Plot Summary: Steve Carell reprises his role as Evan Baxter -- the polished, preening newscaster of the first film -- who finds himself the next one anointed by God (Morgan Freeman) to accomplish a holy mission.

Newly elected to Congress, Evan leaves Buffalo behind and shepherds his family to suburban northern Virginia. Once there, his life gets turned upside-down when God appears and mysteriously commands him to build an ark. But his befuddled wife (Lauren Graham) and kids just can't decide whether Evan is having an extraordinary mid-life crisis or is truly onto something of Biblical proportions...

Teaser (11.17.06):
QuickTime, High Definition
QuickTime, Hi-Res
QuickTime, Med-Res
QuickTime, Lo-Res
iPod Video

Trailer (4.18.07):
QuickTime, High Definition
QuickTime, Hi-Res
QuickTime, Med-Res
QuickTime, Lo-Res
iPod Video

International Trailer (5.3.07):
Windows Media Player

TV Spot 1 (5.21.07):
Flash Player

TV Spot 2 (5.30.07):
Flash Player

TV Spot 3 (5.30.07):
Flash Player

TV Spot 4 (5.30.07):
Flash Player

Behind-the-Scenes Clip 1 (4.25.07):
AOL Player, Various

Extended Clip (5.17.07):
Flash Player