
What is the best way to replace only newer files or newer files with a newer date on a directory which has about 60 gig in it ??

A tape session merged with another session and restored last Fridays directory with data from August 07. I have a backup from the previous day and want to put this back to this point in time. I know that any newer file that has been created will remain as this simply wasn't backed up as it wasn't created then .. so thats fine .. however some of the restored Aug 07 stuff has been modified - so I need a tool that will check each directory and only replace files which have a newer date, again anything create after this date will still remain as its part of Last fridays backup.

In a nutshell I need to restore from last Fridays tape, but only overwriting newer files which exist ...

I am using BrightStor ArcServe ...

I have been toying with using the built in tape backup software to only restore newer files, or I can use Robocopy if I can get my head around the switches .. or would xcopy have another commands to get the job done ...