I wouldn't have done that to my hommies. And anyway its impossible to keep secrets in school, everyone knew about the dye prank apart from a few sacrificial lambs (i.e. school nerds) who nobody liked.
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  9. #9
    DF VIP Member Epiphany's Avatar
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    On the last day of school i had a can of fart spray. I taped the nozzle down and tucked it in some unsuspecting year 7's bag when they weren't looking. Must have been in there about 5 minutes soaking into the bag before they noticed

    This one wasn't me, but a friend brought a tin of extra chunky vegetable soup into school on the first day. Took a mouthful of it and found some year 7's on their 1st day of school, then pretended to throw up, spewing this chunky vegetable soup all over their shoes

    We had a substitute teacher who was a little slow, and another friend did the age old trick of kicking the door and pretending to headbutt it. He fell to the floor clutching his head and the teacher came rushing over checking for head injuries, made him follow her finger. He burst into laugher and told her it was a joke and he didn't really hit his head, but she refused to believe him and told him he had concussion and was confused and she sent him home

  10. #10
    DF VIP Member maverick_15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kizroll View Post
    OH! and also used to have some runners come down the road so we used 2 put fishing wire around trees and walls so they would run into them and fall over lol
    Have you seen the consequences of that when a cyclist rides into it? Not very funny.
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  11. #11
    DF VIP Member Over Carl's Avatar
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    Default Re: When you were young(er)

    Where do I begin...

    Usual stuff with eggs, hiding people's kit after pe, stink bombs, setting off rockets after mates in alleyways, figuring out people's lock combinations and changing them, planting slightly naughty plants in the common room, groups of us going to the library and making efforts to discretely clear a shelf at a time, making joints containing all sorts of crap, finding direct numbers for certain members of staff - made great fun for school trips, the best school one that I had no involvement with, whatsoever was finding the head of 6th's (major cocksucker) home address, then treking across the other side of london to spray knobs, tits, go faster stripes, and other random abuse all over his car in flourescent red paint. Idiot actually drove it into school on our last day and left it in the car park for all to see until they quickly realised it was gathering attention.

    May come back to this thread if any more come back to me.

  12. #12
    DF VIP Member Ganty's Avatar
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    Default Re: When you were young(er)

    Thought I'd bump this thread after reading this on b3ta -

    whilst at uni, a number of friends and I got hold of a huge quantity of Mr Freeze jumbo ice pops.

    For those not in the know, these are like a long thin ice lolly, but with no stick, just in a transparent bag.

    We used to munch on those bad boys day and night (we were stoners) and eventually my teeth became so sensitive that even hot tea would make them ache like they were freezing. I digress....

    One warm Cardiff day we had taken the sofas outside to the garden to enjoy the sunshine in comfort and an idea hit me.

    "This cola-flavoured frozen water treat" I thought to myself, "could quite easily be replaced with vinegar, packaged upright in the chest freezer and given to an unsuspecting Marcus"

    (Marcus is Swedish and looks like a grumpy baby; a perfect target for pranks)

    So that is what I did.

    with the aid of my able-bodied assistant Quiff Tim I emptied the contents of one of these ice pops while he mixed up a conical flask full of coke and vinegar in equal measures.

    This done, we filled the packet with the mix, sellotaped it to a thermos flask (for stability) and set it in the freezer.

    Some hours later, Marcus emerges from his room and joins us outside. At this point someone offers to fetch more ice pops for all. I seize my opportunity and grab the prank-pop.

    Hoisting it from the freezer I discover that the resulting product is good enough to pass casual inspection, but there is some seperation of the two ingredients leading to a not quite perfect colour throughout.

    Fortunately I explained this away with some fast talking, the details of which currently escape me.

    Waiting with baited breath as Marcus raised the ice pop to his mouth I could barely contain myself as he took it into his mouth and gave a good hard suck.

    Such a look of revulsion passed across his face that I have never since seen the like.


    I leapt to my feet, full of glee, pointing and laughing, Quiff Tim doing the same!

    Marcus is grabbing for cans of beer to rinse the foul taste from his mouth.

    It was only later that we were informed that he'd had a heavy time on the pills the previous night and was suffering from a comedown of almost unprecedented proportion.

    That made it even better!
    Cuntish, but brilliant

  13. #13
    DF VIP Member DJAd's Avatar
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    Arson, joy riding, ram raiding, all the normal "everyday" things that go on around the country. I stopped when the brought out the ASBO though.

  14. #14
    DF VIP Member BBK's Avatar
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    My god, I was obviously such a square kid, all I did was a bit of arson and shoplifting!

  15. #15
    DF VIP Member rookie's Avatar
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    Default Re: When you were young(er)

    we used to have a lot of fun with fire works etc.
    egging house letting tires down

    we used to order takeaway food to neighboors so you can watch them have
    to say to the delivery person they didt order it.

    thre is a few mental hospitals near us so we got great fun in terorising the
    local nut cases.

    cant beleive kids nowadays tho carring guns and knives i woodnt wanna be a kid
    growing up now
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  16. #16
    DF VIP Member outlawtown's Avatar
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    i used to drink beer out of my locker, using a lenin branded mug and would wander around school all day getting pished. ahhh i miss them days
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    DF VIP Member Keva's Avatar
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    Default Re: When you were young(er)

    I used to stick my toungue out at people when they wernt looking ... even spit on the floor sometimes.

    I was hardcore.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: When you were young(er)

    Worst thing I had part in at school was setting fire to the curtains in the chemistry lab with a bunsen burner. No wait, one worse was gaffer taping an airbomb to the hinged side of the gym doors, lighting and legging it. The bang reverbed through the corridors, followed by a loud thud - curiosity got the better of us so we went back in to find we'd blown the door off the hinges! Never seen a fire door splinter so badly.

    And a stupid prank was hitting a Hilti charge (a small explosive used in nail guns and the like) with a sledge hammer, only for the shards of metal to fly facewards after impact, one lodging in my ear and numerous scratches up both cheeks. That WAS lucky.

    Oh, and another one - this material gets used by pipeworkers, they light it and it's like a smoke effect which shows up leakages in the pipes. Can't remember what it's called. Anyhow, managed to get a hold of about 2kg worth of it so boxed it up in cardboard and set it alight in the street on bonfire night. Not kidding, the ammount of smoke filled the entire street, and the back gardens of houses both sides of the road - nobody could see their bonfires and fireworks for it. That was funny. Was like pea soup fog.

    Last edited by BFG; 17th December 2007 at 06:07 PM.

    Time Flies when you're having fun! A decade of DF - April 2002-2012.

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