<!-- S BO --><!-- S SF --> Two police community support officers were rescued after being locked inside a burning block of public toilets. The two female officers were told by a group of young people there was a problem in the toilets in Priory Park, Victoria Avenue, Southend, Essex.
They found a toilet roll had been set alight causing a fire, then someone locked the door from the outside trapping them in the burning building.
They suffered smoke inhalation and one cut her hand trying to escape. <!-- E SF -->
Firefighters were called to the scene on Tuesday evening to free the officers, but a passing member of the public got there first and let them out.
Essex Fire and Rescue Service said part of the toilet block was alight but the whole building was heavily smoke logged.
Police said they think it was a prank that went wrong, but they believe they know who was involved and will be speaking to them.
